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by Ashe Rhyder

It was a full three hours later when Lina opened her eyes. She gazed at the blur of purple and peach that sat by her bed until her vision focused.

"Good morning, Lina-chan." Xellos smiled brightly.

"Wha...?" She replied groggily. "Xellos?"

"The one and only." He nodded, his violet hair swishing with the movement.


"We're at the Mountain View Inn."

"Mountain View?" Her eyes shot fully open as she jerked upright. "Where's Zelgadis?! All that nonsense about Ruby-Eyed was a dream! Zel!"

"Lina-chan. " One look at the Mazoku's face revealed the painful truth that the Trickster could not keep a secret.

"No..." She whispered, chewing on her lip. "No way! I'm not going to believe it!"

"Lina-chan. I will escort you back to your home." He spoke softly. "Please, try to forget Zelgadis Greywers. Live as Cerina Esrevni; and forget that any of this ever happened."

"You want me to WHAT?!" She screeched, eyes blazing with ire. "I am Lina Inverse, whole and complete unto myself!"


"What the hell do you mean, 'no'?"

"Try it. Try to cast a spell. Any spell."


Nothing happened.


"It appears that the leak in your spirit energy was due to Zelgadis' absence. When you two found each other again, you could use magic, but now... he's... dead..."

"Have you buried him yet?"

"No. I cast Preservation."

"Where... Where is he?"

"Come with me." He lifted her in the same way one held a crying child, arms offering support and empathy beyond Mazoku capabilities.

They arrived at the willow glen in under a minute, thanks to Xellos' teleportation. The place was still as sdesolate as it had been when she had last seen it, only now there was a coffin made of pure crystal where the 'statue' once stood. Zelgadis lay suspended in the rock with eyes stil closed and droplets still clinging to his lashes. His hands were folded neatly at his chest, clasping his sword hilt as if it were a holy relic. With his white cape folded over his shoulders, he looked as innocent as an angel...

"Oh gods, Zel!" Lina drew in a sharp breath to keep from crying. She slowly walked up to the crystal casket, willing herself to be strong.

"Lina?" Oh gods, Xellos was still there!

*He must be getting enough sorrow out of me to last a year!*

"Did you know how Zel and I met again?" She asked quietly. "I tried to steal one of those jewels he had cried, and he caught me. When he opened his eyes, I was terrified... but he just hugged me and told me he had missed me dearly."

"Sounds like something he'd say." Xellos nodded.

"... We were so close, Xellos." She whispered. "So close to finally being together again... It isn't fair! If the price of being alive is his death, I don't want it!" She pulled a dagger from her boot, ikntet on killing herself.

But Xellos stopped her hand, catching her wrist in his gloved hand.

"No," said he. "He gave his life for you to live. Don't make that death trivial."


"There are people who love you." His amythyst gaze caught hers. "I love you."

"I... can't."



"Go home Cerina."

"But I--"


So she did. She kissed the coffin as a symbol of her wish to join him, recieved a hug from Xellos, and headed back to the Esrevni house.

Chapter 9

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