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Mallory's-Really-Weird-Not-All-That-Great Untitled-Slayers-FanFiction-Story-Thingy!
Don't pick on the name, okay?

By: Mowi

"Hey, Zel! Wait!" Lina yelled. Zelgadis stopped just long enough for Lina to catch up, then started walking again. Before Lina even opened her mouth again, he glanced over his shoulder at her.

"No." He kept walking. She tried to keep up, taking three paces for his one.

"Zel! Please!? It would mean a lot to me! Gourry agreed! Please??"

"No." He stopped walking and faced her. "No!" He said again, as she opened her mouth to protest.

"ZEL!!!!! Come on!"


"Why not?"

"Because I have other things to do!" He folded his arms.

"Look. I'm inviting ALL my friends. YOU are one of my friends. Therefore, you have to come."

"No, I don't."

"So you're saying you're not my friend?" Lina pouted.

"I didn't say tha-"

"Yes, you did!" She stomped her foot.

"No, I-" He held his hands up as if to fend her off.

"Fine! So you're (sob) not my friend. I'll (sob) get over it." Tears welled in the dusky red eyes. Unusual color, he mused absentmindedly, the exact same color as her hair. He had never seen eyes that color before… they weren't very common.

"But, Lina-" He tried again.

"You ARE my friend?"

"This is insane!" He threw his arms up, tempted to walk away again.

"Are you??"

"Yes, Lina." He conceded, rolling his eyes heavenward in exasperation.

"Great! See you at the wedding!"

"Now, wait a second-" Too late. Lina had already bounced off down the road.

Zelgadis sighed. How had THAT happened? He had never agreed to go to any wedding!

But, now he was stuck for it. That was the way of things when dealing with Lina Inverse.

A while ago, Lina had met this guy in a village that they had passed. The village was having serious financial problems involving trade and taxes and other tedious things that Lina didn't care about. What she did care about, was that the prince, Kai, had fallen in love with her, and she was just as disgustingly smitten as he was. You could hardly get them apart. Then Kai had proposed. Of course, Lina had accepted, and now was trying to get Zel to come to the wedding. And it seems he had just agreed, although he really didn't remember that part of the conversation.

It wasn't that he didn't want to see Lina happy. It was just that he didn't want to see Lina happy with Kai. He didn't trust him. Something about that guy… he was too slick, almost slimy. Also, he was thirty if he was a day! And Lina was what? Fifteen? Sixteen, by now. That in itself was weird. He sighed with resignation. Lina could marry whomever she wanted. It wasn't his problem; he simply didn't care.

The ceremony hadn't started yet. Gourry and Zelgadis were conversing quietly with Kai while they waited. Zel STILL wasn't sure how he got stuck for this, but....

"So, are you sure you can handle her, Kai?" Gourry asked casually.

"I've had practice..." Kai muttered.

"What do you mean?" Gourry asked, confused. "Er-I've been traveling with you people for a while... I'm rather used to her."

Zelgadis decided to intervene. If this works, he might be breaking her heart... but saving her life. A fair trade. Besides, Lina was a strong girl, and Zel doubted she'd let anything get her down for long. More likely, she'd just kill the guy and be done with it.

"I'm glad that you love her. I mean-you know...." He said (in his quiet, calm voice that drives all of us fans absolutely insane).

"No... I don't..." Kai frowned, confused. Zel pressed on, ignoring Gourry's warning look.

"You know... how she needs your support."

"She doesn't.….. have... anything?" Kai was looking severely worried, while Gourry was trying not to laugh at the thought of Lina needing anyone's support.

"No, nothing. She was looking forward to living with you in your castle. Of course, she loves you." He tried to read Kai's expression. Was there the slightest bit of...worry? Disgust? Anger? He couldn't tell.

"Not profitable... not possible." He muttered. Then, louder, "Excuse me." He walked away, towards the bridal chamber.

"Ano...What was that all about?" Gourry asked.

"I don't think Lina will be getting married today." Zel said quietly, trying not to think of the teenager who was about to get her heart broken.

"Oh, I'm so excited!" Lina gushed, grinning at Amelia, Naga and Sylphiel.

"But, aren't you nervous, Miss Lina?" Amelia squeaked.

Now that she thought about it, she was. Very nervous, in fact. "Y-yeah..."

She fiddled nervously with her bouquet, looking at herself critically in the mirror. Low wasted white dress, white roses, white shoes, white, white, white, white. She frowned.

"What's wrong, Lina?" Sylphiel asked, putting her hand on Lina's shoulder.

"It's all white... so plain!"

"You're the bride! It's supposed to be white."

"Easy for you to say-You're in color." Lina muttered, looking at Sylphiel's forest green dress. They were all in color. Except her. "It's okay, Lina. You look wonderful."

