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By: Hilary Fox

Light brushed the edges of the rosebushes, gilding their already-bright green leaves with color and deepening the hue of their newborn blooms. It washed across the wide lawn, creating shadows underneath arbors, reflecting off the water and marble the few fountains that interspersed themselves throughout the flowerbeds.

A boy lay in one of the few places where the light could not reach him, in the shelter of an ancient, twisted oak tree. He had himself braced against its thick bole, and admired the riot of color unveiled by the summer day- the radiant white belonging to the lilies, the deep purple blanket of the African violets, the white and blood-red roses twining around a distant bower, the yellow-gold sunflowers that dominated the small patch of variegated tulips with their stripes of gold, pink, and orange… all of it beautiful, glowing with life.

The light illuminated all of it, made it beautiful… and made it possible.

Heat accompanied that light, but it was not unpleasant, but instead slowed the frenetic pace of the world- the pace of the birds, insects, and humans alike- and made thought and action pleasantly slow. That heat even managed to penetrate just a little into the cool shade where the boy lay, enough so that he only entertained the thought of getting up as a remote and unlikely possibility. He stared out at the world with sleepy green eyes shaded by a fall of brown hair, but his eyes missed nothing.

It’s so beautiful, thought Trowa Barton. And it’s so peaceful. There was a silence in the air, something that removed this place from war, from difficulty, from everything… from the noise that characterized other places.

A faint breeze parted the heavy, overhanging branches of the oak tree that rose above him, revealing the flat metallic ceiling of the colony, the silver skin that concealed the artificial lighting, the cooling and the heating vents, the gravitational adjustment systems… and that separated them by a hairsbreadth from the war raging beyond it.

And it’s all fake, he added cynically, thinking on these things. The beauty, peace… all of it.

“Hey, Trowa?”

Startled from his thoughts, Trowa craned his head to gaze up at the boy who had materialized next to him, a boy who didn’t really need the sun to make him beautiful, and who was often- to Trowa’s mind- twice as lovely in the near-dark clothed in moonlight and not much else.

“Yes, Quatre?” Trowa’s gaze followed Quatre’s downward progress as the Arabian’s knees buckled and the boy collapsed beside him with an exhausted, happy ‘whoooof.’ Quatre rolled over on his back, his light blond hair just brushing the edge of Trowa’s hip.

“Tired?” Trowa asked, amused, automatically reaching out to run his fingers through those flaxen strands. “You’ve done exactly half of nothing all day.”

“I checked my email when I woke up this morning,” Quatre retorted indignantly. “That’s more than what you’ve done.”

After thinking about that for a moment, Trowa had to concede the point, and did so by quickly disengaging his hand from Quatre’s hair and redirecting it to Quatre’s ribs. His lover shrieked in objection and twisted around trying to escape, but ended up pressed against his tormentor’s leg, pleading for mercy.

Trowa called off the assault and leaned back, watching as Quatre desperately tried to catch his breath. His face remained impassive, the fine features unreadable, but his green eyes held a certain softness visible only to the boy who glowered up at him.

It took Quatre a moment to catch his breath, but when he did, he managed to say, “That was fighting dirty.”

“Wufei would be unhappy,” Trowa agreed, sliding down to stretch out next to his lover and wrapping an arm around him. Quatre hitched himself up to pillow his head on the taller pilot’s chest and draped his own arm over Trowa’s abdomen.

Silence descended once more for a moment until Quatre hesitantly ventured to break it.

“Do you think we could stay here for a while longer?”

Trowa turned to gaze into the large, guileless aqua eyes and read everything in there… pain, love, desire, fear, trust, longing… everything Quatre ever felt wrote itself in his eyes, and Trowa’s breath caught at thinking that some of these things were for him… him, Trowa Barton.

“I mean,” Quatre continued, “do we have to go back to fighting? Can’t they… can’t they all do without us just for a little while longer?”

“You know they can’t Quatre,” Trowa whispered, running a finger over Quatre’s lips. The delicate flesh trembled against his touch and Quatre nodded his agreement grudgingly.

“It’s… it’s just that I hate stealing time like this,” the Arabian continued as if compelled to offer justification for his words. “People demand things from us, disown us, cast us out but we still fight for them and feel guilty when we try to catch just a day of peace… I mean, just one day!” Quatre’s voice caught a little.

Trowa didn’t have the words to answer this- Quatre kept the words for both of them, and so he answered in the only way he could, by pulling the other pilot up to lie half atop him, so the pained turquoise eyes could gaze down into his own green ones and read their answer there for themselves.

They lay like that for a while, silent, with the sun and light and heat and the world and everything moving beyond them. And Quatre, having at last gained some acceptance of his own, tucked his head into the shelter
of Trowa’s neck and closed his eyes.

As he lay there with the comforting weight of his love, Trowa listened to the whisper of the wind through the trees and watched the birds flying amidst the flowers, felt the peace that always came from being with Quatre, and realized something.

It was real…

the peace,

the light,

the beauty,


all of it.

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