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Between An Elf and A Monster
Part 1
By: Relm Wanderer

A little red head girl wakes up and stretches with the morning sun bathing her in its’ shine. Getting up she pulls out her favorite outfit to wear: Brown leather boots, a sleeveless yellow dress that went down just above the knee, a matching yellow jacket, brown leather headband, a topaz and amber necklace and a white cape that hooked onto her jacket with amber gems. She was very cute but didn’t quite look her age of 13 years. Going downstairs she is greeted by her grandmother, Gertrude.

“Well sleeping late aren’t we Lina?”

“What are you talking about Grammy?”

“It’s nearly 2:00 p.m. You missed breakfast and lunch.”

“WHAT?!?! Why didn’t anyone wake me?!”

“They were busy. Anyway I have to talk to you about something.”


“Last night a strange traveler came to town with a boy, presumably his grandson.”


“Well you know how dangerous it is with all those enemies our family has gained over the years…”

“So what you are basically saying that if I see and or talk to either of them I’m not to say my name right?”


“I never understood way we have to do that. When I go to travel on my own will I have to keep my name secret too?”

“No just here.”


“It’s very complicated and I don’t want to get into it right now. Besides, I should go and get you something to eat.”

Lina was about to protest but the thought of having something to eat quickly diverted her attention. She was starving after all.

“Lina?” Gertrude called from the kitchen, “Why do you still wear that outfit? After all that training with Devon you should be dressed up as a black mage now.”

“Well if I do that it’s an invitation to fights. People already like to beat me up, so imagine what they would do if they found out I can cast attack magic? I’d be a walking target!”

Lina’s grandmother just shook her head mumbling something about it being silly for Lina to have such problems at her age.

After Lina’s hunger was satisfied (just imagine how many plates of food she ate, it boggles the mind) she decided to go check out these strange night travelers that her grandmother warned her about. Searching the more obvious places like the tavern or the inn, Lina found that finding these two would prove to be harder to find than she thought. After searching for a few more hours Lina gave up. Since she had all this free time it occurred to her that this would be a perfect time to go searching the mountain caverns over to the west side of the town. There supposedly some sort of treasure in there that no one found yet so Lina got it in her mind that she would be the one to find it. Taking percussions to make sure that no who would see her, Lina carefully made her way over to the caverns. When she got there she was home free, or so she thought…

“Ah made here with no trouble, and I’m alone too!”

“I wouldn’t be so sure about that.”

Lina jerked her head to the direction of the voice. From a corner in the cave a boy with light violet hair and blue eyes came towards her. He was a head taller than her (meaning he was average sized because Lina is very short) and was wearing blue pants, a short sleeved gray shirt, arm bands, a sword attached to his hip on a belt, and a jacket of some sort draped on his shoulder tied around his neck. He looked about two or three years older than Lina. ‘Boy is he cute!’ was all that Lina could think about trying to suppress the already forming blush on her cheek. 

“You must be one of the travelers from last night, huh?”

“Word gets around fast here doesn’t it?”

“Only when something strange happens. Why were you traveling so late at night?”

“None of your business. Why is a little kid like you doing in a place like this?”

“I was about to ask you the same question, well sort of. You don’t look like a little kid… Hey wait a minute! What do you mean by “little kid”?! I’ll have you know that I’m 13 years old!”

“Funny you don’t look 13… Oh well no matter. Little or not you better leave this place is too dangerous for you.”

“Oh yeah? Well what gives you the right to tell me what is or isn’t dangerous?! You don’t even live here!”

The boy shrugged and turned around walking away from Lina.

“Hey and were do you think you are going stranger?!”

“I’m looking for something that could be here.”

“What and why?”

“None of your business and for my grandfather.”

“So he is your grandfather!”

“In a matter of speaking. Hey and what are you doing?”

“What does it look like I’m going with you.”

Lina had sprinted over and was walking right next to the stranger.

“Why? This place isn’t for a white mage like you.”

“Number one, I was coming here in the first place and since I’m looking for the treasure in here and so are you we might as well just go together. And two I’m not a white mage!”

“But you are dressed like one.”

“I can do white magic, but black magic is my specialty.”

“Then why aren’t you just dress like a black mage?”

“Great déjà vu. It’s a very boring story, one that I’m not going to bother telling you. Latter maybe, that is if you tell me your name. I can’t just keep on calling you stranger.”

“I can’t tell you it.”