"Sure....." She twisted in front of the mirror, then turned as the wedding march started to play. Lina gasped and ran out, stepping into place, out of sight from the crowds. Amelia went out first, as flower girl, with a final glance at Lina to convey her annoyance at being stuck in that position. Lina stepped up, ready to go, and looked around for Kai. She spotted him up at the altar, looking nervous.

She smiled and started walking.

"Isn't it time for this thing to start yet?" Zelgadis muttered, shifting position. He wanted out, now. Too many people, too much noise, too much everything! As if in answer, the music started to play. Zel started a sigh of relief, then lost his breath as Lina came into view.

Wow! Was about all his brain could formulate at the moment. Gourry glanced at Zel, and grinned. "Never seen her in a dress like that before, huh?" He whispered.

"Never seen her in a dress at all." He managed, still staring. Then his eyes started to hurt from all that white.

Lina was positively glowing! She walked down the aisle, gliding gracefully over the red carpet. Zel frowned as he tried to find something of the Lina he knew in this... resplendent princess. She was so different; the way she walked, the way she smiled graciously at the murmuring of the crowd... it was unnerving.

Then he almost laughed as she passed by them; she glanced down at them, winked, grinned, and flashed a peace sign, still holding her bouquet. No one else saw this, however, and it was gone before Zel or Gourry really had time to register it; by the time they reacted she was already past them. Zel had to smile as she walked on past them, and stopped at the altar.

"Lina..." He seemed rather cool, Lina thought, but she shrugged it off. He was probably just nervous.

"Oh, Kai!" She threw her arms around his neck.

"No, Lina." He detached her roughly, his voice low and hard.

Huh? "What?" She stared up at him.

"I won't marry you. Not now, not ever... It's no longer profitable for me to do so."

"WHAT?!" In any other circumstance, she would have just Dragon Slaved him, and be done with it, but she was rather shocked at the moment.

"'Bye." He left. Just like that. He left her standing at the altar, and the wedding had barely gotten that far. The crowd murmured at Lina's sudden shout, then gasped as Kai walked out of the building. Lina followed him, shouting.

"GET BACK HERE YOU JERK!" She picked up a nearby chair and threw it at him. He sidestepped, not even looking back, and it splintered against the wall. She picked up a vase and shattered it on the floor. One of the glass shards bounced back and cut her cheek. She tripped over her dress, ripping it, swung around to get her balance... and met the shocked gazes of all her guests. (If one looked very closely, they would see Gourry giving Zelgadis a suspicious glance, and notice Zel trying to notice: his hands in his pockets, staring off into space.) She stumbled a few steps, then the tears started to fall and she ran into her chamber. She flung herself on the bed, crying more out of anger then of grief. She lifted her head slowly, and could see her bouquet on the floor.

Damn him.

She turned her head away. She saw the pink roses reflected in the mirror. She thought about Kai. She thought about his handsome face, not old, but not young, she thought about how he looked when they first met.. so cute... And how they had held hands... and then the image twisted into him in his suit, pushing her away...

She thought about killing Kai.

A tear dropped onto her arm.

Killing him was too merciful.

There was a knock on the door.

Maybe she should geld him.

"Lina...?" It was Zelgadis. What did he want... he didn't even want to be here.


No answer.

He opened the door. "Lina!"

She just lay there, her head in her arms. Zel walked over and sat next to her. Normally he wouldn't have bothered, but he felt rather responsible.

Besides, he was 'her friend', as she had so elegantly pointed out.

She didn't seem to notice him. He sat there for a minute, trying to say something. Should he tell her it was his fault? He finally gave up.

"He just... left." She muttered as he was leaving. He turned back to her. She was looking at him now, more angry then sad. No, it wasn't anger, exactly... It was more like betrayal. He resolved not to tell her about his little chat with Kai.

Instead, he went over and sat next to her again, opening his mouth to say something. To his surprise, she threw her arms around his neck, resting her head on his shoulder. She wasn't crying anymore, thank god, but... He hugged her awkwardly, not quite sure how to take this. Luckily, she let go of him, and curled up on the bed. He paused, then covered her with the blanket. He looked at her. She was already asleep. He shook his head in exasperation. She slept almost as much as she ate. Considering that, he marveled that she had time for anything else.

He left quietly, shutting the door behind him.

Sometime later, Lina woke up, collected herself, and walked out. Most of the guests had left, except for Zel, Gourry, Amelia, Phil, Naga, and Sylphiel.

They stopped talking and looked up at her. She had changed back into her usual outfit, without the armor, and, in a fit of anger, had shredded the wedding dress.

Zel walked over to her. "Are you... alright?" She hoped she hadn't scared him too much when she hugged him.. She had just needed a hug. At least it was Zel and not Gourry, who really would have been scared.

"Not really... But I'll get over it." She offered him a half-smile. He shrugged; If you say so. "What's been going on?"

"Well... most people left... We had to forcibly restrain Gourry from killing Kai for you."

"How'd you manage that?"

"We pointed out that you'd be really pissed off if you didn't get to kill him first."

