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Part 2
By: Sakura

2:15 came and went. Zelgadis sat dejectedly on a nearby bench. The couple that was originally sitting there stood up and quickly left. 

The chimes indicated 2:30. The rose that Zelgadis had meant to give her was now snapped in half and in the trash can. Apparently 
he'd stopped trying to make himself believe that she was simply stuck in traffic and was very late. He stood up to leave when suddenly
a pen rolled at his feet. He stooped down and picked it up. 

"Thank you," said a frowning redhead, and he gave it back to her silently. He turned and left.

He hadn't realized that he'd regretted telling her he was a chimera. Maybe he shouldn't have come at all.

LiNa: hey.


LiNa: You never showed up.

Long Pause

LiNa: You told me you were going to come!! I waited 45 minutes today, and you didn't come!! You lied to me!! Ignore me all you like
but you could've at least told me you didn't want to come!

Zel: I was there.

LiNa: Like when? 4:00? god.

Zel: I waited a long time, but you never showed up. I don't even know what you look like. You were supposed to recognise me.

LiNa: Are you telling me the truth? Or are you just lying and trying to cover up the truth?

Zel: I waited for you to come.


LiNa: What do you look like?

Zel: I told you. I'm a chimera.

LiNa: I didn't see any chimeras at the pier.

Zel: I'm telling you I was there.

LiNa: I'm telling YOU I didn't see you. I stood right next to the benches.

Zel: I was sitting on a bench.

Zel: Btw. Do you know what a chimera is?

LiNa: Of course I do!

Zel: Well, what is it?


Zel: Lina?

LiNa: According to greek mythology, a chimera is a lion headed, human-serpent body, creature with wings.


Zel (*umm*): Really?

LiNa: Isn't it?

Zel: Okay. Well try looking at this definition.

LiNa: Okay. Checking.

Moment later.

LiNa: Okay. So you have a goat's body and a lion's head. god. I'm sorry I don't know my greek gods or anything.

Zel: NO! Look at the second definition.

LiNa: What, the mutation one?

Zel: I suppose you could say that.

LiNa: Oh.

Zel: So the whole time you were looking for someone with a lion head?


Zel: And wings?

LiNa: ...

Zel: Lina?

LiNa: So you're deformed or something?

Zel: I ... wouldn't say that. I'm part mazoku, part golem.

LiNa: Oh.

LiNa: That sounds okay.


Zel: Do you... want to try again?

LiNa: Try what again?

Zel: Meet at the pier.


LiNa: We can't.

Zel: Oh.

LiNa: I ...

LiNa: dragon-slaved it.

Zel: you what?!

LiNa: Didn't you watch the news?!

Zel: You dragon-slaved....

LiNa: I know it was a stupid thing to do but who told you not to show up?!

Zel: What are you talking about?! You were the one who didn't know what a chimera was!!

LiNa: I'm SO sorry that my extent of vocabulary is extrememely poor! You could've recognized me!!

Zel: I don't even KNOW what you look like.


LiNa: How's the Landmark sound?

Zel: Great. 2:00 tommorow.

LiNa: Whatever.

Zel: Won't they sue you for destroying the pier?

LiNa: You think?

Zel: Well, that was the only way out of the city.

LiNa: Who's going to know it was me?

Zel: They're called pedestrians.

LiNa: They're dead.

Zel: Oh.

Zel: Btw, describe your appearence. Just in case you miraculously miss me again.

LiNa: Shuttup. Not tall. Red hair.

Zel: Red hair?

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