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Green Ale Mischief
By Relm Wanderer

Mugs clanged, people chatted and drinks were poured. The bar was 
with lots of people drinking. Some were passed out, some drank with 
on their faces, and some had tempers that were flaring while others 
silently with sadden expressions on their faces.

Today was the day of a celebration that naturally ended up the people’s 
large consumption of alcoholic beverages. But then what real good can 
out of alcohol? Not much really…


The day before

Lina, Zelgadis, Amelia, Gourry and Sylphiel were out adventuring 
for treasure and frying bandits. Xellos had been with them just a few 
prior but he disappeared right after the group followed up and yet 
false chimera cure lead. He left right before they realized the cure 
bogus. Zelgadis figured that the trickster priest knew all along that 
cure wasn’t going to work.

Lina and the others didn’t let it hinder their spirits but naturally 
wasn’t too high. It was the same thing every time. He got himself all 
up, and for what? Nothing. Then he’d be depressed and mope until either 
days later or until he found a new cure lead to look up.

So that left our chimera depressed and very withdrawn. They all tried 
best to cheer Zelgadis up but they ended up making him cross instead.

“Miss Lina is there a town nearby?” Amelia said in a somewhat of a 
voice. She was tired, hungry and her feet hurt from walking. They had 
walking in the forest all day and as night neared most weren’t too 
of the idea of camping out again.

“Not sure. I think Desrig is just a little ways from here. If I 
correctly then it should be just down this trail.”

“Miss Lina what’s in Desrig? I’ve never heard of that town before.”

“Nothing much really. Or at least when I went there wasn’t much. But 
that was a long time ago and I can’t really remember the town that 
There was something gnawing at the back of her mind. There was some 
thing about the town but she just couldn’t remember what. ‘Oh well 
nothing too important.’ Lina looked over to Zelgadis. His expression 
cold and hard as we walked pretty much behind the group. He’d been 
quiet for 
most of the past few days. The only timed he talked was when he was 
Lina or Amelia’s head off for bugging him. Not that being quiet and 
wasn’t normal for Zelgadis, it was just a lot more then usual. Lina 
and returned her eyes to the trail in front of her. ‘He’s really got to 
learn to lighten up. Geesh!’


Moments later they reached Desrog. (So Lina forgot the name slightly it 
still there now wasn’t it?) It wasn’t a large town but then it wasn’t a 
small town either. The townspeople smiled as the weary travelers walked 

“Good day to you! Welcome to Desrog! I hope ye gonna stay for the 
One of the townspeople called at to them as they walked by. That’s when 
mentally smacked herself. She remembered what was that thing she 
remember about this town. Years ago when Naga and Lina were traveling 
together Naga had dragged Lina to Desrog on this exact time of the 
year. It 
was the towns annual drinking festival. Lina wasn’t sure why they had 
drinking festival or what was the purpose of it. All that she knew from 
she found out last time she was there was that it was a day of 
to celebrate the years good fortune and for good fortune from years to 
They drank in honor of someone but Lina wasn’t sure of whom. She 
that not even the townspeople themselves could remember the original 
of the festival.

“Oh there’s a festival! How fun! I wonder what type of a festival it 
Amelia smiled with delight.

“A drinking festival.”

Amelia frowned and scrunched her nose. She very rarely indulged herself 
alcohol. She thought of it as a person injustice if she ever allowed 
to get drunk or even get close. She frowned upon drinking.
Zelgadis looked around the town and sighed. All the people looked happy 
content and he just shook his head.

“Well I’m hungry! Let’s go and get some food!” Lina declared while 
and Amelia seconded it. Zelgadis and Sylphiel just quietly followed 


After dragging everyone through town Lina and company finally decided 
where to eat. The place was crowded and everyone sat chatting away with 
their friends with big cheery smiles. Both Lina and Zelgadis 
shuddered. Everyone in this town was far too happy and friendly for 

After being seated and with their food ordered the group was surprised 
5 mugs of some strange green liquid where placed on their table by 

“Um excuse me, we didn’t order these.”

“Oh I know, it’s on the house! Go on drink, be merry!” The waitresses 
was far too large as she skipped off back to the kitchen.

The five of them just sat there staring at their free drinks. Amelia, 
Gourry, Sylphiel and Zelgadis looked the drinks suspiciously while Lina 
shrugged and took a swig of hers. They all looked at her funny.

“What? It’s Desrog’s specialty. I’m not sure what goes in it or why 
green but it’s a pretty good drink.”

They all looked back their drinks and shrugged as well before taking a 
of theirs. Sylphiel and Amelia coughed loudly, Gourry’s eyes bugged out 
Zelgadis just raised his eyebrow at them.

“Didn’t you expect it to be strong alcohol?” Zelgadis asked dryly. The 
of them shook their heads.

