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The Slayers-Files

File One, Encounter

By Relm Wanderer

It was about 8:30 p.m. and Special Agent Zelgadis Mully ran his hand through his light lavender hair nervously while he stood in the elevator. Today he had been assigned to a new branch of the FBI. He was originally a forensic examiner, but now he was assigned to work on the Slayers-Files.

The Slayers-Files were special cases that the government had that they couldn’t solve or explain, nor did they want to. These were files that the government would rather lock away and ignore, but they were not allowed. The government was by law to have someone see to these cases. So what did they do? They sent a loose cannon, someone they would rather forget about, to muck through the impossible cases. Kill two birds with one stone, get rid of the annoying cases as well as getting your most irritating agent out of your hair. Well no problems right? There were. Their ‘loose cannon’ turned out to be more ‘loose’ when assigned to the Slayers-Files. This is where Agent Zelgadis Mully came in. He was going to pose as a forensic aide, a partner to their loose cannon, but really Zelgadis was a means to control their wild agent. Zelgadis was going to keep the agent in line and report back to the government as a spy. The only thing was that agent Zelgadis Mully didn’t know that. He just thought that he was going to be a new partner to someone in a specialized field that he could be a valuable aide. Well that was true too.

The elevator door opened and Agent Zelgadis Mully stepped out heading towards the briefing room. Inside that room Assistant Director Xellos Teller sat smiling.
“Please Agent Mully sit down. You do know why you are here right?”

“I’m being assigned to work with a new partner.”

“Yes and believe me that new partner is not the most co-operative agent we have.”

“So he’s a bit of a rebel.”

Xellos just grinned larger.

“Oh yes Agent Sculder is a bit of a rebel, quite a loose cannon. With this new position you will need to aide Agent Sculder in work with either your scientific abilities or your personal opinion. But you must write reports and go to performance evaluations once a month.”

“Yes sir.”

“Do you know how to get down to your new office?”

“I was already given directions.”

“Alright then I wish you luck.” Xellos said getting up and shaking Agent Zelgadis Mully’s hand.

Zelgadis left the directors office with a feeling of apprehension. He wasn’t sure what to expect. He stepped back into the elevator and proceeded with riding it down to the bottom floor. With each level down he went the more his uneasiness increased. Finally the elevator reached the bottom. Getting out he felt like he was on the wrong floor. It looked like a broiler room. He checked the floor again, and sure enough e was on the right floor. Then he saw a hallway and decided to follow it. At the end of the hall a single door stood. On that door the words ‘Slayers-Files’ were up in gold lettering. He knocked lightly and got no answer. Zelgadis tried the door and it was unlocked. Inside the room there was a filing cabinet, table, chairs, many loose papers scattered around and a desk with a large chair with its back facing Zelgadis.
“So you must be the new guy assigned to the Slayers-Files.” A female voice said that startled Zelgadis. The large chair swung around to reveal a petite red head.

“Um, excuse me, do you know where I can find Agent Sculder? I’ve been assigned to be his new partner.”

“You found him or rather her. Special Agent Lina Sculder. Let me guess they never told you a was a girl right?”

Zelgadis just dumbly nodded.

“So do you have a name?”


“Well I introduced myself, why don’t you?”

“Um, sorry. I’m Special Agent Zelgadis Mully.”

“Well Zel welcome to the Slayers-Files. As you can see this isn’t the most glamorous job, in fact you have just been shafted. You now are stuck working on the cases nobody wants or cares about, your new office is in the boiler room and your new partner is a nut case. So how do you feel about all this?” Lina Sculder said with all-knowing smile.

Zelgadis just stared at her blankly. ‘This is definitely not what I was expecting.’

~What were you expecting?~

‘For one thing, not having an office in the broiler room.’

~More space and no one to bother you.~

‘I wasn’t expecting her to be so full of personality.’

~It will just make things more interesting.~

‘I wasn’t expecting her to be a her.’

~Added bonus.~


~Heh, heh okay be a goody-goody.~

Zel mentally shook his head and realized that he hadn’t answered her yet.

“Um, well I don’t know… Who says you’re crazy?”

“Just go to the cafeteria and say that you are my new partner. Then you’ll see.”

“You don’t look crazy…”

“Well looks can be deceiving. Tell me do you know exactly what the Slayers-Files are?”

“The case records off the all explained cases or dealing with the supernatural where no factual conclusions cannot be drawn.”

“Well you did your homework. I’m impressed. But actually it’s a little more than that. Theses are cases that the FBI classifies the people who the case are about as nuts. People who believe things like they had an aliens baby and that their dog can talk to the dead and communicates back to them. You know stuff like that. That’s what the majority of them are. And then the rest are stuff that you mentioned. So there, the government’s theory, send a nutty agent to do a nutty job.”

“Do you really think you are crazy?”

“I think we are all a bit crazy in our own respect.”

Zelgadis frowned. He didn’t know he should be happy or worried about being assigned to be her partner.

“Um, Agent Sculder can I ask you a question?”

“First off, don’t call me that. We’re going to be partners after all right? You might as well call me Lina, provided you don’t mind me calling you Zel.”

“Um, no I don’t mind. Though I don’t normally get called Zel though.”

“Not even your friends that you hang out with?”

“I don’t go out that much.”

“Oh, well I can change that (wide grin). So you had something to ask me?”

“Oh yeah! Um, why did Assistant Director Xellos Teller refer to you as a ‘loose cannon’?”

“Oh Teller face? Well I don’t always follow the rules and do things by the book.”

“Like what?”

“Search a place before getting a search warrant, taking vacations disguised a cases, continuing a case when I’ve been told to stop or taken off it, taking FBI supplies, you know stuff like that.” Lina said in such a light contented tone.

Zelgadis sweatdropped.

“Um, okay.”

“Anyway here’s the case file to the first case we have to work on together. We are going to need to fly over to Texas tomorrow. And since it’s 9:00 p.m. I’m going to go home. You’d better do the same and get some good sleep tonight because we have to leave bright and early in the morning.”

“Ye-yeah sure.”

Lina threw the file and walked out the door leaving him alone in the room. Zelgadis just sat there a bit stunned. ‘Definitely not what I was expecting.’

Looking down at the folder, the title ‘File #32702’ stared back at him. ‘Well if I’m leaving tomorrow then I’d better get a start on this.’

He opened the folder and it had a newspaper clipping inside with the file.

Mass Disappearances Plague Small Texas Town…

Part 2

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