"True enough." They walked over to the rest of the group. Gourry looked at her.

"You hungry?"

"Uh-huh." They both raced for the wedding cake. Lina won by an inch, and they started eating with a vengeance. Everyone else stared. Lina looked up.

"Come on… this is good cake. And we have to eat it before it spoils!"

"You-" Said Zel, pointing at her, "-are hopeless."

"No." She corrected him. "Hungry!" She threw a glob of cake at him for good measure, but he dodged. It hit Amelia. She threw it back at Zelgadis, who was too busy glaring at Lina to notice. It hit him in the back of the head. He turned around and picked up Amelia, then tossed her INTO the cake. He then tried to get out of the line of fire, but Amelia's iron grip on his cape prevented proper retreat. He tried to detach her, and while he was occupied, Lina hit him with a pastry.

That's it. Full scale food fight.

Amelia and Zelgadis were trying to drown each other in the cake, Lina and Gourry were throwing and dodging refreshments, and Phil, Sylphiel, and Naga were trying not to get creamed. Then Zelgadis crept up behind Lina and dumped a pitcher of ice water on her: Payback! She squeaked and started relentlessly pelting him with ice cubes until he had to call up a shield.

This went on for quite a while until everyone was covered with food. Lina leaned back against the wall, laughing herself completely out of breath; then she was blinded by a flash of light, and Kai (A.K.A. walking dead man) appeared in the middle of the room. Lina jumped to her feet, brushing off various pastries and icings.

"Hi, Lina. How are you?"


He exploded. Then, surprisingly, the flames died down, and he was still standing there.

"I was afraid you'd take this personally." He sighed. Lina started to say something, but was cut off by Zel, of all people.

"And why wouldn't she?" He asked mildly, with just a hint of anger in his voice. Lina needed a moment to recover from this unexpected source of defense; but when she finally got her voice back, what she had to say wasn't very impressive.

"Yeah! Why wouldn't I?" He didn't answer. Instead, he turned to Zel.

"And you must be Zelgadis. I talked to you before, but was unaware of your name. I bring a message from my master." Without warning, he fired a bolt of magic at Zel. Unprepared, he didn't dodge it and it hit him in the chest, slamming him into the wall. Lina swung back around to face Kai.

"Was that really necessary?" She asked mildly. He shrugged. "Well, who is the message from?" She persisted.

"Rezo." Said Zelgadis from behind her.

Kai nodded. And vanished, with a mocking bow to Lina. She looked for a moment as if she were about to blow up the whole city, in hopes that she might catch him mid-teleport, then calmed down and turned back to Zel, who was just sitting up.

"It can't be Rezo. We killed him."

"It has to be. Who else could it be? And you saw Kai confirm it."

"But why?" She helped him stand; evidently that bolt had hit him hard.

"He still wants to cure his blindness, but I'm a threat to him now. So he wants me out of the way."

"Well... it makes sense. I guess." She looked around. "Hey... where is everyone?" Zel also looked around. The only people in the room were Gourry, Lina, and Zel.

"Redo must have them!" Gourry said.

"We have to save them!" Lina seconded.

"Of course. That's why he took them." He sighed. "Back to Rezo's tower." He stood and walked out, brushing off a piece of cake. Lina and Gourry exchanged a glance, then followed.

"It's too quiet." Lina muttered.

"Doubtless Rezo is going to send some monster out to ambush us." Zelgadis replied serenely.

Then a foot came out of nowhere, almost squishing Gourry.

"Told you." He drew his sword. Gourry and Lina drew theirs as well. Lina leaned close to Zel.

"Do you want me to Dragon Slave it?"

"This creature is after me. Let me kill it." She shrugged, grabbed Gourry, and dragged him out of the way.

The fight started. The monster fired a volley of arrows at Zel, who dodged them all nimbly. He fired a Flare Arrow. It did some damage, but not enough. Lina thought she saw movement in the trees... she turned her gaze in that direction again... yes! There it was! An archer. Suddenly she recognized the type of arrow, and called out a warning, but Zel didn't hear her. The archer did, however. Lina watched in horror as he strung his bow, aimed, and fired.

Right at Zelgadis.  

Something crashed into him, the force almost toppling him over-but it continued on past him to land on the ground. He got his balance quickly, and glanced around, trying to find the source of the disturbance-and there was Lina, lying half-conscious on the ground, an arrow protruding from her side.

Zel kneeled beside her, eyes wide with shock.

"Lina!" This from Gourry, who then demolished the monster with his Sword of Light. Zelgadis shielded Lina while the thing exploded, showering bits of monster and trees and rocks on them. Gourry hurried over to them, eyes wide.

"Is she okay?" He sheathed his sword, dropping to his knees beside them.

"Not really... it's just an arrow, though. She'll probably survive."


Lina coughed, and muttered something. Zel and Gourry leaned closer.

"Archer... watch out.." Zel looked up, and spotted the archer, just getting ready for another shot. He pointed at him.