“Let me guess something to do with enemies and what not due to your family history?”

“How did you know that?”

“Similar thing with me. I can’t tell you my name either. Not unless I’m anywhere else but here.”

“Funny that’s the same for me too. What’s so special about this town anyway?”

“Beats me. I only live here.”

The boy chuckled at her comment and Lina started to giggle which made the guy laugh. Soon the two of them were laughing very hard.

“Well then since we are obviously going to be together for a little while we’d better think of something to do about the name deal.”

“Fake names then? We could both make one up, that would make talking to each other a little more simple.”

“Okay then what should I call Miss Fire Fly?”

Lina blushed but luckily it was too dark in the cave for the boy to notice, or for Lina to notice his blush either.

“Um well Mister Gray Man (since he was commenting on her hair and eyes she was commenting on his shirt. A little lame but oh well everyone’s a critic >-<) I guess you could call me um… Lee.”

“A parody on your real name perhaps, Miss Lee?”


“Okay then call me…Sid.”

“Hmm, okay Mister Sid. Anyway we should head that way to the right. People have already checked a the passages leading from the left.”

“How come no one went to the right?”

“Something about hearing some strange noises and it being not too safe. Personally I think it’s just bull and whatever we are looking for is probably over there and the previous people couldn’t find it.”

“Maybe it’s in place too small for them to get through.”

“Could be. Wont know till me look around. Hey you said you are trying to find this thing for your grandfather right? Then why isn’t he here with you? Isn’t this kinda dangerous for you to do by yourself?”

“Well I’m not by myself now and my grandfather had to go see someone about the future, or so he said.”



Back in the town Sid’s grandfather was in a dimly lit room with strange creature disguised as a fortuneteller. Make no mistake though it can tell the future for real.

“So what does fate have installed for me Kelndray?”

“You will seek power and you will get what you are looking for. Tragedy will fall. A girl that your grandson will become infatuated with will seal your fate. If they ally to together it will mean your downfall twice over.”

“This girl you speak off, when will my grandson meet her?”

“He already has. Do whatever it takes to keep them away from each other. Succeed in that and you will live.”

“Hmm, well I think I can arrange that,” Sid’s grandfather said as a plan formed in his head.


“So Sid, what do you do? Travel around with your grandfather from place to place?”

“Sometimes. I do a lot of traveling with different people in my family.”

“Oh that sounds nice to be able to go places. I’m finally going to get that opportunity soon.”


“Yep, my family is finally letting me leave to go adventuring on my own in a couple of months. The deal was that I had to complete my magic training and then I can go.”

“So you’ve almost completed it?” Sid said in disbelief. ‘This girl is only 13 and is nearly a full-fledged black mage? Gee I haven’t even finished my magic training yet and I’m older than her. She’s something else.’ Admiration and a sight smile traveled onto Sid’s face.

“I already have. My dad just wants me to get some more training with my swordplay. Better to be safe than sorry right?”

“Um, yeah, right.” ‘She finished it already!? Oh well least I’m better at sword fighting than her. Or maybe not… I really don’t know how good she is anyway.’

“Well I may have completed my magic training, but there is still a lot more that I can learn. I hope to get better and learn new spells when I start traveling. I mean I’m not bad or anything, I’m better than some people can be in a lifetime, it’s just that you can’t learn everything you need to know confined at home.”

“That makes sense.”

“Speaking of magic, do you do any?”

“I’m learning Shaman magic, but I’m not finished my training yet like you have. But I am pretty good with a sword.”

“Well it looks like I have what you lack and vise versa. You know we would probably make a good team.”

“Yeah maybe.” The thought of traveling with Lina (or as he thought, Lee) made him smile. He normally didn’t talk to anyone if he can help it but he was really enjoying his time with her. ‘Maybe I should ask her to travel with me when she leaves the town… Then maybe we could-‘ Sid quickly stopped that thought before he finished it. He now was blushing very hard. ‘What’s with me anyway? Do I like her or something? No she couldn’t like me anyway. Not if she knew what I really was…’

Sid then gets hit on the head with Lina’s elbow.

“What did you do that for?”

“I asked you which direction you think we should go and you just ignored me!”

“Uh, sorry, I didn’t hear you. My mind must be elsewhere.”

“Oh well, which way?”

“Let’s try right.”


They continued walking right till they found a dead end.

“I guess we should have gone left…”

“Let’s just go back and take the other direction.” They turned around to come face to face with a very angry, very ugly monster like thing.

