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Love and Hate
By: Jess

Another day, another fanfiction. : ) E-mail me for compliments on my wonderful writing:

For the Sailor Moon in you... Sailormoon


"Always chained at the ass..." Amelia coughed.

"Always together...." Goury sighed.

Amelia and Gourry looked over at the plain the cliff was overlooking. Almost near the center stood a weeping willow tree, with Lina and Zelgadiss under neath it.

"You would think they were..." Xellos smiled, appearing out of nowhere. "In love."

"Go away." Both of them said together.

"Oh, getting touchy are we??" Xellos asked the two.

"Shut up and go away." Amelia told mazuko.

Lina laied on Zelgadiss' lap. "You know you're my best friend, right?"

"Well, now I know." He smiled as his hair shimmered in the moonlight, and his ice eyes twinkled.

"Why don't you show this side of yourself to anyone but me?" Lina smiled at the site of her friend's appearance. "It suits you a lot better."

"No one but you can bring it out." He softly combed his fingers through her fiery hair.

They both looked up at the stars. If they were going out, they'd be makin' out. But since they were 'only' best friends, they just sat there. Not saying anything to each other that they would like to be anything more.... thinking it might ruin their friendship. So they just stayed quiet and drunk in the moment, as if they were in the desert, finding water. (Oxymoron!)

"Yo! Sunny and Cher! Wake up!" Amelia yelled at the two. They had eventually fallen asleep while looking up at the night abyss.

"Amelia, go away..." Lina told the justice girl.

"Fuck you."

"I've had better offers." Zel almost smiled at Lina's quick response to that.

Amelia threw a little tantrum and then said "We're leaving for the next town in ten minutes. Are you going to come? If not, we're leaving with out you two."

"We'll be there in a *yawn* few minutes." Lina drowsily said again.


Once Amelia left, Lina joined her best friend in sleeping, once again. : )

Amelia came back. "Goury, let's leave."

"Why? Aren't we going to wait for Lina and Zelgadiss?"

"They're not coming. Apparently, they decided to sleep in. Come on."

Goury looked back at the two of them. "Bye, Lina."

About noon time, Zelgadiss began to wake up. "*yawn yawn* I don't think I've slept that well in .... gee... 'can't think when was the last time I slept more than 4 hours..." He looked around. "It't got to be at least...." His eyes shut open. "One o'clock..." He looked over to where his 'companions' had their camp set out last night. Gone. "Wahh! Lina! Wake up!! They left without us!" Zel shook his friend fiercely, knowing she was a heavy sleeper.

"Nmm?? Oh.. I knew.... that..." She got comfy again.



"They. Left. With. Out. Us!!!"

She shot up. "Oops."

"'Oops' what?"

"I told Amelia we'd be awake in... a couple.. minutes..."


"The sun was rising... it looked very-"

"Lina... if you weren't my best friend, I'd La Tilt your ass so far, you'd meet up with Amelia and Goury."

She hugged him. "I love you!"

He sighed. He knew when she said that, it was a friendship love, and that she always said that when she meant to apologize. "Ya, ya. Come on..." He was living up to his nick name 'Sweetly shy rock'. "We can at least try to make it to the next town by...." He sighed. (again) "No, probably tomorrow we can make it to the next town if we start now."

"Err... I don't want to go there."

"You don't want to be in an inn?"

"Ya, I do.. but, I don't want to meet up with Amelia and Goury again."

"Why not?"

"We don't need them."

"True." Then he thought about it. "And no jelly fish brains or Miss Justice..." He smiled.

"And no annoyances...."

"Lina, you're a genius."

"I know."

"Hey hey! There's something you see almost every day!!" Lina exclaimed, pointing to an abandon castle.

"I thought the saying went.."

"Who cares! I wana see what's inside it! Oh! There might be some kind of gold.. or.. or.. some- thing I can steal! Oh yay!"

Zel sighed, and joined his rejoicing friend.

Once inside, the place was fully furnished.... lights on.... as if... it wasn't abandoned.

"Sure it's deserted..." Zel looked at Lina sheepishly.

"Shut up."

"Now that you've said I should, I won't."

"Screw you."


Lina stopped in her tracks, looked back at him, and gave him the finger.

"Yes, I know I'm #1 in your heart." He smiled sarcastically.

"Fuck you!"


"Stop that!"

"Why? I think that you should come over here and make me stop." He smiled.

"Zel! Damn, what weird side of the bed did you wake up on? Upside down?!"