Both Lina and Zelgadis rolled their eyes.

Their food came and they dug in.


The next morning Lina woke up with a bit of a headache. Even though she 
didn’t get herself drunk the night before Desrog’s special green drink 
still pretty powerful stuff. She chuckled softly. She remembered when 
went on a drinking binge during Desrog’s drinking festival. Naga had 
got so 
drunk that night that she didn’t wake up for two full days. Lina had 
quite content to not have to hear Naga’s annoying laugh while having 
hangover that next morning.

Lina stretched and got ready to go downstairs to meet everyone for 


Lina was the last one down. Amelia, Sylphiel and Gourry were already 
while Zelgadis was just sitting there drinking his morning coffee. By 
slight pained expression on his face, Lina figured that she wasn’t the 
one with a headache.

“Headache Zel?”

Zelgadis just grumbled with a cross look.

Lina ordered her food and like everyone else Lina was brought another 
mug of 
green alcohol.

“How can they give you drinks right in the morning like that?” Amelia 
comment in disgust.

“Amelia today’s their drinking festival. There will be drinking all 
day. And 
the drinks are free too.” Lina said matter-of-factly while taking a sip 
her drink.

“Miss Lina!”

“What?! You think I’m going to waste this?! It’s a free drink and this 
takes pride in their drinks! It’s an insult to turn down their drinks!”

Amelia frowned at her.


Lina insisted that they stay for the festival and leave the day after 
it. So 
they went off in their separate directions doing their own things till 
meet up later at night.


Amelia whom had gone off by herself was getting quite frustrated. She 
couldn’t find much to do. Practically everything was closed due to the 
festival. She kinda wished that she was with Zelgadis, but he made it 
clear that he didn’t want to do anything with anyone. She just sighed 
continued walking around aimlessly curious to what everyone else was 


Zelgadis just sat in his room in the inn staring at nothing. That’s 
what he 
had been doing for the past half an hour. He didn’t know why he made 
such a 
big fuss about not wanting to do anything with anyone. He wasn’t doing 
single think other then torturing himself with thoughts of being stuck 
chimera forever. But he didn’t want to do anything with them. In real 
they were annoying him. He was so completely bitter that anyone happy 
driving him up the wall.

So he sat sulking, drowning himself in self pity and anger towards 


Gourry was seeing the sights around the town with Sylphiel latched to 
arm. Gourry should have picked up that Sylphiel liked him from this 
act. But 
Gourry being Gourry didn’t realize that Sylphiel was latched to his arm 
because she liked him. Who knows what he thought was the reason, or if 
was even thinking about it at all.

Currently they were walking around the nearby lake. It was a pleasant 
setting, trees, flowers, birds and it was all calm and peaceful.

“Oh Gourry-dear don’t you think this place is lovely?” Sylphiel asked 
as she 
sniffed a flower while placing her basket down.

“Yeah it’s real nice. Hope Lina doesn’t blow her temper and destroys it 
magic. Say Sylphiel…” Gourry faced her and looked her straight in the 
with a hungry, demanding look.

Sylphiel blinked a few times and felt her checks go red. “Um, yes 

“Don’t you think this a good place to have our picnic and eat? I’m 
starving!” Well this is Gourry we’re talking about.

Even though Sylphiel was a bit disappointed she weakly smiled. “Okay, 


Lina herself was sitting in her room at the inn. She was pouring over a 
books that she had acquired during the last chimera cure lead that they 
gone on. She was hoping that she could find information on magic, power 
treasure. Oh and also something that might be helpful to Zelgadis. 
naturally she was thinking more about what she could gain then Zel.

The books were interesting but they weren’t anything that useful. It 
was all 
folklore stuff. Stuff about ancient curses and mythical creatures. She 
didn’t think much of what she read. That sort of stuff wasn’t something 
she took that seriously. But perhaps she should have.


It was nighttime and like most of Desrog’s drinking festivals everyone 
up at the local bar.

Sylphiel, Gourry, Zelgadis and Lina sat at a table waiting for their 
to come. Amelia couldn’t even stand the thought of going into the bar 
decided she was better off going back to the inn. She was sick and 
tired of 
all the drinking and didn’t want to have any part in it.

So that left the four of them to take part in a Desrog tradition, a 
toast to 
the whole town and the people there for good luck and fortune.

With a drink in everyone’s hand the toast was made and they drank. 
to the four of them someone had tampered with their green drinks.

Zelgadis was the first one to notice that there was something wrong 
him. He felt lightheaded and suddenly everything seemed so much lighter 
bright around him. He felt himself smile and for some weird reason he 
uncharacteristically happy.

Lina on the other hand had an opposite reaction. Her mood darkened just 
her perception of everything. Suddenly she was depressive and withdrawn 
not really wanting to be at the bar at that moment.

