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Sorcerer's Folly
Part 6
By: Ashe Rhyder

Author's Note:  Yes, I know that everyone's horribly out of character.  Deal with it.  I suck at this anyway.

The temple was impossibly huge. The view from the outside was completely incorrect in any hint it might give as to the actual size. Lina knew that the inside of the building had to lay on a sub-dimension because there was no way to fit something the size of a small cathedral into something the size of a medium house otherwise. What truly puzzled her was who to accredit the warp to: Zeruphim, or the Vengeance demon?

The three adventurers wandered down the aisle that ran through the middle of the temple; Gourry and Amelia warily watching the blood red windows as a soft rain began to strike the glass. The dimmed sky threw just enough light through the panel to give the illusion of blood oozing along the floor wherever they walked.

"Guys," Lina spoke softly, nodding at the darkened end of the room. Her one word told them to be on their guard, as they were approaching the end of the hall. The benches on either side of the walkway abruptly disappeared into the black void that was the back wall, and the three stopped short of the edge of the darkness.

Lina glanced back at her two friends, trying to affirm that they were indeed ready. Gourry seemed slightly confused, a normality for him, while Amelia was quacking in her boots. Reassured that they were all prepared, they stepped through the veil of shadows…

…and straight into a brightly lit chamber. Gentle white light shone down from an opening in the ceiling, softly illuminating a tall white pillar that almost glowed in the radiance. Pinned to the not quite cylindrical post was a figure garbed in white dotted with crimson flecks of blood.

"Zeruphim…" The sorceress whispered, instantly recognizing his long silver hair and milky white skin. "Zeruphim! L-sama…"

"Lina-san, it’s getting really late!" Amelia whispered. "Maybe we should go back…"

"No, not yet, Amelia. I’m going to save him. I owe it to him." Lina walked cautiously towards the unmoving figure, her eyes distant.

"You what?" Gourry reached out and grabbed her by the arm. "What do you mean?"

"Oh, c’mon, haven’t you guessed?" She turned to her friends. "The reason why we ended up in this valley? Why Xellos told the story? Why I’ve been so worried?"

"So you’re Rynia, reincarnated, so what?" The blond gave her a firm frown. "You don’t have to do anything. Let’s go back and check on Zel; he’s probably getting worried…"

"Zeruphim is going to die at midnight, and when he does, this entire valley will be destroyed!" Lina hissed. "And I hurt him…"

"It wasn’t you, it was Rynia." Amelia whimpered. "Please, Lina-san, this place radiates evil! It’s not safe to be here any longer!"

Crimson eyes narrowed into a fierce glare.

"If this was Zelgadis, you wouldn’t hesitate to help him," she snarled. "I’ve seen Zeruphim in memories and met him in my dreams. He’s done nothing to deserve this, and I intend on helping him. He’s my friend." That said, she tore away from Gourry and focused on Amelia. "When I pull the sword out, you’ve got to entomb his body in ice. That’s the only way to preserve it while we try and find his soul. The very instant the sword is out, understand, Amelia? If we don’t manage to preserve his body, he’ll die within three hours anyway, despite any healing efforts."

"Why three hours?" The princess asked timidly.

"I don’t know," Lina groaned. "That’s what Kokoro no Yami told me."

"Okay." The dark-haired girl said meekly. "I’ll do it."

"Good." The red head turned to face the sorcerer. "Ready?"

"…ready…" Amelia whimpered, gathering power for a tremendous ice spell between her hands. Her blue eyes widened significantly as her elder friend reached out and grabbed the hilt of the sword that was buried almost up to the hand guard of the sword. Lightning flared through the room, crackling against the ebony stone walls and leaving smoking scorch marks. A low groan rumbled through the castle, quite possibly the voice of the Heart of Darkness.

For one brief, horrible moment, Amelia was blinded. The brilliant white light pouring off the ancient sword filled her vision with a bright nothingness, and she was deathly afraid of what she would see when the light faded.

"NOW!" Lina screamed.

"VICE FREEZE!" Amelia shouted, praying to Ceipheed that she hadn’t miscast the spell.