"Fireball!" The guy was set on fire, and ran, screaming. Zel turned back to Lina. She coughed again, still trying to say something. Blood trickled from her mouth, mingling with the tears. Zelgadis used the edge of his cape to wipe it away, and leaned closer still.

"...arrow... take... out..."

"We will, Lina, but first we have to-" Gourry started. She grabbed his shoulder and jerked him down to her.

"If you don't... take it out now.... I'll die...." She released him, coughing more violently, bringing more blood. Gourry looked up at Zel.

"I'll do it. You hold her." He said grimly.

Gourry nodded. He propped Lina up against him, one arm around her shoulders, the other around her waist, just above the arrow. Somewhat to his surprise, she took his hand.

Zelgadis grabbed the arrow with both hands. He looked at her.

" it." She braced herself.

He started to pull out the arrow. He had to do it slowly, or it might tear the muscle tissue. Lina gasped. Her grip on Gourry's hand tightened painfully, and she squeezed her eyes shut. Zel tried to keep basically expressionless, concentrating on the arrow. Lina squeaked, severely in pain. She couldn't help it; she tried to pull away, but Gourry held her firmly.

Zelgadis yanked on the arrow, pulling it the last inch from her skin. Blood spurted out over the arrow, and Zel's hands as he tried to clean the wound. He succeeded in stopping the blood flow, but Lina shook her head and grabbed his hand.

"No! ...let it bleed."

He hesitated. She grabbed the arrow, and used the end to reopen the wound, wincing.

"The poison.... must be.... drained......" Zelgadis snatched the arrow from her lax hand, before she could do more damage.

"But then you'll die of blood loss!" Gourry protested.

She smiled faintly. "It's gotta be....... one or the..... other."

Gourry looked rather alarmed, but Zel nodded.

"She's right." He stated flatly. "Watch her, Gourry. Give it another minute, then bandage the wound." He stood and walked over to a nearby cliff, staring out across the sea. His hands clenched at his sides, breaking the arrow in half.

"Damn you, Rezo." He muttered under his breath. "She never did anything to you!"

Rezo's face appeared in the water."I regret that the girl was wounded. She could have been of some use to me. And you're wrong about one thing-I have every right to incur revenge. She killed me, remember?"

Zel threw the broken arrow into the sea, and the image disappeared in the ripples. He stood there for a moment, then lowered his head and returned to Lina and Gourry.

"We'd better get moving. If we don't get to a town soon, she'll die." Gourry nodded and stood. In an unexpected show of emotion, Zel knelt down and picked her up tenderly. Too bad she wasn't awake to witness it. "Let's go. The next village is about a day's walk from here."

Gourry nodded and started walking, Zelgadis right behind him.

Gourry and Zel (still carrying Lina) walked along a path, and soon they came to a river. "We should stop for a minute."

Gourry nodded again. Lina was half-conscious by this time, and drank the water that Gourry offered.

Zel suddenly jumped to his feet, sword drawn. Gourry looked up. "What's wrong?" "Trolls."

Sure enough, dark shapes began to appear in the forest. Zel and Gourry moved in front of Lina. Now the monsters couldn't get at her; the stream was at her back and Zel and Gourry were protecting her. She was fully conscious now, but somewhat foggy. She watched everything without commenting.

The fight began. There were dozens of trolls, and only two of them. Thus, they soon found themselves overmatched, even when Zel started casting spells, and Gourry drew his Light Sword. Then they heard Lina muttering something.

"What's she saying?" Gourry shouted over the battle sounds.

"I can't hear her!" Zel shouted back.

Lina kept muttering. Zel knelt down, and recognized the words:

".....before the and I........posses..." She raised one hand weakly. Zel's eyes widened and he grabbed Gourry, pulling him down next to them. Then he grabbed Lina's hand, feeding her energy.

"Dragon Slave!" They cried together.

The forest exploded.

"How can she....?" Gourry started.

" w-wounded. Not my... not my magic..." She explained, panting with exertion. "Th-thanks, Zel."

"Let's go." He said, nodding and picking her up again, pulling her cloak over her to stop her convulsive shivering. He started walking again, Gourry behind him.

"Zel-How did you-?" Gourry asked.

"I wasn't casting the spell; Lina was. I merely lent her power."

"Oh." Gourry shrugged. After a moment, Lina started to squirm.

"Put me down... I can walk."

He shrugged, and put her on her feet. She took a step, gasped, and fell to her knees, clutching her side. Zel picked her up again. "Sure, you can."

Lina glared, but was otherwise silent. Gourry grinned.

They came to small cave just as darkness fell. Zel paused.

"We'd better rest here for tonight; we won't make it to the next village before morning anyway." Gourry nodded and went in, drawing his sword. A moment later, Zelgadis followed.

The cave was pretty small, but adequate for the three of them, so they settled in quickly and went to sleep, Gourry at the entrance to guard, Lina in the back (the warmest part of the cave), and Zelgadis over to the side.