“Well looks like those strange noises weren’t bull after all…”


“Oh so there is a treasure. How did you get a hold of it ?”


“You stole it huh? Now wouldn’t that mean it’s not yours than?”

“Yeah when you really think about it he can’t really get angry if we tried to steal it when he stole it himself?”

“I know Sid. But do even know if his treasure is worth taking anyway? It could be a piece of junk.”


“Where is it?”


“Man is this guy is stupid or what?”

“FOR THAT YOU DIE!!” The beast using his big fists swings at Lina and Sid, which they dodged. The part of the cave they were in was too small to really fight back so Lina and Sid backtracked till the got near the entrance of the cave.


“Okay then! FIREBALL!”





Lina and Sid continue casting spells and fighting till the monster beast gave up and retreated leaving them a prize, its’ treasure. Lina and Sid leave the mountain caverns busting with childish laughter.

“That was soooo fun!”

“Did you see his face when you charred him with your fireball. He wasn’t expecting that!”

“I know and when you sent that freeze arrow and it hit the ceiling he didn’t see that you were aiming for the rocks above him. Then the rocks hit him and he looked so stupid. There he was laughing all smug that you missed and then suddenly SMACK it crashing onto him with his dumb expression on his face! Oh that was priceless!”

“I know!”

They looked at each other for a moment their pervious excitement dying down.

“You know we shouldn’t really be enjoying something like that like we are.”

“Yeah, well you only live once. So I don’t care if it’s reckless and stupid and not very ‘lady like’ if I enjoy it, then to the hell with them all!”

“Good point. Now let’s see what our looty is!” Sid said in a poor pirate accent that made Lina laugh. They dumped the contents of the bag and it revealed to be two small gemstones, one a blue sapphire and the other a red ruby. They were both the same size, small enough to fit in the palm of your hand.


“Let me guess this wasn’t what you were looking for right?”

“Nope. Oh well just the same it was a long shot anyway. This means I’ll be leaving latter on today. The only reason we were here in the first place was for this false lead. You might as well keep them.”

“There are two of them why not we both take one?”

“Nah, what would I want a little crystal for?”

“Perhaps as a keepsake? You know a reminder of what happened today. Something to remember me by?” Lina added that last part very softly looking down. She was avoiding looking him in the eye because she was blushing again for the umpteenth time.

“Okay then, which one do you want?”

“Well I guess it would make sense for me to take the ruby and you to take the sapphire but I think I want to have it the other way around.”

“So that the sapphire would remind you of me and that ruby would remind me of you right?”

“I guess it’s stupid right?”

“No. I think that’s a great idea. It would be nice to be reminded of the only girl I’ve ever had a good time with.”

“Huh, what do you mean?”

“Well I don’t do anything with girls ever.”

“Why? It’s not like you aren’t cute or anything.” Both of them blushed at that comment.

“Well if any of them knew what I really was then they wouldn’t go anywhere near me…”

“And what’s that supposed to mean?”

“I’m not fully human…”

“So what Sid neither am I.”

“But you look-“

“Completely human? Well so do you. In fact what is it that you are anyway?”


“Oh is that all?”

“You mean you don’t care?”

“I’m part elf. A small part mind you, but I am. Elves and humans didn’t get along together for many years. In fact in some places elves are still hated by people. That’s what I think is really stupid. How can people be so closed minded at anything different? So what if this person is an elf and that person is a chimera? People should be judged on the person on the inside, not because of some stupid stereotype, or the way they look.”

“So it shouldn’t matter then?”


“Elf huh? But just between an elf and a monster, I think the world would be a better place if everyone acted just a little like you.”

“Well between an elf and a monster, I think you are insane.”

“Oh I’m very true. You are brave, interesting, smart, sharp, charming, witty, and a good honest person. And not to mention cute too,” Sid said while tipping her head up and lightly brushing his lips against hers. Lina was shocked. ‘He thinks I’m pretty? Holly! Wait a minute he’s kissing me! He’s kissing me and I’m not kissing back! Stupid Lina!’

Lina then kissed him hungrily back. It started out as such an innocent kiss and it took a turn for a passion filled make out session. What was even funnier was that this was Lina’s first kiss, and Sid’s too. After about lets say 7 minutes they broke off the kiss, but didn’t let each other go.

“Bastard,” Lina said quietly.

“What did you say Lee?”