And then all was silent.

("A Thousand Years" © Sting and Kipper, as featured on Brand New Day)

{A thousand years a thousand more, a thousand million doors to eternity}

Lina opened her eyes and found herself standing in the entrance chamber once more, though this time the chamber was visibly less dark. She was at the foot of two grand curving staircases, which started on opposite sides of the upper level, met in the middle, and sloped down to the original side like a giant ‘X’. She glanced at the landing and heard herself gasp.

There on the raised platform stood Zeruphim, in all his pale glory. His silver hair gleamed under the undefined light, but his icy blue eyes only slightly glittered with traces of life.

{I may have lived a thousand lives a thousand times}

"Lady Rynia." He greeted her emotionlessly. "What can I do for you? Why have you journeyed up my mountain?"

"Get rid of the snow." She said before she realized it. Lina nearly screamed as she found that she had no control as her body stormed angrily towards him, hand tightly gripping the hilt of the sword.

"Get… rid of it?" The sorcerer frowned, even as his eyes widened slightly. Confusion was delicately etched into his white features, playing off his icy blue eyes.

"You’re going to bury the whole village in ice and snow." Once more she spoke without realizing it, or even thinking the words. "Get rid of the snow."

Zeruphim stared at her for a moment, his face a totally neutral mask. He turned away and stepped towards the stairways leading upwards.

"I will take care of the snow and free the village on one condition." His voice echoed eerily to her. "You must stay here with me."

{An endless turning stairway climbs to a tower of souls}

"What?!" Rynia/Lina screamed. Lina saw Zeruphim cringe. Rynia did not.

"If you do not comply, I will destroy the village with ice." He said with forced coldness. Lina sensed it. Rynia did not.

"Zeruphim…" Lina wanted to say, but was unable to move her mouth. ‘Oh gods,’ she realized, ‘I have to watch from her point of view. I have to see beyond what she sees. Zeruphim… Why did you do this? How much suffering did it cause?’

‘I don’t care if she hates me,’ Zeruphim’s soft voice echoed in her mind, and somehow Lina knew she was also being subjected to his thoughts. ‘As long as she’s nearby, this ache in my chest is not as bad. And besides, it is the only way to guarantee that I do not forget the valley people. They alone cannot survive the winter here…"

"Do you accept?" Zeruphim asked, turning to her. "If you decline, or break the deal, I will forever bury this valley in the cold." ‘I would destroy it for you in a heartbeat.’

"Zeruphim…" The sorceress wanted to cry, watching him was that painful. She remembered how oddly protective the sorcerer had been when he fought and killed the warlord Jakal, despite the legends of his total apathy. ‘He obliterated an entire army with two spells, just to protect that which he now threatens to destroy, all for her. Rynia never saw it! But I do… He must have been –no, is— so very in love with her. How painful…’

{If it takes another thousand years, a thousand wars}

"Do you accept?" Zeruphim repeated to Rynia, resolve in his voice as he glanced back over his shoulder at her. At first his statement appeared barely interested, with his eyebrows slightly arched, but his eyes half closed. But Lina saw what Rynia saw, and on top of that she could see details that her past incarnation was blinded to by anger. Zeruphim’s brows were knitted together as they arced, and his eyes were half closed to hide the glittering beginnings of tears.

Lina felt herself nod slowly before she heard another snippet of Zeruphim’s thoughts, ‘I am sorry that I have to do this to you, beloved.’

"Come with me," he started up the right staircase. "I’ll take you to a place where you can rest and freshen up…" The sorcerer was still looking at her while he walked, so he did not notice the small, shadow figure hiding on the black stairs until he ran into him.

"Kokoro!" Zeruphim exclaimed, partially surprised and partly irritated. "What are you doing here?"

"Is she the one?" The ebony-skinned boy inquired softly, fidgeting under the taller man’s stare. "This is Rynia-sama?"

Zeruphim’s face turned a dark peach when he blushed.