But he couldn't sleep. Not with Lina tossing and turning and muttering and shivering. Finally, after about a half-hour of this, he sat up and glared in her general direction. The he could make out what she was saying, but it didn't make much sense. All she was doing was repeatedly muttering about coldness and ice. He crawled over to her and but his hand on her forehead. Burning. Yet she was also shivering violently. With a sigh, he pulled off his cape and tucked it around her, carefully so she wouldn't wake. Then he returned to his side of the cave, in the faint hope that he could get some sleep.

He did, but he woke about an hour before dawn, so he decided to go outside and keep Gourry company.

Line awoke to the low sound of voices. Gourry and Zel were conversing, and the subject of the conversation was her. So she just settled down as comfortably as she could and listened.

"Well, how long have you known her?"

"Oh, not very. We'd only been traveling together for a day or two before we ran into you and Zolf."

"Oh. Well, you're lucky you two are on the same side."

"No kidding! She's not that bad, though, once you get to know her."

"Yeah, I'd noticed." The conversation then moved on to other things, and Lina grew bored. She started to sit up, the fell back to ground again.

"Ow." Was all she could manage.

Zelgadis turned and looked at her. "Good morning."


He grinned. "Not feeling well?"

"Have you ever had a sharp stick of wood driven unwillingly into your stomach?"

"Mmmm, can't say that I have. Why?"

"You're being unusually cheerful this morning. Why so smug?" He shrugged.

"No particular reason. We'd better get moving, okay?"

"Yeah, sure. Why the hell not." She grumped. He walked over and helped her stand, then picked up his cape and put it on. She looked at his questioningly.

He shrugged.

"You were cold."

"How sweet of you." She murmured sardonically, but it came out somewhat softer then intended.

"I couldn't get any sleep with you shivering and muttering about icicles, now could I." Was there the faintest tinge of pink on his cheeks? Lina couldn't tell. (Hey-can stone blush?? Yes. Chaos^_^)

Lina stood up-and instantly regretted it, as the world lurched and spun and she felt herself falling...she saw the ground rushing up at her face and could do nothing but brace herself for the impact.

And Zelgadis caught her. And lifted her, as if she were nothing but a bad-tempered feather.

They just looked at each other.

Zel stood up, still holding her as if she weighed nothing at all. He's so strong.. I wonder...

Zel looked down at her, staring into her ruby eyes. She's so beautiful. I wonder...

"Hey, are we gonna get going?" Called Gourry.

Zelgadis turned and nodded, then looked back down at Lina. "Are you going to walk?"

"Would if I could. But-"

"You can't. Okay." They started off for the next village, hoping they would get there in time.

Lina was lying in bed, tucked in tightly. She was still shivering, though she burned with fever. She had been that way for the last hour; only her slight breathing reassured them that she was still alive.

That was the question; exactly how much longer would she live?

Gourry sat in a chair next to her bed, Zelgadis paced circles around the room. He wanted to be out, moving, doing something! Instead, he had to stay here because Lina was fool enough to get in the way of that arrow-when he told her to get out of they way-

".......siddown. Yer makin m'dizzy." She said suddenly, slurring the words in her exhaustion.

"Lina! You're alive!" Gourry exclaimed, earning himself and odd look from Zel.

"'course I'm 'live; 'feel too rotten t'be dead." She muttered, speaking a little clearer. Zel smiled a little. He walked over and stood next to Lina's bed.

"Will you live?" He asked simply.

"Think so. S'not too bad. Hurts, though." He nodded. She coughed, and rolled over, wincing. "Hey-do we have any food?"

Zel sighed. "Gourry, go downstairs and get her something."

"Okay. Be right back, Lina."

"Hurry, or I won't be 'wake to eat it." She yawned. Zelgadis took the seat Gourry vacated.

"I need some sleep." He sighed again.

"So go to sleep."

"Can't risk it. If Rezo sends another monster after me, I have to be awake to fight it, don't I?"

"......I can fight it." She half-whispered.

"Don't be stupid. You're sick."

"I am not either..... I'm dying."

He looked up, understandably startled, and more than a little alarmed.

"But you said..."

"I didn't want Gourry to know. He would have freaked out." She toyed with a lock of her hair, twisting around her fingers, refusing to meet his gaze.

"So you're just going to die? Just like that?"

"Dunno..... I'd say I have about a day or two. Unless we can find a cure."

"What kind of cure will work?"

"That's just it. There isn't one. I might be able to pull through on my own, but I don't know... this is pretty strong poison, and I got a pretty heavy dose. But don't, under any circumstances, tell Gourry." She did look up at him, then, and for a moment he couldn't look away.

"Why not?" He managed.

"It's embarrassing." She muttered after a moment, lowering her gaze again.

"What's embarrassing?" Gourry asked, coming into the room.

