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by Ashe Rhyder

"Mother! Father! I'm home!" Cerina called. She smiled, even though the words caught in her throat like a glacier.

"Cerina!" Ryuusuke Esrevni came out from behind the counter of the small shop he owned. Ryuusuke was a tall, thin man with dark brown hair and hazel eyes. "Your mother will be overjoyed that you've returned. Who's your friend?" He aced an eyebrow at Xellos, who smiled and sweatdropped.

"Oh! Father, this is--"

"Xel Gray."  Xellos Metallium eagerly shook Ryuusuke's hand, then turned around. "Nice to meet you, but I have to run!" And he disappeared out the door.

"What a strange young man." Cerina's adopted father blinked, then turned to her. "Come, now, your mother will want to hear this as well."

"Hear what?"

"Your adventure, of course."

An hour later, the three of them were still siting around the kitchen table. Cerina had begun telling them about the journey, but fell silent around the point where she  had been reunited with Zelgadis.It was still too painful a memory to speak of; every time she thought about it, it hurt even more.

"Cerina-chan, what's the matter honey?" Her mother soothingly rubbed her back as she asked the question for the umpteenth time.

"Nothing mom." She shook her head, blinking away tears that couldn't be shed. "It's just... just that..."

"Go on, dead, you can tell us." Ryuusuke tilted her chin up. "Tell us all about it."

"I... I met this guy on the way to Sairoon." She started hesitantly.

"Was it that Xel Gray guy  who say you to the door?" He arced a curious eyebrow, but Cerina shook her head violently.

"No, he was really, _really_ different from Xel Gray." She wondered for a moment why she  had tolerated Xellos' deception, but shoved that thought  away for a more private time. "He was a perfect gentleman, kind of quiet, the deep and thoughtful kind. You know, the kind of guy who looked twice before leaping..."

"Why do you keep referring to him in past tense?" Shouka asked warily, almost sure that this is where the hard part came into play.

"We ran into some... trouble on the way to Sairoon." Her voice was choked with bittersobs, but still tears would not flow. "I got distracted and he... he... he took a spear through  the chest for me. And he died... with my name on his lips." She leaned against her 'mother' as dry sobs racked her body.

"Did you love him?" Ryuusuke asked.


"Did you love him?"

"...Yes." She choked back the need to scream. "L-sama help me, I still love him! And I'll love him to the day I die!"

"If you love him that much, and he loved you enough to die for you, you'll be together someday." Shouka smiled.

"You think so, Mother?"

"I'm sure of it, darling."

A knock on the front door drew Shouka away for a moment, but when she returned she was pale in the face and her shaking hands clasped a paper.

"It's for you, Cerina." She held out the startch white parchment. "It's from the royal house of Glez."

"The what?"

"Glez is the formal surname of the Royal family." Shouka sat down, apparently still shook up. "You remember how the last Queen of Sairoon was Amelia Wil Telsa Sairoon, correct?"

"Yeah." A small part of Lina's mind recalled how she had traveled with the small princess.

"The current ruler is Prince Sida." Ryuusuke continued with a scowl."He's cold hearted, ruthless, and a--"

"Ryuusuke!" Shouka snapped.

"Well, it's true." He stated. "What's the little brat want from you?"

"It says he wants me to make an appearance before the court." She scanned the written words again.

"What?!" He roared. "I'll have no daughter of mine--"

"Ryuusuke." Shouka calmed him. "If Prince Sida wants Cerina to humor the court, she must. Otherwise something..."

"But he--"

"He _is_ the Prince."



"What makes you think I -want- to see Prince Sida?!" Cerina slammed the note to the table.

"Cerina, listen to me." Shouka placed her hands on her adopted daughter's shoulders. "Do not cross Prince Sida. He is a very dangerous man, and those who don't pay him proper respect often are not able to regret it later."

The red head made a face, then sighed.

"I don't want to go alone. Will you come with me, Mother? Father?"

"Of course, honey." shouka nodded. Ryuusuke grumbled and crossed his arms, but nodded anyway.

The next day found them on the road to the capital. The journey took a week, but their awe at the capital city's unique architexture far overwhelmed their exhaustion.

"Excuse me." One of the soldiers, dressed in an ivory tunic and matching pants, approached them as they entered. "You are the Esrevni family, correct?" When answered with a nod from Ryuusuke, he continued, "Please come with me. Prince Sida has commanded you be escorted to the palace upon arrival."

Cerina looked warily to her parents; Ryuusuke shrugged, and Shouka offered a warm smile. It was obvious that the slenderr blonde woman trusted the crown prince  more than her husband did.

"All right."


Cerina found herself put inside a large, luxurious bed chamber with instructions to get cleaned up before her presentation to Prince Sida. She had no complaints about the accomidations; they looked like they were rooms given to important guests, not ordinary villagers and a secretly re-awakened sorceress supreame. But she indulged anyway. First she scrubbed herself clean from head to toe, the rose scented soaps reminding her of one of the times she'd managed to get Zel in drag... she shook her head clear, not wanting to break down crying. She washed, conditioned, and brushed her glame like tresses till they shone like real pyre. Finding that a servant had taken her common clothes and left open  the wardrobe doors, she decided to investigate the other outfits. She selected a simple black dress that left her shoulders bare and came down to her ankles. A long slit ran up either side to about mid-thigh to allow free movement, and a blood red brooch caught the light at her collar. She opted for comfortable flats instead of dressy heels; if push came to shove, she wanted to be able to bolt.

"Miss Esrevni?" A soldier knocked on her door. "If you are ready, the Prince wishes to meet with you now." Cerina took a deep breath, then opened the door.

Chapter 10

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