"I woke up on the Lina side of bed."

She stared at him. "Shut up."


"God damnit! Why are you so talkative today?! So annoying!!"

All he did was smile. "I love you."

Lina sighed. "Ya, ok, I get it. Come on."

They went into a room that seemed to be the ball room.

"Wow, this room is so pretty!!"

"And you aren't?"

"You're quick with the remarks today. I think if we go out to the town, and you started to whip out all those remarks, girls would come flying to you!"

"But I already have a girl." He smiled down at her.

"See! I'm one lucky bastard to have you, Zel."

"And I, the same." He took a rose from one of the vases on the table. "For you."

Lina did a half smile. "Something must of triggered something in that brain of yours. I don't know what you're thinking, but I'm think hormones." Lina giggled at her sentence she just pooped out of her head.

"Fuck you."


"I just like it here a lot better w/out Jellyfish brains and Miss Justice."

"So you're going to be like this more often?"

"More than likely."

"Oh great. I'll have to be your body guard in the towns and cities."

"'Guess so!"

"I think I liked you better mysterious."

"You told me that you thought this side of me 'suits me much better' - and I do quote."

"Well, you're too outgoing right now. So stop doing... that.. and shut up."

"Weren't we looking for something in here?"

"Ya, but screw it." Zel opened his mouth to say another rude comment. "Say something else, and I'll shove this rose you gave me down your throat."

Zel smiled. "You wouldn't do that."

"You know who you're reminding me of today? Xellos. I think you're hanging around him too much." Lina started to say as they went out.

"Oh jeasus.. I better stop this then."

"But I like being swooned!"

"You just said you didn't like it! I thought you hated being swooned!!"

"But I don't mind it when you do it."

"What's that suppose to mean?"

"You're the type of guy every girl wants to be alone with in a castle. I think seeing all this medieval stuff is throwing you off, making you act weird, Zel."

"You're probably right."

"Come on. I'm hungry."

"As you're not always?"

"Fuck you!"



They deicided (after an hour of Lina's choosing) to go to a nice, expen$ive restaurant.

"Let me guess, I have to pay."

"Well, yes, of course! You're the swooner, I'm the swoonie. Swoon me, swoon master."

Zel jumped away from Lina. "You're scaring me."

"I have no money."

"Oh! So that's why you decided to go to the most expen$ive restaurant in this town!"

"Yup yup!"

"I hate you."

"I love you."

"Shall we go?" He offered his arm.

"Yes, we shall." They waltzed into the doors.

Inside, the richest and the most luxurious people sat there and ate. Everyone stopped what they were doing, and looked at the sorceress and chimera.

"You can go back to what you're doing! We can afford this place, too! You stupid aristocrats!" Everyone began eating after Lina was done her 'shut up and eat' speech.

"You're so great."

"I know!"

A waiter went up to the two. A fe-male waiter. A blonde, big boobs waiter.

"Table for two." Zel told the waitress.

"Hey hey.... let's see if the swooning works on other girls.." She whispered.

"Lina, no!" He whispered back.

"Come on!! Just throw at me those stupid love remarks! And watch her expression!!"

"I can't believe you're making me do this...."

"I love you."

"I hate you."

The blonde waiter went back to the kitchen. "Girls! Girls! Just look at the guy I get to serve!" She pointed out to the chimera.

"Ooh.. he's a hottie." One waitress said.

"What kind of voice did he have?" Another asked.

"He's the mysterious type... a chimera.. no doubt. And a sorcerer... damn! He's got a chic with him!" The blonde went on.

"That's no ordinary chic! That's Lina Inverse!" One of the waitresses pointed out.

"Shit! Alicia, you got yourself a weird ass table."

"Not weird.. but hot. Grr!"

'Alicia' went up to Lina and Zel.

"Hi I'm Alicia-"

"And I'm Lina, and this is Zel!"

Zel restrained from letting out a laugh or a smile.

".... I'll be your waitress for this afternoon. What would you like to drink?"

"Brandy." Zel popped out.

"Whisky." Lina suggested.




"Any of those." Lina told her.

"All of them." Zel corrected.

The waitress stared at the couple, ready to burst out in laughter. "Umm.... is that all?"

"No. And some ice water." Lina let out.

"O... k...." Alicia left.

The two of them burst out in laughter.

"And once she comes back, we'll tell her 'We were just joking!'" Lina laughed out.

"Did you see her expression on her face?!?!"

