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Lina’s Love
by Lady Chimera

It had been three years since I had last seen him. Three long years. I never realized how much I truly missed him until I saw him yesterday in a nearby town. He didn't recognize me, of course, I had changed, he had not. I had grown a few inches taller, and much to Gourry's and everyone else's surprise my bust line filled out too. That was a good excuse for a wardrobe change, I now was wearing the latest sorceress apparel. In case you haven't guessed it by now, I am Lina Inverse the most powerful sorceress, and the most beautiful, the world has ever seen.

The man I am referring too is none other than the stone-faced Zelgadis. I was sixteen the last time I saw him. He simply gave a half grin to me then waved to the others as he walked out of my life forever. I didn't know it then, but I was in love with Zel. I was determined not to let any of the others know either. Amelia would never shut up about it if I ever let it leak out that I even felt anything for any member of the opposite sex. At one time Amelia was determined that Gourry and I would get together. I think that she had Zel convinced of that too, because not long after that exclamation Zel left.

Gourry's not such a bad guy, but he is not my type. Besides Sylphil had a thing for him then, and now they are our regular lovely dovey couple. The most commonly used phrase by the rest of us nowadays: "Get a Room!!"

Unfortunately the town that we saw Zel in yesterday is the only one for a few days, so we, mainly me, decided to go back and stay there for a while. We had no big mission to accomplish, no evil beings to destroy, and to top it off Gourry and I were hungry. I just hope that if I see Zel again he doesn't notice me.... Then again I hope he does, but I wouldn't know what to say. The old me would be ignorant of a man's presence and just see a friend, but I have grown up a little too much to keep such a naive outlook on life. Oh well, we are approaching the walls of the city. I guess only time will tell what is in store for your truly.

"Lina, wake up!!!!! All you can eat buffet is starting in five minutes!!" Gourry tried in vain to wake Lina up by yelling at her. Sighing heavily, he skipped right to the last resort. Gourry slowly opened up the door to Lina's room and looked down on her still sleeping form. Long ago he accidentally discovered that Lina slept in the buff whenever they could get a room in an Inn. Also knowing that she was extremely modest Gourry walked softly over to her bed and ripped off her blankets and sheets leaving her naked body exposed.


Gourry had also learned to duck whenever he had to use this tactic.

"Gourry are you trying to get yourself killed?" She asked this as Gourry threw the sheets back to her.

"No, I just thought you would like know that we now have two minutes before the all you can eat special begins." Before Gourry could even finish his sentence Lina was a blur as she scrambled to put on all of her clothes. In record time she was dressed, and she and Gourry flew downstairs just as the buffet was opening.

Once they had their first round of plated filled up, the two made their way over to the table where Amelia and Sylphil were saving for them.

"Thanks you guys."

"What took you so long to get down here?" Amelia asked Lina this as Lina and Gourry began to shovel through there food.

"I had to wake her up. Which reminds me...Lina you better make sure we have some extra money later to pay for the damages to the walls." As he said this sweat drops formed over the heads of the other two.

"You had to steal the blankets again didn't you?" Gourry just nodded as Lina's face turned almost as red as her hair.

The other three laughed for a while then resumed eating. The eating continued, as did the piles of dishes on the table. When Lina and Gourry were done, they looked for Amelia and Sylphil but didn't see them.

"I guess they got tired of waiting?" Lina said this and Gourry nodded as the two proceeded to go and look for their friends.

"I'll go one way, you go the other. Let's say we meet back around lunchtime? Then the four of us can do something." Lina said this to Gourry, who nodded in agreement and took off in one direction.

Lina started running in the other direction, not really paying attention to anything. That caused her to run full force into someone and knocking them down.

"I am so sorry. I wasn't paying attention to where I was going. I was looking for two of my friends. I hope you aren't hurt." Lina said this as she was struggling to get off of the man she had bumped into.