{The towers rise to numberless floors in space}

"I’m Rynia." Lina/Rynia said, moving forwards to meet the young man. "Who are you?" Lina recognized the youth as the manifested soul of the castle, but her knowledge did her little good.

"I’m Kokoro." The red-eyed boy smiled with a devilish glint in the deep crimson hues. "Zeruphim’s my Daddy."

The silver haired man turned pink at this statement, "Kokoro is my ward. I have watched over him for a long time, so he sometimes calls me… that."

Rynia walked up the stairs.

"Are you all right?" She asked the boy, kneeling in front of him. "You’re not hurt, are you?" Her eyes narrowed as she glared at Zeruphim. Lina saw a pang of guilt flash across his face, but knew that Rynia did not.

"I’m fine." Kokoro beamed, and thumped his chest. "I’m as solid as a rock."

Zeruphim coughed and frowned down at his ‘ward’.

"Kokoro, don’t you have something else to do?" He mumbled.

"No." The youth grinned again and his ‘father’ sighed.

{I could shed another million tears a million breaths}

"Please come with me." Zeruphim started up the stairs again. "Kokoro, you may come if you want."

"Wait, when are you going to stop the snow?" Rynia demanded. The sorcerer looked back over his shoulder and blinked.

"Right now, if you wish." His voice and face were neutral. He gestured to a window, through which Rynia could see the valley town. His eyes flashed with power as he raised his hand, palm out, to the glass panel. He commanded, "Vanish." And suddenly, all traces of snow were gone. The sun even streamed in through the many windows of the castle, filling it with light. Lina could have sworn that Kokoro was glowing himself.

"Come along now." The silver-haired man resumed his trek. "I’ll show you to your room." Rynia couldn’t see Zeruphim’s face, but somehow Lina sensed the single tear that escaped his eye.

{A million names but only one truth to face}

"Fine." Rynia glared at the sorcerer’s back, and Lina noticed that Kokoro’s happy statement faded. ‘I hate that bastard, and I’ll hate him for as long as I live.’ Rynia’s thoughts filtered through Lina’s mind, making the sorceress sick.

‘Master, I don’t think Rynia-sama likes it here very much,’ Kokoro telepathically spoke to his master.

‘No, she doesn’t.’ Zeruphim answered moodily. Lina, being drawn into the past by some kind of mysterious astral power, was privy to the whole conversation.

‘Why?’ The castle’s soul asked.

‘Because I am holding her here against her will.’ Pure agony was threaded into that message.

‘Why don’t you let her go?’

‘Believe me, Kokoro, if I thought even for an instant that I would see her again if I let her go, I would. But Rynia would never come back, and I’d end up doing something stupid like almost burying the valley in snow again.’

‘Yes, don’t do that.’ Kokoro wrinkled his inky black nose at the thought.

‘As long as she stays with me, no matter how much she hates me, I won’t end up brooding and freezing the valley.’ Zeruphim thought determinedly. ‘And I won’t mind if she decides to hate me for all eternity, because… I think this is what love feels like. Unrequited love, albeit, but love none the less…’

{A million roads, a million fears}

There was a flash of red light, and Lina found herself in a bedroom more lavishly decorated than any of the others she had seen. Rynia sat at a vanity, brushing her auburn tresses with a brush that seemed oddly familiar to Lina. The bed she saw in the mirror had four posts and a canopy with scarlet silk drapes. The doors of a large closet and an even larger washroom stood wide open.

‘This must be Rynia’s room,’ Lina sighed. ‘I wonder why I didn’t see it before when I was searching the castle…?"

{A million suns, ten millions years of uncertainty}

A knock on the door startled both girls, but it was only Rynia who jumped.

"Who’s there?" The brown-eyed girl called out, even though she was pretty sure of the answer already. After all, there were only two other people in the castle.

"Dinner," Zeruphim’s emotionless voice replied.

"Go away." Rynia scowled. The sorcerer ignored her and entered anyway, bearing a silver tray with covered dishes. Kokoro scampered in behind his master, watch the two interact with wide, crimson eyes.