"Ok, now you have to swoon her with your un-dying love for her! Make up this whole sinerio about how you were child hood lovers and be like 'you don't remember me?!' and all that shit."


"Why not!?!?! Come on! It'll be fun!!"

"Then once I go off, she'll think I'm telling the truth, and then fall for me."

"Nah she won't. She'll be too scared to ask."




"I love you."

"I hate you."

"You always say that."

"I love you."

"I love you, too."

Alicia came back with the many assorts of alcohol. "Here's... you're drinks."

"Umm.. we were joking. Just send us an order of tea." Lina told the waitress.

"...... yes ma'am."

Alicia was about to leave, then Zel stood up and grabbed the Sake.

"I might want this." He told her, eyes half cast, looking like one sexy bitch. She flushed insanely, and then left.

"Mmmm.. sake. You grabbed the good one. Good for you, Zel! Now next time she comes, do the un-dying love thing."

He poured her and himself a nice size glass of sake. *Bigger than your normal cups.. those cups are small!* "Ya, ya. I better not drink this until she comes back."

"Ya, you'd get yourself drunk senseless." Lina took a big gulp. "Good stuff."

Alicia came back with hot tea and an assortment of teas. "Now what would you like to eat? Please, tell me what you REALLY want this time."

That was so perfect and ready for cue. "I want you, my darling Alicia..." Zel began. Lina almost pissed her pants.

Alicia looked at Zel, and blushed furiously. Lina hid her beet red face and huge smile in her menu.

"Wh-- what did you just say?"

"Don't you remember me? We had lived across from each other. You gave me my first kiss in Kindergarten! You don't remember me? Alicia?" His eyes looked sincere. He hummed in his head 'I can act! I can act!'

"I-I'm sorry.... I-I-I d-don't re-remember yo-you..."

"Atlas... of course..." He was putting on the Spanish Soap Opera thing.

"But.. what would you like to eat.... for... lunch...."

Lina almost crapped her pants with that one. She was being majorly perverted... her mind in the gutter... after drinking all that sake.

Zel cheered up right away and said "A #7 and #21, please." The biggest meals on the menu.

"I-Is that a-all...?"


"I-I-I'll be ri-right ba-back...." And she ran.

Lina and Zel burst in laughing. Zel took a nice big, hefty sip of sake. "Good stuff."

Alicia ran into the kitchen.

"Alicia! What happened out there?!"

"First they order all the strong liquors on the list, then they said it was a joke, and wanted tea. Before I got to go away, Zel.. if that's his real name.. took the Sake and gave me elevator eyes! Then, once I came back to ask them what they want, Zel.. if that's his real name.. spurt out this story how he loves me and knew me from childhood!"

"Damn! A guy like him claiming his undying love for you?!"

"But that's not all! After that, he just cheered up and ordered the two biggest meals on the menu."

"That's one kooky couple."

"I bet Lina has Zel under a spell."

"Or it might be the Sake."

"True true..."

"But what if he's telling the truth...?"

"OH MY GOD! THAT WAS TOOOOOO FUNNY!!!" Lina exclaimed, the bottle of sake in her hands.

Zel snatched the bottle away from her. "Ok, enough of that. I ain't doin' that again. Not in this condition." He took a nice big goulp, and Lina snatched the bottle away from him.

She took a big gulp. "What did you order?" Zel yanked the bottle away.

"The two biggest meals on the list." He chugged the rest of the bottle down.

Lina stole it, only to find nothing left. "Bastard."

Alicia came back with the huge meals, meant for families. "Here you go. Anything else?" She sounded more.... provocative.. hoping he would say 'yes, you.'

"Yes..." Zel looked at her. She blushed. He held up the bottle. "More sake."

"Oh." She took the bottle, and went off.

Lina burst. "What was so funny about that?" Zel asked.

"She thought you were gonna say 'yes you' when she asked if we wanted anything else! Ha!! You stole her heart!!"

He laughed. "Foolish girl. Someone already has my heart..." He began to eat his king sized meal, as did Lina.

Alicia came back in the kitchen. "He doesn't love me. It was a joke."

"Why do you say that?"

"I asked him if he wanted anything else with his meal, hoping he would say 'yes, you', but all he asked was for more sake."

"Oh. Well, he's drunk."

"No duh."

"Give him this bottle." She handed her another bottle of sake.

Both of them were already done with their meals when Alicia came back and set down the bottle of sake. Zel grabbed her wrist once she did. She blushed.