"The fault is as much mine as it is yours. Are you sure you are all right ... Lina?" The man said this as he got a good look at the woman who was standing before him.

The sound of his voice caused Lina to raise her eyes to the man. A gasp escaped her lips as recognition set in.

"Zel ... " Her voice was barely a whisper.

"It's been a long time. How are you?" Zel only half listened to what she was saying as he processed all of the changes since the last time he had seen her.

"I am good. I'm still traveling with Gourry, Amelia and Sylphil. We miss you a lot. We wish you would have stayed." Lina had to close her eyes to focus on the question.

"Where are the others?"

"Oh well, we are going to meet back at the Inn around lunch time. Will you join us? It would be like old times. I know the others will be a happy as I am to see you again." Lina prayed that he would accept her offer and join them. Anything to have a few more minutes with him, alone or not.

"That sounds like fun. We have a few hours till then, why don't we go for a walk?" Zel impulsively held out an arm for her, which to both of their surprise she accepted.

After an hour of walking in silence Zel spoke.

"You've changed, Lina?"

"Really? How so?" Both of them stopped and looked at each other.

"More so than your physical changes, which are great, your personality has changed. The old you couldn't have lasted this long with quiet. There are other things that are slightly different that I can't quite put my hands on yet either."

"Are these good things or bad things?" Lina couldn't bring herself to look him in the eyes when he answered.

"Good. All good. I just wonder if any of the old Lina that I knew and loved ... to tease is still there." Lina's heart gave a little skip as she heard him stumble over his words.

"Just ask Gourry. This morning when he stole my sheets from me this morning, and he got a fireball. Lucky for him his reflexes have improved." Lina fully realized how that was going to sound, and rejoiced a little as Zel's face fell slightly at that comment.

"So you and Gourry finally go together? That must have made Amelia happy." It was Zel's turn to look away as she answered his question.

"No! That would be too weird. He and Sylphil are a couple. He just knows how to wake me up in a hurry. He steals my sheets and the rooms are always cold so out of reflex I shoot a fireball at the person who disturbs my sleep and modesty."

"So you sleep ... naked at night?" Zel swallowed hard and prayed Lina didn't notice his voice faltering as his mind went on to picture the information it was just given. His prayers were not answered.

"Only when I am staying at in an Inn. What about you Zel? Do you sleep in the buff?" Lina couldn't resist picking on the man who caused her emotions to go so crazy. Besides that teasing factor she also wanted to know every intimate detail she could before he was forced out of her life again.

"Depends on where I am. Mostly nude though." Zel noticed a slight blush form on her cheeks. A small glimmer of hope lit in his heart.

"It's almost time to meet the others. We should start walking back." Lina cleared her throat a few times before she could finish the sentence.

Zel only smiled down on her as they began to walk back towards the Inn.

Once there they were greeted by three very excited people.

"Zel!!!! Is it really you?" An excited Amelia ran full force and threw her arms around Zel's neck. In response he spun her around until she cried for him to stop. Silently Lina was jealous of the younger girl's easy approach with Zel.

"Long time no see my man." Gourry said this as the two engaged in a hearty handshake.

"We have missed you Zel. No one seems to be able to calm Lina down faster than you. I am glad you are back." Sylphil laughed at the dirty look that Lina shot her over that comment.

Later that Night

Lina tossed and turned and still could not get comfortable in her bed. When her legs became entangled in the bed sheets, she gave up and kicked off all of the covers. Feeling restless Lina grabbed a towel and threw on enough clothes to be considered decent, and headed toward the pond that she and Zel had seen earlier that day.

Once there, Lina discarded all of her clothes, took a cautious look around, then did a graceful dive into the water. She floated up to the surface and easily turned over onto her back.

"This is the only way to relax." Lina said this and gave a content sigh as the cool water eased away the tension she didn't even realize was there.

