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Saving Grace
Episode Five: Antebellum's Innocence
By: Ashe Rhyder


blue = Astral/telepathic speech

Lina knocked softly on Zelgadis' door, waiting a full thirty seconds before quietly entering. She was greeted by a still room that was bathed in the light of the full moon. Metallic lavender caught the illuminationand threw it back with a handful of stars.

"Zel?" She asked, padding over to his bedside.

"Hmm?" Came the muffled reply.

"Are you okay?" She sat down on the edge of the bed. "You left the table kind of early tonight, so I thought something might be wrong."

"I'm fine, Lina." He replied, sitting up with his back towards her.

"Are you sure?" She bit her lip in concern. "I... I worry about you, Zel."

"You shouldn't." He turned to face her, his glacial eyes piercing the very soul. You should go now. The Mazoku will have felt my presence by now, and they don't take kindly to those who associate with the Israfael.

"Israfael?" Her eyes widened. "The Lost Race?"

Sister Race to the Mazoku.




"Do you know what that alien power is?"

"No, Master."

"Think carefully."




"It is the Israfael!"

"But I wiped them out!"

"Not acording to that energy."

"How could one have appeared now, after so long?"

"I don't know. I want you to hunt down that renegade and kill it."



"What if... What if Lina is the Israfael childe?"

"Destroy the Israfael at all costs! Do you understand?"

"Yes, Master."

"And remember, Xellos. If you fail..." There was a sickening pause as the head of a nameless human was ripped from his body and tossed at Xellos Metallium's feet, predicting the fate awaiting him if he failed.

"Yes, Master."

At the Inn...

"When you say sister race, you mean..." Lina gestured for him to elaborate.

Mazoku represent the dark side, or yin, and are countered by the Israfael, or yang. Mazoku and Israfael can come in many forms, but while many of the yin are monsterous, the yang are humane. Zelgadis calmly informed her, eyes closed. The Israfael were slaughtered by the Mazoku, but under Rezo's power, they missed one child. The Red Priest hid the Israfael's power behind the guise of a partial demon to save his life, in doing so, he set in motion events that have led you to today. Zelgadis had ceased to speak as an individual entity; a thousand voices joined his own as his eyes glamed and a white symbol blazed into existance on his forehead.

The Red Priest's power has faded. No longer can it shade the Israfael's light. This place is no longer safe for you. Please leave. We do not want the Israfael Executor to eliminate you, too.

"What the hell do you mean 'we'?!" Lina stood up.

This body is vessal for all the Israfael. It is their chance for vengeance. As the symbol blazed, the chimeric features melted away. We ask you again to leave for your own safety.

"Not a chance." Lina stood her ground. "You're forgetting that I defeated Shabranigdo. Surely an ordinary Mazoku - "

The Executor is no ordinary Mazoku.

"Why, thank you!" A voice from above their heads gushed.

"Xellos!" Lina hissed as 'Zelgadis' stepped in front of her.

Executor, have you come to try and finish what you started so long ago? He asked.

"Him?!" She shouted. "He's the Executor?!"

"You got it." Xellos winked.

Lina, please go somewhere safe. Zelgadis murmured. "We... I don't want him to hurt you."


"This is all very touching, but I've got a job to do." The Trickster deadpanned.

It is destiny. Yin must challenge Yang. The best warrior-classified member will represent their side. The decision of the champion will determine the fate fo the loser's race.

"Zelgadis... Xellos..." Lina's eyes watered as the two faced off, each taking on a trait more befitting of their races.

In the end, only one would survive.

Episode 6

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