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Maxwell's Demon
By: Madam Hydra

Relena is generally portrayed as being rather clueless.  But what if
Relena actually *knew* something that none of the other Gundam pilots
did?  What if she was the only one who realizes the sinister truth
about Duo Maxwell?  What if she was  RIGHT!?  

    MAXWELL'S DEMON:  A Gundam Wing fanfic by Madamhydra
        (a "Relena Knows Something" dark romantic comedy)
        (AKA, the fable of "The Girl Who Cried 'Heero!' Too Often")

WARNING:  shonen-ai, mild yaoi, characters wildly OOC...

I'd like credit Joyce K. Wakabayashi's terrific story "Death and the
Soldier", as much of the inspiration and background for "Maxwell's
Demon".  ^_^  Please check out her other great GW fics at her website
called "Gundam Wing on Acid"! 

    "MAXWELL'S DEMON" - An idea of famed physicist James Clerk Maxwell
proposing a 'demon' (a device or entity) who could theoretically do an
impossible task -- violate the second law of thermodynamics by making
heat flow backward from cold to hot (without doing any work). 
Basically something that theoritcally allows you to do something which
otherwise might be extremely unlikely in reality.  ^_^


    "Get out!  Get out!" came an outraged female scream.  

    Relena Peacecraft's band of groupies never would have recognized
their idol as she screamed at the suspicious-looking man who hastily
scuttled away from her wrath.  Now alone in her office, she stared
down at the photos scattered all over her desk, her eyes bulging in

    She grabbed one and tore it to shreds, then started on another.

    "This... this can't BE!!!  There's NO way this can be true!!!"

    At that moment, some foolhardy soul knocked on the door.  

    "What do you want!?" the Peacecraft snarled.  Hell hath no wrath
like a woman scorned....

    Her secretary timidly poked her head into the room and said in a
quivering voice, "Relena-sama, someone dropped off this package for
you.  He said it was VERY important and that you absolutely HAD to see
them!  He ran off before I could stop him, but he said that you'd know
how to contact him."

    Relena snatched the package from her secretary's hand and slammed
the door in the poor woman's face.  She then torn open the envelope,
yanked out a handful of photos, and glared at them.

    Then the color drained from her face.

    "Oh no... oh no... oh no... it can't be...."  She shuffled hastily
through the stack of large prints.  "Unbelievable...."  But as she
stared at the pictures with a horrified expression, she muttered, "Of
course.  That's the only POSSIBLE explanation!"

[two days later]

    The waiting had been so hard.  Trying to locate him had been
difficult enough, but then having to wait for the right moment to
approach him....  But she hadn't wasted the opportunity.  She made
arrangements, devised backup plans....

    Relena slung her oversized purse over her shoulder like a soldier
shouldering his backpack.  She knew what she had to do and she wasn't
about to let a little thing like mortal danger stop her.  For the sake
of love, Relena Peacecraft was prepared to go to any lengths to save
the man of her dreams.



    Standing outside their current safehouse, the cobalt-eyed Gundam
pilot, otherwise known as Heero Yuy, turned to see the all too
familiar sight of Relena rushing toward him.

     "Go away," he said flatly.

     Relena blatantly ignored the words and glomped onto him.  As she
clung to him like a starved leech, she babbled, "Oh god, I'm so glad
to see you!  I've been absolutely frantic!  You can't imagine how
worried I've been!  I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to find you
in time!"

     Heero scowled at her as he wondered if he should use his full
strength to free himself and risk injury to Relena.  He was seriously
contemplating it.  His frown deepened as she continued with her
incoherent mutterings.  What the hell was the matter with the girl? 
She was prone to gushing all over him, but she had never been THIS

     He involuntarily winced as she wailed, "Hee-eerrooo!  I have to
warn you  about the terrible danger you're in!"

     "Then stop wasting time moaning about it and just tell me," he
replied in his usual distant monotone.

     Heero barely managed to keep himself from backing away as she
leaned VERY close to him, her eyes swimming with tears of relief.  She
opened her mouth just as a familiar husky voice cheerfully spoke up
right beside her.
     "Yeah, why don't you just spit it out?"

     Relena suddenly went rigid.  Then ever so slowly, she turned her
head to find Duo Maxwell grinning playfully at her from only a few
inches away.


     An earsplitting shriek of terror tore through the air and kept
going... and going... and going....

     "Owww!" yelped Duo, his head ringing from the sound of Relena's
scream going off only inches from his ears.   He hastily scuttled
away, his hands protectively clapped over his abused hearing organs.  

     Heero had endured battle injuries, gunshots, broken legs and
enemy torture with barely a grimace, but this time, he couldn't stop
himself from visibly cringing.  He would have followed Duo's example
and tried to flee the scene, except Relena continued to cling to his
waist like a limpet.

     Wufei exploded from the bushes, sword in hand, followed rapidly
by Quatre and Trowa, both armed with guns.

     "What!?  What!?" the Chinese pilot snapped, his black ponytail
lashing wildly about as he searched for the enemy.  But the only
people he could see was Relena who looked as if she was doing her best
to get closer to Heero than his spandex shorts -- an obvious
impossibility -- and Duo, who was now sitting on the ground doing his
best to stuff his braid into his ears to muffle the sound of Relena's

    Trowa's and Quatre's relatively soft voices were no match for
Relena in full cry so it was left to Wufei to do his best to shout her
down.  The cacophony went on until finally even Relena ran out of
breath.  Still clinging desperately to Heero, she ducked behind him,
her bosom heaving as she gulped for air.

    A thoroughly exasperated Wufei bellowed, "WOMAN, WHAT THE HELL'S

    Peeking warily around the Wing Gundam pilot, she shouted, "Heero,
you're in terrible danger!  You've got to kill the unholy monster
before he tries to destroy you and devour your soul!"

    "WHAT monster?" Heero growled ominously.

    "HIM!!!" she replied, pointed a quivering finger directly at Duo. 

    For once, Duo was left totally speechless, his clear, blue-violet
eyes widening in utter disbelief.  His mouth opened and closed a few
times as Quatre and Trowa exchanged dubious looks.  Wufei slammed his
sword back in its sheath in disgust.  Finally, all Duo could do was
wiggle his fingers in little circling motions beside his head in the
familiar gesture denoting total insanity.

Part 1

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