She continued to alternate between swimming and floating for the better part of an hour when she heard a voice that caused her to unconsciously sit up. That caused her to go flailing about in the water. In doing so she sucked in a mouthful of water. Fear overtook her when she couldn't reach the surface. Just as she was about to give up hope a pair of powerful stone arms pulled her out of the water.

"Lina? Are you ok?" A concerned voice asked her this as Lina coughed up the water that was beginning to take up a permanent residence in her lungs.

"I....I....I'm ok now. Thank you Zel. It seems you are always saving me from one threat or another. Now that I think of it ... the threat usually involves water...or fish." Lina gave Zel a weak smile that nearly broke his heart.

"What were you doing out here swimming alone at this time of night?" Concern made his already gorgeous voice take on a velvety quality.

"I'm a big girl, Zel. I was hot up in my room so I decided to cool down ... OH MY GODS!!" As Lina was talking to him, she realized that she wasn't wearing anything. What was worse, she wasn't wearing anything in front of Zel.

"What? What is wrong? Did you twist something? Is something broken?" Zel looked down to see if anything was wrong, then noticed what was the cause of her outburst.

"Uh ... Sorry Lina. I really didn't realize that you were naked. I was worried about you. Here, throw this on." Zel pulled his shirt over his extremely red face and handed it to her as he tried to give her a small bit of decency and turned his back to her.

Lina was grateful as she pulled the shirt over her head. It was big on her and fell about mid thigh. She looked up to tell him that she was done and her heart froze in her throat.

"Zel........." Lina whispered this softly as she looked at his naked torso bathed in soft moonlight.

"Lina...." Zel looked back at her and gave her a sad smile.

"What is wrong Zel? Have I done something to make the smile you had earlier go away?" Lina walked over to where he was sitting and placed a gentle hand on his strong shoulder.

"No. It isn't you. It's me."

"Tell me Zel. I promise not to betray your confidence to anyone. You are my friend and I keeping secrets." Lina mentally kicked herself for her slip of the tongue, and prayed to the gods that Zel didn't notice.

"You remind me of a love I can never have." Zel said this, only half lying to the petit red head, who had stolen his heart so long ago.

"Why can you never have her Zel? If you love her, then you should tell her. No matter how much it hurts to possibly face rejection. I just wish I could take my own advice." Lina's voice had lowered severely as she spoke that last sentence. Zel looked at her with pain in his eyes.

She loves another. Gods why did I have to wait so long?

Zel's lecture with himself was cut short as her heard her give a small sob. Hating to see her cry, he cupped her chin in one hand and raised her face to his. With the thumb of his other hand he carefully wiped the tears away.

"Lina, any man would be honored to have you love them. You have everything a man wants in a woman. You are beautiful, smart, and brave. Not to mention you have filled out nicely." He added that last little comment as a small joke then continued. "You shouldn't worry about rejection. If by some act of madness on the gods part, he does reject you, tell me where he is and I will personally kill him for making you cry any more that your beautiful ruby eyes has to." Lina sniffed softly as she looked up at Zel.

"Thank you, Zel. I don't know when I will tell him, but I promise when I do, you will be the first to know."

"And when I tell her, you will be the first to know also."

"It's a deal then." Lina stuck out her hand and Zel shook her hand while they both laughed.

"Ok now let's go back to where you started from on the bank and find the rest of your clothes.

"Ok." Lina blushed some more as the two of them went off looking for her missing clothing. When they found them Lina looked disgustedly at the layers of the clothing.

"Give me a minute to change into these."

"Don't. You can change back later when it is cooler. I know how you hate to be all hot and sticky in your clothes. Don't look so surprised that I remember. I counted the number of times we stopped for you to bath to pass the time. Now you are giving me that look again. It was either do that or talk to Gourry."

"I see what you mean. Sorry to have done that to you." Lina laughed a little as she gathered up her things.

"Let's get you back before the others notice you missing. I'll carry that." Zel took her bundle from her and began to walk ahead.

"Thanks, Zel." Lina walked behind him admiring the view why she could.