"I don’t really know what you like to eat, but I hope this suits you." Zeruphim removed the cover as he walked towards her, revealing a small salad, fruit, part of a loaf of bread, and a very rich looking piece of meat. A glass of water was balanced on the other side of the main dish, the opposite position being filled by cutlery.

{I could speak a million lies, a million songs}

Meanwhile, back in the present, Gourry and Amelia were frantically trying to get a comatose Lina to awaken. Amelia’s spell had missed due to her blindness and hit a wall to no effect, so the sorceress had fallen on the motionless body of the pale sorcerer. Her hand still clutched the hilt of the sword that she pulled from his chest. In their panic, they did not notice the tall, green-skinned creature that appeared behind them.

"Lina-san, Lina san!" Amelia shook the redhead vigorously by the shoulders, her voice filled with hysteria. "Wake up! What happened, Lina-san? Wake up!"

"Lina! What’s the matter with you?" Gourry shouted from beside the princess. "Wake up and talk to me, damn it!"

"Well now, what have we here?" The Vengeance demon chuckled. Both of the conscious slayers spun around quickly to see the Mazoku that addressed them.

{A million rights, a million wrongs in this balance of time}

In the past, Lina was forced to watch in both first and third person as Rynia suddenly snatched up the knife from the tray Zeruphim carried, scattering the meal to the floor. Before anyone could react, or Zeruphim chose not to, she plunged the somewhat dull blade into his chest, directly into his heart.

Lina couldn’t keep from screaming.

{But if there were a single truth, a single light}

Gourry yelped and dodged a blast of energy thrown at him. Burns he received from the Mazoku’s initial attack sent waves of searing pain through his body. The vengeance demon, a tall, slender creature with green skin, long talons, and almost no visible fat or muscle, narrowed its six eyes and hissed as Amelia threw a fireball at it. It had disarmed the swordsman earlier in the battle, then concentrated on keeping him from his sword and neglected the princess.

{A single thought, a single touch of grace}

Worry filled the dark haired girl as her attack was deflected by the Mazoku’s shield. She could sense that it was a rather high level monster they were up against, and her panic was making her forget the incantation for the Ra-Tilt, although she had a sinking feeling that it would do her little good. She fumbled to channel raw astral energy, but the demon was challenging both her and Gourry. The blond had yet to reach his sword. Every time the swordsman dove for his weapon, the demon would blast him away.

"You will not save Zeruphim!" The Mazoku crowed. "His power will be mine!"

{Then following this single point, this single flame}

"RA-TILT!" Amelia screamed, unleashing a blast of pure astral power. White fire erupted around the Vengeance Demon, hiding it in a blinding veil. Gourry grabbed his sword as the light died down, revealing the slightly singed monster.

"That hurt." The green-skinned creature growled, lashing out quickly at the stunned princess and ripping open both her arms.

{The single haunted Memory of your face}

Zeruphim’s light blue eyes regarded Rynia with a deep pain hidden from the hateful girl’s gaze. Lina had to see his mournful statement, had to see the despair that slowly began to bud in his soul.

"Why don’t you bleed?" Rynia hissed. "Why don’t you die?" Zeruphim answered her by pulling out the knife and grabbing her hand. His strength overpowered her struggles, and he put her palm on his chest.

"I can’t bleed." He told her simply. "I can’t die."

‘But for you, I’d try.’ His thoughts echoed through Lina’s mind.

{I still love you. I still want you}

"Are you okay?" Kokoro tugged on his Master’s sleeve. Zeruphim handed the brown-eyed girl the knife again, gently pressing the handle to her palm.

"Would you like to try again?" He asked softly. Rynia stabbed him in the stomach.

"I hate you!" She growled.

‘I love you,’ the sorcerer thought, ‘and nothing you do will ever change my mind. I’ll love you forever…’

{A thousand times the mysteries unfold themselves like galaxies in my head}

Xellos appeared in the midst of the battle, opening his violet eyes in surprise. Gourry was valiantly trying to fend off the fierce attacks of the green-skinned Vengeance Demon while Amelia frantically tried to heal her bleeding arms. Lina lay passed out atop Zeruphim’s soulless body; a quick scan told him that her consciousness had been drawn out of her body.