“I said bastard. Here you come in and sweep me off my feet and kiss me and you are leaving latter on today,” Lina said lightly.

“So you regret this?” He looked hurt.

“Oh no! I was only joking! I am upset that you have to go, but there is no way in hell I would regret this ever.”

Sid thought pensively for a moment.

“It’s kinda sad, here I am going to leave the first girl to ever take my heart away, and I don’t even know her real name.”

“Well if we met somewhere away from here then I could tell you it…”

“Wait didn’t you say that you were going to go traveling on your own in a couple of months?”

“Yeah in a month and a half.”

“Well how about this, we meet somewhere in lets say 3 months and we can go travel together.”

Lina thinks for a moment trying to remember something that she had been told from her grandmother a little while back. Then it hits her.

“The Star Light Festive in Tadden! That’s going to happen in almost 3 months. Why don’t we meet there in the streets near the parade?”

“That will be perfect! Alright my fire fly I’ll meet you there.”

“You’d better show up or I’ll Dragon Slave your ass!”

“You can cast the Dragon Slave?!” said Sid with wide eyes.

“Um, never mind you get the point right?”

“Yes I do.” Then Sid takes out a purple stone out of his pocket that was glowing.

“I’m sorry Lee but I have to leave now. It’s a call stone, when it glows that means that whoever gave you the stone wants you. Anyway I promise I’ll be there.” Sid kisses Lina on the lips as goes to leave.

“Goodbye Miss Fire Fly.”

“Goodbye Mister Gray Man.”

And so they parted ways. Neither of them realized that hovering above them was Sid’s grandfather.

“So Sid,” he said talking to himself, “this is the girl is the one huh? Do you honestly think that she will she still meet you after what you will become?” Sid’s grandfather laughed an evil laugh and Lina quite a ways away from him not knowing of his presence shivered despite the warm humid air.


Nearly 3 months later in Tadden, Lina walked into the inn with her current traveling companion Naga the White Serpent.

“Lina what are you doing?”

“I’m going to change.”

“Into what your old white mage outfit? Why would you do that?”

“I’ve promised to meet a friend and if I wear this it will make it easier for him to find me. Just go ahead and get drunk, I’ll see you later.”

“OHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOH!!! I’m going to drink so much that there will be nothing left in this town when I’m done! OHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOH!!!”

Lina cringed at the sound of Naga’s annoying laugh and headed out for the streets.


Sid hiding in the shadows scanned the area to see if he could find her. Then he saw her. Looking just like she had when he had left. Her wild mane of red hair, her dazzling red eyes and her beautiful delicate face. ‘Should I go see her? No I can’t go not like this.’ Sid looked at his stony hands. ‘Curse you Rezo! How am I supposed to see her when I actually LOOK like a monster?! Oh Lee!’ Sid gripped the red ruby tight in his hands. Then he looked out longingly at her. ‘If I went would she care about my stone body? Could she look past it and see the real me? No, who could care for a freak like me?’ Sid felt like as if he was going to scream. ‘ I’ll show you Rezo! I’ll get my revenge and become normal again!’ Sid looked off to Lina again standing there waiting for him. ‘And then, I’ll find you my little fire fly, enchanting elf and we can finally be together.’ Sid turned around putting his red ruby on the front of cloak and walked into the darkness of night. He was then greeted by Zolf.

“Master Zelgadis your grandfather Lord Rezo has found another lead to for the Philosophers Stone.”

“Well then let’s see if we can beat him to it.”

“Um, Master Zelgadis can I ask you something?”


“Why do you dress completely in gray?”

“It’s to do with someone I knew from a time ago.”

Zolf would have pressed him further if he hadn’t seen the pain evident in Zelgadis’ eyes. 


Lina stayed in the streets holding the sapphire on her necklace for hours and stayed till the festival was officially over. A single tear trailed down her cheek, which was soon followed by others, a never-ending fountain of tears. Lina was shaking and collapsed falling forward to find herself being held by a very somber Naga. Naga was curious on what Lina was up to, so instead of drinking (which she regretted) she decided to spy on Lina.

“Oh Naga! Why didn’t he come?!”

“I know Lina it hurts. Come on we’d better get inside, it looks like its about to rain.”

Lina being guided by Naga went into the inn.


Somewhere out in the woods a raindrop fell onto the red ruby making it look as if the crystal was crying, just like Zelgadis was on the inside.   

Part 2

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