Lina jumped. ""

"The fact that she was stupid enough to get hit in the first place." Zel interjected.

"Hai!" Lina agreed, then stopped, glaring at Zel.

"But she was trying to save you, right?" Gourry asked, with his usual dim-witted intelligence.

Zel looked surprised. This hadn't occurred to him; he thought she had merely seen the archer, and tried to warn him, but the archer had shot her to prevent it. Lina turned red. Zel turned to look at her.

"You didn't have to do that. I'm part golem, remember?" He reminded her bitterly.

"Yeah, well... I stick up for my friends." She returned, embarrassed.

They just looked at each other.

"Here's food!" Gourry said brightly. Lina started eating, and Gourry yawned.

"I'm going to sleep." He left the room. Zel sighed and settled in the chair.

"You can go to sleep, you know. I'll be fine."

"Rezo programmed me. He can reach me even in dreams."

"Ano.... right."

Lina was asleep, the moonlight shining down on her face gently. He watched her silently, thinking. Almost unconsciously, he reached out and brushed her hair back from her face. He realized what he was doing, and frowned.

"What am I still doing here?" He demanded out loud, then thought to himself as Lina stirred. I have to get to Rezo's castle. I have to end it.. I can't live like this anymore. But-no one seems to mind my appearance, here. And Lina seems to like me just fine. He sighed. And it all comes back to her, doesn't it? He frowned again, shaking his head.

"I'm a fool." He stood up, and scribbled a note quickly. Then he turned to leave.... but he turned back to her. Very slowly, he leaned down and kissed her forehead. Then he left, not looking back.

The feel of the warm sun on her face woke Lina, and she stretched luxuriously.... and her hand landed on the bedside table, and something crackled. It was a note! She sat up in bed, wincing, and read it to herself.

"Lina and Gourry-I have decided to go on to Rezo's castle. Lina needs time to recover, and would only be a burden in the coming battle." She paused here, pissed off, but realized that it was probably true. "I don't think our paths will ever cross again; we have both chosen different ones. Forget this battle; there will be others. Be well, Gourry. Lina, try not to get hit with anymore arrows, okay? -Zel."

She looked up, and noticed Gourry just coming into the room.

"Good morning, Lina! Where's Zel?" She held out the note wordlessly. He read it quickly.

"Damn! What'll we do?"

"Go after him, I guess."

"But the note says-"

"When have I ever listened to either of you?"

"But-You're still wounded!"

"I'm fine!" She said through gritted teeth. She stood up quickly, and put her cape on, hiding a wince. Gourry watched her wearily. "Come on, come on! We have to get there before-" Before this really starts to hurt. "-before he does anything even stupider!" He followed her out the door and down the steps.

She was going at half speed, trying not to limp. They got outside the door. Lina started walking determinedly, but veeeeeery slooooowly. Gourry sighed, and followed. This was going to take forever, if he was lucky.

Zelgadis walked along the spooky path to Rezo's castle. He looked totally blank; absolutely expressionless. He just walked. He wasn't really thinking about anything; at least, he tried not to, because all thoughts inevitably led him back to Lina.

A wolf appeared, snarling; he simply sliced it in half, not even breaking stride. There were other such disturbances, but he dispatched them with such relentless indifference that they soon quit in disgust. A while later, the castle came into sight. He walked up to it and pushed open the gates, ignoring their squeal of protest. Rezo appeared before him in a flash of lightening.

"Now I shall have my revenge..." He intoned. Zel leaned against a tree.

"Spare me the cliches, Rezo. Let's just get this over with."

"I was expecting all of you to come... is Lina not feeling up to it?" He smiled maliciously. "No, as a matter of fact, she's not." He replied, refusing to be baited. "She asked me to give you this, however-" He threw several assorted spells at Rezo, engulfing him in the flames. When he finally stopped, tired, Rezo still stood there, unscathed, but rather annoyed.

"You know, you're really quite a good spell caster." He admitted as he smiled. "Well. Now that you've calmed down, we can talk."


"You know what I want."

"What does that have to do with me?"

"You will interfere at every chance you get. Out of spite. I need to insure that this will not happen."

"And how do you plan to do that? Bribery?"

"Or fair trade, depending on who you talk to. Now, let's see... Ahhh. Lina."

He tensed.

"She is very ill, at the moment. See?" And Zelgadis did see, by way of a colored globe hovering in the air between them. Lina and Gourry were walking along a path--they were coming here! The fool girl. How stupid of her! His heart warmed.

Then Lina tripped. Gourry stumbled over her, then knelt beside her. The picture had no sound, but Zel could guess what they were saying.

"Lina! You okay?"

"No, actually, I'm not." She tried to get up.

"Lina... maybe we should go back to the inn.." He grabbed her arm, trying to help her.

"No!" She shoved him away, struggled to her feet, and kept walking. The globe disappeared with a faint 'pop', startling him.

"She will live about two more hours, and then she will die." Rezo stated. Zel looked up at him. "I can cure her. I can grant her life."

