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Sakura In Winter
Chapter Two Into the Temptress’s Lair
By: Jen-Chan

I woke up to the sound of the door rattling.  How long have I been out?  An hour?  Two?  Perhaps more?  I didn’t know.  All I knew was that I was in a dark room and the door was rattling, as if someone was trying to get in.  There was a sound of a child on the other side.  I tried to crawl to it; my arm and leg hurting like nobody’s business.  I could hear gunshots being fired on the other side.  This child needs help! I thought to myself.  If I could only save her! I could save her and then I might be able to forgive myself!  Just maybe! 


I reached up to doorknob as I heard a man’s voice call out “SERENA! HIDE!”  The door opened a little girl wearing a white dress stained in blood was shoved into the room with me, she had a key around her neck and she was crying.


“DADDY!” She yelled and I grabbed her, telling her not to go out. That it wouldn’t help her if she were killed.  She wanted to go to her father though.  I didn’t blame her. He was probably the only one there for her.  I looked up. It was the president’s daughter!  I had her!  Oh, the joy!  If I could just get out of here.  Suddenly there was a bright light.  It blinded me.  It was coming from the key!  Suddenly, my arm was healed and on the ground were the bullets.  What was this?  I let go of her and crawled back from the crying girl. 


“Momma… daddy… why? Why?” was all she was saying.  She looked older though, almost my age.


“What is this?! Some kind of witch craft?!” I shouted at the girl, whose name, I now remembered, was Serena.


“What on earth are you talking about?” She peered at me with large brown eyes and long chestnut hair.  She reminded me of someone.  She reminded me of Duo.  I looked away from those eyes, telling myself that she was the president’s daughter, not Duo, not my love.  She placed cool, soft hands on my cheeks, making me look up into those pools that she called eyes.  I let out a deep sigh, all of the pressure and of the pain that I had held inside of me washing out in that one breath.  I felt better.


“Boy… Are you mad?” was all that she said.  Her voice, a song meant for only me to hear and for me to adore.  It was beautiful.  I remembered a time where Duo came up behind me, wrapped his arms around my waist, and held in front of me a beautiful bouquet of roses.


“Happy Anniversary, Koi.” Was what he had said to me, and then he brought his lips to mine, I tasted those sweet lips like it was the first time.  How sweet they were!  Like honeyed wine.  We spent all night in our bed, caressing each other and making love and kissing.  We needed no drink, no food.  We were each other’s sustenance for the evening until nightfall until dawn.  How I wish I could go back to that place, that time of live.  Instead, I am here, with this woman that looks like my beloved, and I want nothing to do but to kiss her and take her as my own.


And I’m hating myself for my false feelings.


“Sir, are you mad?  I mean, really, are you mad?” The same question again.


“No, I am not mad.  Just…. A little while ago, you were a nine-year-old girl, then now, you’re my age.  I just wanted to know what kind of technology or trickery it was, that’s all.”


“Oh!  The Age thing, I get it.”  She smiled at me, those red lips were as inviting as Duo’s were.  I couldn’t let myself get dragged into this anymore than I have.  No, as long as she’s here, the temptation will be here.  And even when she leaves, I’ll want her.


I know myself.  And I’m cursing at myself, trying to make me stop.  But it’s human nature, isn’t it?  To want what you don’t have?  What am I talking about?!  Want what I don’t have?!  I have what I want!  I have a love, a life, someone who, no matter how hard I try to push them away, they keep on trying!  That’s what I have.  I have unconditional love and a great sex life.  I love Duo and he loves me.  How can I live with myself?  Wanting a woman just cause she looks like Duo with breasts.  What is wrong with me?!  I sighed and asked her again about the “Age Thing” as she calls it.


“My name is Serena Godwin.  Yours?”  She seemed quite anxious to know my name.  I wondered why.


“Yuy.  Heero Yuy.  That’s my name.  Now, the age thing, again?”


“Well… I don’t know too much about it, except for the fact that I’m only the President’s adopted daughter.”




“Yes, when I little, I think, three, he adopted me.  Or rather, found me.  With me, I had this key, around my neck.  Never knew what it was for, but it certainly has brought me luck.  IT also has the uncanny ability to make me grow up faster.  That’s why I look as you do now, with the maturity, conscious, and thinking of a kid your age.  I’m weird, but I like being weird.  It’s what I am, has been, and always will be.  But I can’t have kids.”


“Why not?”


“Because of some weird genetic defect in my body.  If I attempt to have a child, I will die.  I don’t know why, but I will.  Doctors told me so.”  She smiled sweetly at me.  She was a temptress, a she-devil, a devil in disguise and I was falling for her womanly tricks!  I couldn’t believe this.  I slapped myself, running my hand down face, letting out another sigh.


“But did you know that the key could heal?”


“No, I did not.  Did it heal you Heero?”


“Yes, it healed me.”

Chapter 3

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