Why oh why couldn't it be me you loved, Zel?

Ten minutes later Lina was settled in her bed once more. Still wearing Zel's shirt, she snuggled into it, inhaling his masculine scent, and cried softly as she drifted off for a few more hours sleep.

The Next Morning

Gourry opened the door to Lina's room and peered cautiously in. Seeing she was still sleeping he walked over prepared to wake her up in the only way that worked. Once he got closer to the bed he stopped.

Dries tear trails could be seen on her porcelain skin. Curled up in a fetal position her fists to her face, she hardly resembled the strong woman he had come to love as a sister. It was when he looked down did he notice what was really wrong with the picture. She was sleeping in clothes, not just any clothes, but Zel's shirt. It didn't take long for him to put two and two together. Contrary to what people might think he was actually kinda smart when it came to feelings of the heart.

Gourry couldn't bring himself to wake her up, instead he went downstairs and got two helpings of everything. One for himself and the other for Lina when she made it down.

"Where's Lina? It's not like her to miss breakfast." Amelia said this as she looked at Gourry and the food.

"The kid needed a day off. I'm saving her some food though." As Gourry said this he saw Zel walking through the door. The man of stone looked like he had taken the beating of his life. Gourry only hoped that Lina was the cause of his emotional distress.

Zel looked around the room until he spotted the group. As he approached them Gourry got up and started walking towards him.

"You don't look so good, and unless you want a bunch of questions thrown at you by them, then come outside with me so we can talk." Zel looked at Amelia and Sylphil then nodded in agreement with Gourry. The two of them walked outside and sat on a nearby bench.

"So what is up with you and Lina?" Gourry knew that the only way to get to Zel was to be blunt.

"Is it that obvious?" Zel looked off in the distance as he asked this of the younger man.

"Only because I know what it like to love her." Gourry said this softly.

"Last night she said that there was someone that she loved.....maybe it is you...." Zel's voice trailed off.

"No, Zel it's not me. It's you. Hell she is a sister to me now. A few years ago yes I did love her like that, but she has always loved another, even when she didn't realize that she did."

"Do the girls know about how she feels about me?"

"No, and they won't until Lina tells them. I am the only one she let's get away with waking her up in the morning. And that is only because I can dodge the fireball that comes after it. But before she wakes up sometimes she talks in her sleep. Mostly calling your name. It broke my heart at first, but then I was very worried that you would break her heart, so I took the role of brother to heart."

"Thank you for telling me this Gourry. Where was Lina this morning? I didn't see her." Worry crept into Zel's voice.

"I couldn't bring myself to wake her up. Why don't you go up there and do it for us. Oh, helpful hint, duck to the left and stay low." Gourry called this after the man who was now walking into the Inn.

Inside Lina's Room

Zel carefully walked into Lina's room and noticed right off what Gourry did earlier. Silently he cursed himself for making her cry. Before approaching her to wake her, he simply looked at her. She was on her side, one hand was balled up next to her face, the other was slightly bent, palm down on the place next to her. His eyes traveled down her body. Her right leg was slightly bent and her left leg was stretched out all the way and was laying over her right leg. His shirt barely covered her bottom and the effect made it seems as if her legs would never end. Zel closed his eyes and prayed for courage as he walked over closer to the bed.

Zel knelt down on the floor next to her head. With one hand he brushed the stray locks of hair away from her face. In her tired state she slowly opened her eyes at the gentle touch.

"Zel?" Surprise was evident in her sleepy voice.

"It's me. I.....I talked to Gourry earlier. He didn't have the heart to wake you." Lina opened her eyes quickly at that and looked out he window.

"It's almost noon. Why are you here though?"

"I know I am part of the reason that he didn't wake you up."


"The tears. My sweet, innocent Lina. It has always been you. I was afraid, then when Gourry told me of what he had noticed about your behavior, I put things together. I was so afraid last night that I was too late. That you loved someone else and I would never find someone who loved me and accepted me for who I am rather that what I am." A tear fell from the proud man's eye.