{I may be numberless, I may be innocent}

Zelgadis lay on the floor of the inn room, curled into a fetal position with his eyes tightly closed. Shudders wracked his body, and pain filled every once of his being, choking him so tightly that he could not scream. Tears leaked from his eyes as his hands gripped his arms.

"Lina…" he whimpered. "Where are you? I can’t… can’t…"

{I may know many things, I may be ignorant}

Light flashed in front of Lina’s eyes again, and she realized she was in the entry hall again. There was a loud pounding on the front doors, which Rynia could see easily from her seat on the stairs. Zeruphim was walking to the doors at a brisk pace, his statement completely neutral once again.

"Yes?" The sorcerer answered the door, showing neither interest nor boredom.

"I’m here to find the Lord of the Valley," a tall, muscled man stood in an intimidating manner on the other side. "I was told that he resides here."

"He does," Zeruphim’s eyes narrowed slightly, and he brushed a stray lock of silver hair behind his ear. "What business do you have with the Master of the Heart of Darkness?"

"I’ve come to challenge him." The other man smirked.

{Or I could ride with Kings and conquer many lands}

"You would claim the title of Lord of the Valley for your own?" Zeruphim’s icy eyes showed little interest in the challenger.

"Aye." The man nodded. "Do you know where I could find him?"

"You’re talking to him." The sorcerer said dryly. The nameless warrior jumped back, terribly startled by Zeruphim’s words.

"You?" he blinked. "You are the mighty, five hundred years old guardian of the valley?" Zeruphim nodded. "But you look younger than I do!"

"I am Zeruphim, Lord of the Valley, and if you want that position, you’ll have to fight me for it." The silver haired mage narrowed his eyes. "Shall we step outside to the battle field?"

The two men strode out the door and to the field, not noticing as Rynia followed.

{Or I could win this world at cards and let it slip my hands}

"Sorcerer!" Rynia called out to Zeruphim, darting up to the taller man.

"Eh?" The sorcerer turned to face her, life flickering through his eyes.

"When you fight this guy, don’t use magic," she said, and Lina felt terror grip her heart. "If you can beat him without using magic, I will smile at you." Hope and determination blossomed in his statement, and Rynia smirked. Lina wanted to scream. How strong could Zeruphim be without his magic? He didn’t look very strong, physically. The other man had a heavy advantage in power, and by the looks of it, had quite a bit more hand to hand combat experience.

"Very well." Zeruphim almost smiled. "Please wait at the castle doors, Rynia-san. You will be able to see the duel without being in danger from that point."

{I could be cannon food, destroyed a thousand times}

The battle began fiercely. The challenger opened combat with an immense fireball that Zeruphim neatly sidestepped. When the rival mage twisted the flame's path to loop back around, Zeruphim back-flipped over the projectile. The fireball vanished against the contender's invisible shield, but the pallid sorcerer's fist closely followed and easily passed the magic defense. Zeruphim's hand clenched tightly around the other man's throat, even though his opponent burned him with a high level electricity spell. The silver-haired mage gritted his teeth and dug his fingers into the soft flesh of the more desperate man's throat, feeling the skin break and blood flow even as burns darkened his light skin.

Quick as lightning, his other hand shot out and grabbed the challenger's head. With a resounding crack, Zeruphim broke his opponent's neck. The sorcerer fell to his knees, releasing the corpse, and letting his shoulders sag as smoke dissipated from his body.

Rynia's smirk faded.

{Reborn as fortune's child to judge another's crimes}

"How was that?" Zeruphim asked as he limped up to her. Under her disproving gaze, his scorched flesh knitted back together, paling as it did. "May I have my smile now?"

"You…" She ground out, clenching her fists tightly. "You cheated!"

"What?" He drew back, aghast. "Cheated?!"

"No human could move as fast as you did. That was magic!" She cried, slapping him across the face.

