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Hold Me

By: Misty

Hey ...

If we can't find a way out of these problems

Then maybe we don't need this

Standing face to face

Enemies at war we build defenses

And secret hiding places

The last three days were hell compared to the war they fought just four

years ago. Since the war ended, each pilot

had gone their own way. Each path they took, ended up bringing them all

together, for one reason or another. It was harder for Duo Maxwell, 


for any of the pilots. It was clear that he had feelings for the 


Soldier. Anyone could see that. Well, anyone except the soldier 


Quatre once said he Heeroknew, of his feelings towards him. But now, 


thinks he was just being nice. Duo's done everything he could to make 


see. But he decided to let fate take it's course. It wasn't coincedence

they had all been brought together once more. Duo was sure of that. 


this time it would be different.

Duo walked into the room and spotted Heero almost imediatly. He was 


denim jeans and white t-shirt, over

that he wore a black jean jacket. Which looked good on him, he had to 


to that. He was sitting at his laptop, as

usual. He walked over to where he was and looked over his shoulder.

Everything was in code, so he was obviously

decoding it.

Heero shot a side glance at Duo. "What?" he said coldly.


"Oh.. uh, just wanted to see what you were up to" Duo said.

"Hn.." Was Heero's only reply.

"So .. uhh ... up for a little one on one later?" Duo said, raising his


"Excuse me?" Heero said, looking up at Duo.

"You know .... a little b-ball out on the court.... what did you think 


 meant... Hentai" Duo snickered.


Heero rolled his eyes and turned back to the screen and began tapping 


 the keys. Duo sighed inwardly and walked

out the door, gently shutting it behind him.

I might need you to hold me tonight

I might need you to say it's alright

I might need you to make the first stand

Because tonight I'm finding it hard to be your man


He walked to the kitchen and opened the fridge. He spotted a can of 


and decided to grab it before Wufei did.

God knows he needs to cut down on this stuff. He walked over to the 


and grabbed a glass. He went to the sink and popped open the can and 


pouring it into the glass. He glanced up at the sound of giggles. He 


site of Trowa and Quatre. He sighed softly. How he envied their love. 


ability to show it freely to each other. They even showed their love 


others. Which was a big step for Trowa. Duo was so caught up in the 


he didn't hear Heero walk in. He went over to Duo to see what he was

staring at. He smirked to himself and leaned next to his ear and 



"Wishful thinking Duo" Heero said softly.

Catching Duo completley off guard he dropped the glass in the sink,

breaking it into pieces. He was alsmost shaking.

The feel of his breath on his neck and ear, both startled and excited 


He looked over at him, slightly annoyed

by that... teasing.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Duo asked.

"You seem to always want what you can't have" Heero said coldly.

"And you know what I want?" Duo said, slightly upset.

"I have an idea .... " He smirked.

"Well?" Duo said.

"Hn.." was all Heero said.

"You don't know ... you don't understand anything Heero ... You can't

understand!" Duo yelled "You know nothing of what I want .... I want 


you can't give"

With that, Duo slammed past Heero, knocking him off balance. Duo 


into his room and slammed his door hard. Letting it be known he was 


off. Heero was at his door the moment it shut. He stood there, not 


what to say. He knew the rumours of Duo liking him, but he never 


it. Duo, untill now, never shown interest before.

More than angry words I hate this silence

It's getting so loud

Well I want to scream

But bitterness has silenced these emotions

It's getting hard to breathe

So tell me isn't happiness

Worth more than a gold diamond ring?

Heero knocked twice on his door. No answer. He knocked again. Still no

answer. He quietly opened the door and

spotted Duo kneeling at the edge of his bed, crying. Heero's never seen 


cry before. No one's seen him cry

before. He gently walked over to him and knelt beside him, just 



I'm willing to do anything

To calm this storm in my heart

I've never been the praying kind

But lately I've been down upon my knees

Not looking for a miracle

But a reason to believe


Heero crawled closer and eveloped Duo in his embrace. Duo welcomed the

small amount of effection he was recieving

from him and wrapped his arms around Heero's neck. He sobbed. Heero 


him close and rubbed his back. Trying to

calm him. He whispered softly in Duo's ear, hoping to quiet his sobs, 


came harder and harder.

I might need you to hold me tonight

I might need you to say it's alright

I might need you to make the first stand

Because tonight I'm finding it hard to be your man


Heero sat there, holding Duo against him. He remember the times Duo did

this to him. Held him close. It was just

after the war. Heero had a mental breakdown and the only one in the 


they knew was Duo. He was there within

hours of the call. He sat there and told Heero of the memories he had 


them and the other pilots. Duo laughed at

some of the memories, and so did Heero for the first time. Why he 


realize then. Duo told him of the times

they all went out to eat or drink.


Do you remember not long ago?

When we used to live for the nighttime

Cherish each moment

Now don't we live we exist

We just run through our lives

So alone

That's why you've got to hold me

Hey ...

If we can't find a way out of these problems

Then maybe we don't need this

Standing face to face

Enemies at war we build defenses

And secret hiding places

Duo looked up at Heero with confusion in his eyes. Heero just smiled 


kissed him gently on the lips. Duo smiled

back and hugged him tightly. Heero told Duo they could get through

anything, now that they had each other. They

talked for awhile. Mostly about each others feelings towards one 


Hearing Heero express himself brought

tears to Duo's eyes. He glomped him and they both landed hard onto the

floor. Heero smiled and asked Duo if there

was anything he wanted. Duo wiped the tears from his eyes.

"Hold me" was all Duo said.

They layed there, for severals hours, holding each other. They stayed 


that position into the early morning hours.

I might need you to hold me tonight

I might need you to say it's alright

I might need you to make the first stand

Because tonight I'm finding it hard to be your man

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