"Zel......I thought I was foolish to love you for so long when it seemed you barely even cared. You have always been the only one, and you always will be." Zel took this as his cue to kiss her. That is exactly what he did.


"Gourry where is Zel now? And why isn't Lina down here yet? Her food is really cold now." Amelia was whining at him again. He only looked at her and smiled. Sylphil looked at Gourry.

"You are up to something Gourry Gabrieve and don't bother denying it. You had that same exact look on your face last night when....." Sylphil noticed that Gourry had place his hands over Amelia's ears. It was then she realized what she had been about to say, and turned a bright shade of red.

"Amelia to answer your first question I sent Zel to wake Lina up. And for your second here she is now." Gourry had a cocky grin on his face as the two came walking down the stairs together......Hand in hand.

"So that's what you were up to. I thought I was the only one who noticed." Sylphil said this as she put her arms around Gourry's waist. She then added after a minute of looking at the two of them. "I thought I was the only one who noticed."

"Hi guys....Guess what!!!" Lina was her characteristically bubbly self as she and Zel approached the other three.

"Uh......You're hungry?" Sylphil said this while trying not to laugh.

"You want to go on another adventure?" Gourry said this also stifling a laugh at the exasperated face Lina was making.

"Well yes to both....but that's not what I wanted you to guess. Amelia, do you want to guess?" Lina looked at the young girl.

"You want to kill me slowly and painfully?"

"Uh.....No, not even close." Lina looked up at Zel. He nodded at her and cleared his throat a little.

"Lina has agreed to marry me. You are all invited of course, without you it wouldn't be right." Sylphil and Gourry enveloped the couple in a huge group hug giving their congratulations. Caught up in the excitement only one of the four people noticed a teary eyed Amelia slipping out of the Inn.

"Excuse me guys." Lina said this as she gave a apologetic glance toward Zel and left him with the other two.

"Amelia?" Lina walked over to the younger woman and placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Why you? Why not me?" Amelia sobbed harder, and all Lina could do was stare.

"I don't know why me, Amelia. All I know is that it was. I didn't ask for it to be just happened that way." Lina moved to sit next to the crying girl.

"You know I have never been good at this whole put others before you thing, but I am trying. I hope you will still come to the wedding. You won't have to be a servant this time. Well..I was kind of hoping that you would be my maid of Honor."

"Your maid of honor? Isn't that supposed to be a sister's duty?" Amelia sniffled a little and started to wipe away the tears.

"I rather have you then Luna there any day. This means you forgive me right?"

"Oh, Lina! How could I stay mad?" The younger woman threw her arms around the neck of the older one.

One month Later

Lina's dress was a simple white dress, but it looked fabulous on her. It was strapless and the lace up bodice was cut low and showed a modest amount of cleavage. The back was cut lower so that it started about halfway down her back. The skirt was a loose flowing satin dress that hung to her hips and fell gently around the rest of her legs.

"Ready to go, Lina?" Lina turned away from the mirror and looked at Gourry as he came in.

"Ready as I will ever be." Lina was all smiles as she took Gourry's arm.

"You look beautiful, Lina. Zel is a lucky son of a bitch." Lina blushed at the compliment then picked up her bouquet as they were walking out to the hall.

As she and Gourry walked into the main room of the church, she heard a gasp coming from the groom. Lina looked up at her soon to be husband, and smiled shyly.

"I told you that you looked great in that dress." Amelia whispered this to Lina as Lina was taking her place next to Zel.

"He's never seen me in a dress before."

Amelia giggled a little then quickly composed herself after getting a warning look from Sylphil.

Unlike the wedding Lina was in years ago, this one went just fine, not one objection or fireball was thrown, and the two flew off for their Honeymoon, leaving Gourry and Sylphil to take care of the mess, and Amelia holding the bouquet wishing her friends the best of happiness.

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