"In exchange for what?" He growled.

"Your promise that you will not interfere with my plans! If you promise this, then I will cure Lina Inverse. And, I will let your friends go in one piece." Rezo snapped his fingers, and Phil, Naga, Amelia, and Sylphiel appeared, suspended in separate nets, each about twenty feet off the ground.

"Zel! Save us!" Amelia squeaked. He glanced up at her, and in his moment of distraction, Rezo fired a bolt of lightening at him. He dodged barely in time, ducking and rolling as he hit the ground.

This went on for some time, until a familiar figure limped into his line of sight and threw a fireball at Rezo. It wasn't muck of a fireball; it was somewhat smaller than most and went by rather slowly. Rezo merely stepped aside to watch it pass (He was watching with mage-sight, not his eyes, for you critics out there who like to pick on every little detail : ). It struck a small tree and there was a faint booming sound; the tree was covered with soot but none the worse for wear.

Rezo noted this with amusement, turning back to raise an eyebrow at Lina. She glowered and called up a flare arrow, with pretty much the same result. Lina turned red and sat cross-legged in the middle of the path.

"Okay. I tried, but that's enough embarrassment for one morning. You two go ahead; I'll just sit here and watch. Have fun." What the others didn't know was that Lina had had to sit down before she collapsed; her side was spasming almost directly in time with her heartbeat, which was racing.

Zelgadis looked about for Gourry, spotting him untying everyone else. Rezo didn't notice, however, and Zel certainly wasn't about to tell him.

Amelia was free; now so was Naga. They both ran over to Lina, asking anxious questions about her health. She answered with glares and icy comments, none of which Zel heard clearly through the explosions all around him.

Now everyone else was free, and scattered in various positions around the area. Naga, Amelia, and Phil were all standing in various defensive positions, Gourry had drawn his sword and was standing in front of Lina, who was leaning against a tree, trying to look casual. Sylphiel was standing next to Gourry, the beginnings of a fireball between her hands. Rezo took notice of all this, his mouth twitching in annoyance. He glanced back at Zelgadis.

"This is foolishness. Utter foolishness. You can't beat me. I only want one thing; to cure my eyes." He blinked (or would have, if his eyes weren't glued closed all the time!) and took a step towards Zel. "There's something you want, too. I can give it to you." Zel caught his breath, eyes widening in shock. "Your word that you will not interfere with me in anyway, and I will make you human again." His sightless gaze came to rest on Lina, who was now slumped against a tree, with no pretenses about her health. "I will let her live, as well." Lina lifted her head, then closed her eyes and fell all the way over, hitting the ground with a dull thud.

Gourry gave a strangled cry, dropped his sword, and knelt beside her. Zel glanced around him quickly. Everyone's gaze was riveted on the dying sorceress, now cradled against Gourry.

She looked up, and glanced around. She looked at everyone without really seeing them, though it was clear that she knew she would die. She looked at Sylphiel with affectionate irritation. Fond annoyance for Naga, and Amelia; just plain annoyance at Phil, with a touch of bewilderment.

"......don't look alike." She mumbled. She looked up at Gourry. Big brother, little sister. She smiled, trying to reassure him.

And she looked at Zel. She smiled, a sweet, tired smile. Before, when they had looked at each other, there was friendship, a strong friendship. He had felt at ease around her; she could make him smile and even laugh. In turn, she was more mature around him, not as wild, and made better decisions. But now, the bonds had strengthened, and stretched, and broke, and now she looked at him with love in her eyes.

Smiling back faintly, he answered her unasked question.

Yes, Lina. I love you, too.

As if he had spoken aloud (he hoped he hadn't!), she nodded. And then she died.

Zelgadis turned back to Rezo.

"You have my word." He said tightly. Amelia yelled out something he didn't quite catch, Naga smacked her forehead with her hand. Rezo just stood there. "Rezo! Heal her!" He simply stood there. Lina was already dead; it was too late. He should have decided sooner. He should have-

Rezo tilted his head back and laughed. Laughed! He put both arms over his head and shouted something, still laughing like a maniac. Zelgadis was enveloped in a white hot light-so hot-the heat was smothering him-It felt like a million white hot lances of fire piercing his skin......

He did the sensible thing, and passed out.

The light faded, but he couldn't see.

He realized that he should probably open his eyes.

He saw dirt.... and he raised his head. There was everyone. Rezo was gone.

Lina was there, sitting up and looking confused. She smiled at Gourry, and returned his relieved hug. She stood up and walked over to Zel. She offered him and hand up, and he took it...

And fell back in shock.

His hand-was human! Rezo had cured him!

Lina saw the delight on his face and laughed out loud. He laughed too, and picked her up and twirled her around, noticing everyone else's wide grins, and not caring.