Sylphiel who only moments earlier had been thinking about Gourry in a 
manner felt a strange sensation. She looked over to Gourry and to her 
surprise she didn’t feel the usual happy, fluttery feeling that she 
felt when she looked at him. He was even smiling at her and she didn’t 
anything towards him at all. Now in a normal state of mind Sylphiel 
have been distressed at this happening. Only for some weird reason she 
didn’t seem to care.

And Gourry normally dumb and unperceptive was seeing Sylphiel in a 
whole new 
light. He couldn’t stop staring at her. She was beautiful and 
enchanting to 
his eyes. He felt this strange warm feeling that was directed at her 
and he 
couldn’t help but smile.


Ten minutes later…

“Lina are you sure you’re alright? You don’t seem to happy.” Zelgadis 
her again for the third time.

“Yes I’m fine, now would you leave me alone?!?!” Lina growled at him 
much wanting to fireball him.

“Sylphiel-dear would like me to get you anything?” Gourry gushed out.

“No thanks Gourry I’m fine.”

This is what was going on. Lina was angry, depressive and withdrawn. 
Zelgadis was overly happy, joyful and overly concerned about Lina and 
far too much attention to her then friends would normally do. Sylphiel 
feeling normal despite the fact that didn’t have her normal feelings 
Gourry. Gourry on the other hand has developed feelings for the shrine 
maiden. So how did that leave things? Chaotic, and just plain wrong.

Lina sighed as she took another sip of her drink. She didn’t know why 
all of 
a sudden why everything became so bleak to her. But she was getting 
annoyed with Zelgadis. ‘What the hell is up with him?! He’s acting so 
weird!’ She gave him a suspicious look and he just smiled warmly in 
Then she turned her attention to the scene of Gourry and Sylphiel. 
had Gourry wrapped around her little finger only she wasn’t doing 
about it. Sylphiel didn’t seem to care whether or not Gourry was there. 
she did look tired.

“Um, I think I’m going to head back over to the inn now.” Sylphiel 
stretching as she got up.

Immediately Gourry got up with her. “I’ll go with you Sylphiel-dear. 
Wouldn’t want anything bad to happen to you during your walk back to 
the inn 
at this time of the night.”

“Okay. Miss Lina, Mister Zelgadis, I’ll see you in the morning. 

“Goodnight Sylphiel.”

Sylphiel left with Gourry following close behind. He gave dirty looks 
anyone that was looking at Sylphiel.

After they were gone Zelgadis turned his attention to Lina. “Okay they 
gone now. You can tell me what’s wrong.”

Lina wanted to hit the chimera. He was pissing her off! But naturally 
refrained from hitting him. Hitting a chimera who was 1/3 stone golem 
always the smartest thing to do.

“There is nothing wrong with me, SO GET THAT THROUGH YOUR HEAD!!!!” She 

“Well there is something bugging you whether you like it or not.”
Lina was very tempted to tell him that that something was him but her 
thoughts where cut short when he put his arm around her shoulder 
pulling her 
close to him. First Lina turned red from blushing, then she turned red 
anger, then Zelgadis was sent flying to the other side of the bar room. 
Content with that Lina got up and left the bar only to find Zelgadis 
following close behind.


Gourry after walking Sylphiel back to her room smiled shyly at her. She 
him a small smile to.

“Thanks for walking me back to my room Gourry.”

“The pleasure was all mine.” He flashed her a large smiled. He started 
blush when she inched towards him. ‘Is she…?’ His mind went blank and 
closed his eyes. Sylphiel went on her tippy toes to peck out a little 
of fluff that was in Gourry’s hair.

“Sorry that was just bugging me. Anyway thanks again Gourry. 
With that Sylphiel closed the door leaving a very bewildered Gourry.


“It’s funny that a small person like you could be so strong...” 
voice came from behind Lina. She was half way back to the inn.
Lina spun around preparing to use a fireball.

“Or so pretty…”

Lina’s spell casting faltered. ‘What did he say?!?!’

Shocked at what he just said Lina didn’t move, she just stared at him 
blankly. He pulled her into a hug.

“You know I’ve always thought you were pretty. Maybe that’s your 
your just lonely.” Zelgadis tilted her face up and inched in closer to 
He was so close that his lips almost touching when…


A fried Zelgadis went flying through the air.

“Honestly the nerve of some people.” Lina stormed off grumbling.


A little green and blue creature that was invisible to everyone around 
laughed hysterically. ‘Oh what fun this was! So much better then 
around with the locals!’ The creature smiled looking down at his little 
of powder. ‘I love this festival!’ The creature grinned evilly. ‘I 
other little fun I could have? That’s right there’s still that short 
black haired girl that was traveling with them. Now what could I do to 
It’s evil grin broadened as it went off in search of the little Sailune 

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