"Rynia…" he reached out to her, but did not touch her. His blue eyes filled with sorrow.

Red light flashed.

{Or wear this pilgrims cloak, or be a common thief}

"You!" The Vengeance demon snarled at Xellos, angrily pointing at him with a long, slender talon. "You are my usurper! It is you I shall wreak vengeance upon!"

"Eh?" The violet-topped Mazoku blinked. "Usurper? How, and when?"

"A thousand years ago, you became priest and general to the Beastmaster," it growled. "That job was mine! I earned the right, I earned the power!"

The green-skinned monster narrowed its six eyes angrily, but the Mazoku priest barely frowned as it threw a powerful blast of magic at him.

'Whoa…' Xellos thought as he watched the energy strike the wall and nearly demolish it. The room was filled with a moan of pain even as the barrier slowly rebuilt itself, much like a cut healing. 'That will hurt in a bad way.'

"Soon, all of Zeruphim's power will be mine, and I will be able to destroy you!" The vengeful Mazoku grinned wickedly. "That silver-haired buffoon has willingly walked into my trap, and his power will destroy you!"

Xellos scowled and swirled his cloak around his body, quickly disappearing as the movement hid him.

He reappeared above Zelgadis' prone form and grabbed the shivering chimera. With a feat of demon's strength, he hefted the stone-skinned youth over his shoulder and teleported back to the dark castle

Zelgadis, incapacitated by pain, could not object.

"Sorry to do this to you, Zel-kun, but I'd rather not deal with a crazed vengeance demon right now. Especially one who's got your powers…" Xellos muttered.

{I've kept this single faith I have but one belief}

"Zeruphim!" Lina wanted to scream so badly as she saw Rynia storm up to the silver-topped sorcerer. He was kneeling before the altar in the temple, his pallor and light clothing almost rendering him invisible against the white marble pillar.

"I hate you," Rynia snarled, and Lina winced, watching Zeruphim flinch and pain flood his shining blue eyes. "I'll hate you forever. And the only thing that could ever make me smile again is to see my family sword buried in your heart! You kept me from my family! You kept me here in a place where there's nothing but you and that child you keep here! How could you expect me to be happy? How could you expect me to forgive you, you bastard? I'll hate you until the end of time!"

"… I'm sorry…" He whispered, bowing his head. His hand suddenly held her family sword, which he offered to her, but their eyes met as the exchange occurred. "I just… want you to know that what you're about to do… well, nothing will ever hurt me as much as you already have."

{I still love you}


His blood flew upwards and into her eyes. She struggled to wipe the crimson fluid away, not seeing the look of despair on his face. Lina's heart ached to see him in so much pain. Suddenly Zeruphim's eyes widened and focused on her. Lina felt like he was staring straight at her.

'So, that is who she'll become,' Zeruphim's telepathic voice shocked her; not because of the clarity, but because he was actually speaking to her. 'You are what Rynia's heart and soul will become, are you not?'

The sorceress' spirit nodded.

'I knew I was right…' the smile was audible in his voice, even though it did not reach his face. 'I knew Rynia had a beautiful soul. Thank you for proving me right. I knew all my pain was worth it. You have given me hope… and I will be eternally grateful.'

"Can you see what I would do for you, Rynia?" He asked, grabbing her hands. "I'll suffer for you, create or destroy for you. I'd give you everything under the sun, even your freedom if I thought you'd ever return to me. Rynia, I bleed for you, something I have long been incapable of! Rynia… I lo--"

Rynia slapped him.

"You're a sick bastard who doesn't even know what love is!" She shouted.

{I still want you}

"Rynia, won't you please smile at me?" Zeruphim asked softly. "I have done all that you asked of me, please smile at me…"

"I will never smile at you, Zeruphim," she said bitterly. "I can never smile at the man who stole my freedom. My hatred for you is your own damn fault! If you hadn't kept me here, I would be happy! Not hateful! So damn you, sorcerer, because of you I will not smile!"

She turned around and stormed away, ignoring the pallid man's cries of her name.