He completed the twirl, setting Lina down with reluctance. She beamed at him. "You finally got your cure, huh Zel?" She stated, grinning. He nodded, somewhat at a loss. He took her hands in his, started to say something, shook his head. He couldn't formulate words at the moment, and it was *really* annoying!

She simply looked at him, words refusing to come to her. He was cute as a Chimera, but now...... gods!

Then she didn't need to say anything, because they were sharing a very long and passionate kiss.

They parted after a second-long eternity, and Lina fell into his arms.

"Ain't this cute." Of all the people Lina totally didn't want to see right now, Kai was at the very top of the list. Zelgadis started to pull Lina behind him, but Lina would have none of it; she was too busy planting her fist in Kai's face.

Zelgadis laughed as Kai staggered back with a look of utter shock on his face. Indignity was next, then the pain kicked in, then he finally thought to become enraged. He grabbed Lina's flowing hair, tangling his fingers in it cruelly and pulling her to him. She kicked him in the groin, though, and then gave him a black eye to match his broken nose. After kneeling him in the stomach, she walked away nonchalantly.

"Okay. I'm done. Zel, he's all yours. Have fun."


And the last they ever heard from Prince Kai of Amria was a very loud and very hysterical scream.

"So, Zel, where are you going now? I mean, you'll need a new quest now, huh?" Lina asked, taking a bite of chicken.

"Oh, I was thinking of sticking around for a while. Interesting things always happen when one deals with Lina Inverse." He smiled at her, fuzzing her hair.

She glared back at him.

"It's not my fault! Trouble is naturally attracted to me!"

"As am I." (Sorry, people! I HAD to put that line in there! It was perfect.) Zel laughed as Lina turned a shade almost brighter than her hair. He was acting so different, now that he was fully human again! He was happy and talkative, not sullen and quiet. It was very disconcerting!

"Will you be going back to Seyrunn for a while?" Lina asked Amelia, almost hopefully.

"Yeah, I guess... Help dad keep it free of bandits and the like; anyone who dares defy justice must be punished!" But her heart wasn't in it. And so happy were they to have survived that last battle (and still so stunned by each other) that they didn't think to question the ease of her acquiescence.

Gourry and Sylphiel walked in together, and Lina grinned at the sight of them. Sylphiel was practically glowing; Gourry had his arm around her shoulders. Naga and Phil were sitting a corner, discussing family stuff, and Amelia had wandered off.

"So. What should we do next?" Gourry asked, snatching a drumstick from Lina.

And who'll be traveling-OUCH!-with us?" The 'ouch' was, of course, Gourry being hit with a wooden ale pitcher. Lina snatched the chicken back from his numbed fingers, glaring at him.

"Let's just head to next town. Knowing my luck, we'll have something to do before sunset. Who's coming?"

"I'll go. Might as well, since I don't have anything else to do." Gourry shrugged. "Besides, life with you is never dull."

"I'll come too!" Sylphiel exclaimed, a little too quickly. She lowered her voice, embarrassed. "I mean, if you don't mind.."

"Sure, what the hell?" Lina nodded. She looked over at Naga, whose laugh was echoing throughout the tavern, making many people wince. "I do hope we can get out without alerting...certain people." Naga chose that moment to turn around and walk over to Lina.

"Hey, I've made a decision!"

"What's that?" Zel asked, when words failed Lina.

"I'M TRAVELING WITH YOU AGAIN!!!" She yelled enthusiastically.


Lina landed on the floor in an awkward little heap.

"Let's go! We have treasures to steal, rights to wrong, and so on and so forth!"

"Rights to wrong? Isn't it the other way around?" Gourry asked.

Naga looked blank. Lina picked herself up off the floor.

"Ummm, yeah. Let's just go, okay?"

"OOHHOHOHOHOHOHHHOOHOHOOHOOHHH!!!!!" Naga laughed piercingly, breaking several windows and causing many winces by those less fortunate who happened to be standing near her. "Off we ride, into the sunset!!"

"Walk." Zel commented from the peanut gallery.

"Who asked you?" She asked heatedly. He smiled cheerfully up at her. Zel smiling cheerfully was almost like Lina saying she wasn't hungry! Naga was so startled, she simply ignored him.

"Okay, Naga." Lina said.


"I'll tell you what. I'll race you over to that tree over on the mountain; see it?" When she nodded, Lina added, "And if you win, YOU get to decide where we go. Deal?"


"Okay. Ready.." She ignored Zel, who was staring at her in confusion.

"Set...GO!!!" Naga took off a jiggling run. Lina did too, though it was a lot less jiggly.

And, she was running in the opposite direction, dragging Zel, Gourry, and Sylphiel behind her in that incredible way of defying gravity that they have.

"Lina! Where are you going?"

"Hurry! If we're lucky, we'll be able to make it into the next town before she realizes!" Lina kept running. "LET'S GO, HURRY, NOW NOW NOW NOW!!!!!"

And as they disappeared into the sunset, they thought they heard the irritated wail of Naga, the White Serpent.

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