"Hey.. um.. I hope you know, all of today was just a joke. I hope you didn't think it was serious." He told her.

"N-no... I didn't." 'His hands are as cold as ice... just like his heart..' she thought.

"Ooooh... more sake!" Lina took the bottle and started to down it.

Alicia stared at her with shock. 'She's not passed out yet??!?!' Halfway through, Zel stole the bottle and started to down it. Lina waved in little circles and she passed out. Zel finished the bottle. "More please."

"I.. I think you've had enough."

"Nonsense! I'm paying for this meal!"

Five minutes later *after telling all her girlfriends what happened* she came back with another bottle of sake. 'I guess being a chimera makes him stronger."

He downed the whole bottle. He looked at the table, then at the ceiling. "I'm about to pass out..." He got out his bag of money. "This should be enough for the meal... if not.. more.." He handed her the royal blue silk bag. "The rest can be a tip." And with that, he passed out.

Alicia looked at the bag. She went to the kitchen and gave her friends the update. "And then he said the rest should be tip!"

"Did you count it yet?"

"No, not yet."

"Well, go count it!"

They opened the royal blue silk pouch, and dumped out its contents. Many and many of gold peices and a peice of paper.

"What's this?" Alicia took the paper, and un-folded it. On it, a picture of Lina. Obviously a drawing. And written on it, was this:

"Kore ijou muri yo matenai wa. Suresure de owarasena de. Anata no subete hoshii. Motto kono mama de itai kedo hohoemi de kawasu wakare ni. Yakosuku wa komenai de. Mata aeru tsugi ga ashita demo nihyaku-nen nochi demo onaji. Sadame ga mukae ni kuru."

"What's that mean, Alicia?" One of the waitresses asked.

"This is so sad...." Alicia said.

"What does it mean?"

"It means 'It is impossible to wait anymore than this. We're so close, don't let it end. To go on like this is painfully but of a parting we will exchange with joy. Please don't hold any promises. Whether the next time we meet again is tomorrow or two hundred years later, it would be the same. Destiny would come and greet us.'"

"What does that mean in English?" One of the waitresses asked jokingly.

"He loves her. And he can't tell her. He doesn't want to ruin what they already have. Even if times were to change, he'd still be in love, but it can't be. Because of what might happen."

"Wait! There's more on the back!" Another one of the waitresses exclaimed.

"Meguri meguru roman no naka, koi wa itsudemo tatakai ne. Watashi wa ima ai no Lunatic. Kiseki mo yume mo misete ageru."


"Circling within a story, love is always at war. Now I am a lunatic of love. I will show you both miracles and dreams." She stated.


"Oh ya... well, it means that it feels as if he's in a story and that his heart is going crazy over her. He wants to love her, but he can't."

"Oh my god... and she doesn't love him?"

"Well, she might, but he doesn't know it."

"That is sad."

They looked at the couple passed out.

"Well, I hope they do find each other some day..."

They eventually got up. First one was Zel. "L.. Lina.. get up." She shook her.

"Nmm? Oh.. Zel.. hi.... I'm tired. You got any money left."

"Err.." He looked down at the table. His pouch was sitting there. He got wide eyed. He opened it up, and there was still money in it. Not as much as before, but there was still a nice amount. "Yup."

"Lets go check into an inn."

"Ok, but only one room unless you want meals for the rest of the week."

"Whatever." And they left.

All the waitresses looked at the couple googly eyed.

Lina fell right asleep. They shared a bed. O.o A double bed, for all you perverts out there. Zel looked in his silk bag. He saw the paper, and blushed furiously. 'No way did they see this! Oh shit, I forgot it was in here!!!' And he saw another piece of paper. On it, read:

"You had way too much money for the meal. But when I went through your bag to count out the right amount, I found that paper. I'm sorry. I'm nosy. I read it. You should really tell her. I think she loves you, too.

Your waitress:

He blushed. He looked back at Lina. 'I wish it was that easy.' He leaned over and kissed her goodnight. Lina turned her head, and kissed him.

"Goodnight, Zel....."

He blushed. "Goodnight, Lina."

He laied back in the bed, and then snuggled up to Lina. 'I think I'm going to need brave sorceress Lina tonight.... I just know that sake will give me bad dreams.' He put his arms around her thing waist and snuggled. : ) And quickly fell asleep.

"Don't worry Zel...." whispered Lina. "I love you, too....."

END : )


Wow..... that was a weird story. ^.^ Remember! Compliments on my wonderful writing to:

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