"Rynia! Rynia!" Zeruphim felt pain flare through his chest as his heart tried to beat with the sword still in it. "Rynia… I love you…"

A hollow beat filled the castle, coupled with the sound of a young boy's cries.

{A thousand times the mysteries unfold themselves}

Zelgadis screamed as he and Xellos re-materialized inside the temple of Kokoro no Yami. His cerulean eyes flew open, glowing with power that had been sealed for a millennia. His body arched in pain as blood flowed freely from his mouth, nose and ears. His eyes wept tears of blood. His stone skin began to burn and peal away in layers. By the time the chimera hit the floor, he was little more than a charred husk.

Zeruphim, on the other hand, glowed bright white for a moment and slowly began to stir.

"What?!" The vengeance demon ceased to beat Amelia and Gourry into unconsciousness, turning as the pallid sorcerer languidly got to his feet. "No! He cannot be revived! I will have my revenge!"

"BURST FLARE!" Xellos yelled, trying to distract the other demon long enough for Zeruphim to rise. The distraction worked; the green Mazoku lunged for the Trickster Priest, rage clouding its judgment.

Zeruphim’s deep blue eyes opened slowly, his dark lashes fluttering against his white skin. His gaze turned to Lina, who lay beside him, curled in a fetal position with her arms wrapped tightly around herself.

"I didn’t know," the sorcerers muttered feverishly, hysteria lacing her voice. "The sword, the sword! L-sama, I’m sorry Zeruphim! So sorry! I wish I could have saved you, but I failed! I failed, damn it! I can’t change the past, no matter how much I wish I could…"

"Lina." Zeruphim knelt beside her, reaching out with one hand. He paused and stared at his hand in confusion, then a brief flash of anger crossed his eyes.

{Like galaxies in my head}

The pale sorcerer frowned, the n embraced Lina and pulled her close to him.

"Shhh…" he whispered, closing his sapphire-blue eyes and gently cradling her against his chest. "It’s okay, Lina, it’s okay. I’m here, I’m fine, you didn’t fail anyone. I forgive you all your faults, you know I do. Everything is fine. You don’t have to be afraid or sorry. I forgive you."

"NO!" The vengeance demon screeched, turning away from Xellos as it heard Zeruphim’s voice. "I will not be denied my vengeance!"

The silver-haired mage looked up sharply at the Mazoku’s war cry.

"Be gone and trouble us no more." The sorcerer said, his voice colder than any glacier. His icy blue eyes narrowed dangerously, flashing with raw power locked behind the ice. He made a quick hand gesture, then commanded, "Dissolve."

The Mazoku cried out as its astral make up was ripped apart and neutralized, the bits and pieces being absorbed by the astral plane. As the vengeance demon’s consciousness was slowly dissolved. Zeruphim turned back to the red head cradled in his arms. Tenderness and warmth blossomed in his eyes, and a small smile graced his lips. He touched her cheek gently, leaning closer so that his forehead touched hers.

"Lina, wake up." He whispered. "It’s okay, you didn’t fail. Lina, I love you."

{On and on the mysteries unwind themselves}

Her eyes slowly opened and focused on the pale man who held her in his arms. His hard blue eyes softened as she could see more and more of his features, but she stayed still watching his eyes. There was something hauntingly familiar about the bright cerulean depths.

"Zel?" She whimpered groggily. "Is that you?"

"Not exactly," a soft voice answered her. "But you’re not that far off."

"Zeruphim?" She blinked. "You’re alive? Or am I dreaming again?"

"No, you’re not dreaming." He smiled softly. "You did it, Lina. You saved me."

"OH, that’s good." She sat up suddenly. "Zel! I gotta get back to the inn! L-sama, he’s going to flip out! I hope he’s still—"

"Lina." He grabbed her wrist. "It’s too late."

"What?" Her eyes went wide as she spun on him. "What do you mean?"

"There is no Zelgadis anymore. There never was." Zeruphim pulled her gently towards him. "The name Zelgadis was given to the boy born into the house of Greywers, but that was not his true name."

Lina’s heart froze in her chest. "What do you mean?" She asked quietly, half afraid that she already knew the answer.

"I… I was him." The pale mage answered. "Zelgadis was a mask I wore to be close to you. The real child died during birth, so I took the place of his lost soul. That whole thing Xellos told you was a lie. I didn’t want you to worry, or be in any more pain than you had to be. Zelgadis wasn’t dying because he was a chimera, he was dying because his soul was about to be destroyed."

{Eternities still unsaid}

"Lina, you have to believe me," Zeruphim released her, but could not bring himself to look her in the eyes.

"Zelgadis?" She called out to him, causing the sorcerer to look up suddenly. Their eyes met and locked.

"I’ve done nothing but dream of the day I could meet you again, in my normal appearance." He broke eye contact and stared at the ground. "How could you have understood what I would have told you if the words came from the lips of a monster?"

"Zelgadis was never a monster to me." Lina scowled.

"I know I am not anything wonderful to gaze upon." Zeruphim shook his head. "But would you really rather I be made of stone than flesh when I touch you?"

"Where’d you get that crazy notion?" Lina fumed. "You are a beautiful creature too, and not just physically. You’re loyal, and you don’t give up when you want something. You’re protective and gentle. Zeruphim, you’re no monster. "

"But I was." He shook his head. "I was cold and unfeeling and unloved. It was too easy to be like that as a chimera. No one cared for me, so I didn’t care for them. Lina, I’m free now. Cured, as it were. Now I can tell you how I really feel."

{Till you love me}

"I love you." He said. And after waiting for one thousand years, Zeruphim finally got his smile.

"This is very sweet and lovely," Xellos interrupted, "but don’t you think Gourry and Amelia should be tended to?" Zeruphim’s sapphire eyes darted to the Mazoku as he rose to his feet.

"I will deal with you once they are seen to." The sorcerer answered coldly, gesturing to his two friends. The ground beneath them rose up, forming trolleys on which he escorted them to another part of the castle.


Amelia woke up to see two blurs above her, one white and one red.

"She’s waking up." A soft male voice came from the milky blur.

"How are you feeling, Amelia?" The red asked with Lina’s voice.

"My head hurts," the princess whimpered.

"I’m not surprised." The man snorted. "That vengeance demon gave you quite a beating."

"Who are you?" She blinked, letting her eyes focus on the lighter of the two figures that she was beginning to see.

"You know me, Amelia." He said gently.

"Who?" The girl squinted, trying to see who was talking to her. "Zeruphim?!" Her scream echoed throughout the castle.

"Hey! Shhh, Amelia, calm down!" Lina tried to placate the hyperventilating girl, while Zeruphim winced and drew back. "He’s not dangerous, it’s okay!"

"Huh?" The princess blinked.

"It’s me, Amelia." Zeruphim spoke calmly. "I’m Zelgadis. Kind of."

"Kind of?" Amelia whimpered.

"I was Zeruphim before I was Zelgadis." He shrugged. "I became Zelgadis while I was trying to find Rynia—Lina." He reached out and gently stroked the red-head’s cheek. "But now I’ve found her, and her acceptance, so I may return to being Zeruphim."

"I see." Amelia tensed.

"Good, then can you explain it to me?" Gourry asked, interrupting their serious discussion.

"In the name of Justice and all things pure, I ask that you make a treaty with the Kingdom of Seiroon in order to preserve peace between our lands!" The princess proclaimed, leaping to her feet.

Zeruphim face-faulted.

"Amelia, how’s this," He sighed. "My people won’t bother yours as long as your people don’t bother us, ne?" He brushed his silver hair out of his eyes.

Gourry tapped the sorcerer on the shoulder.

"What am I supposed to call you now?" the blond asked.

"Just call me Zeru!" The silver-topped spell-caster threw his hands up in exasperation.

"See, was that so hard?" Xellos prodded Zeruphim. The sorcerer scowled at the Mazoku.

"I’ll deal with you later," he growled and turned to face Lina, mouthing ‘Why me?’ Lina just giggled.

The End.

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