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3:00 Blues

By: Hilary Fox

Disclaimers: Trowa and Quatre don't belong to me... they belong to each other ^_^ The lyrics and music to all the songs quoted herein are property of their respective creators, but the heart and soul of "3:00 Blues" will always belong to BB King and Bobby Bland ^_^

Rock me baby, like your grandpa used to roll his wagon wheel--


3:00 BLUES


<<Where in the name of all that's holy IS he?!>>


The darkness waiting for him did not yield any answers, or clues for that matter.


<<It's officially been five hours, thirty-four minutes, and sixteen seconds since he left, and five hours, thirty minutes, eight seconds since he turned off his cell phone>> Trowa ranted to himself as he stalked down the deserted street, pulling his coat around him.


<<You'd think he'd at least have the decency to keep his cell phone on, if he's run off to sulk somewhere>> he thought to himself as he took a sharp right down a godforsaken, damp, and unsavory alley.


<<So I made fun of the fact that he listens to Jimi Hendrix when he thinks I'm not listening>> Trowa continued silently, striding past a vaguely astonished bouncer and proceeding straight through a rotting oak door and down a dismal, cramped hallway. <<It's not like I was insulting

him... I *like* Jimi Hendrix, but you'd think someone who knows the entire corpus of the Baroque masters' works backwards and forwards would listen to... well, something that is not Jimi Hendrix.>>


It took considerable effort not to wonder at the logic of that statement, but the hallway disgorged the brown-haired young man into a large, echoing room.


Trowa scowled as he surveyed the smoky recesses of the bar, the weird dissonance of neon lights drifting through the haze of nicotine and ash and the smell of alcohol and stale cigarettes. The smoke burned his eyes and throat and made him cough, each half-stifled wheeze sounding loud and intrusive into the hushed silence.


Fortunately, the bar's few patrons didn't stir out of their lethargy to pay him much notice; they merely sat and stared at either the walls or their drinks or the small, cramped stage set up in a distant corner where six men practically stood in each other's laps to accommodate the bulk of an old piano and a hefty six-string, upright bass. The unexpected brightness of a saxophone and trombone resting in their racks shone from a corner of the stage.


Melting ice clinked in someone's glass. Gin and tonic?


"Rum and Coke," said the drink's owner mournfully as Trowa's head snapped around at the unexpected noise. "Want some?" He offered the sweating glass to Trowa, who shook his head negatively and moved away, heading for the refuge of the bar, where the bartender awaited him with a

similarly funeral look.


"Whatcha want?" he asked, swiping a lethargic cloth along the insides of a beer mug, gray eyes apprising Trowa from underneath ponderous eyebrows. "Coke? Pepsi?"


"Red Stripe," said Trowa shortly, dropping his fake ID on the bartop for inspection- spending his life infiltrating various organizations on a day-to-day basis had its advantages in civilian life.


The bartender scrutinized the card for a moment before sighing, "They get younger-lookin' every day" and turning away to seize a bottle from the icebox. He popped the top off with an expert twist of a gnarled wrist and plunked the bottle down in front of Trowa, who took a cautious first sip.


Surprisingly, the beer tasted good- although, compared to the air which tasted of seventy years' worth of unfiltered Marlboros, anything short of raw sewage would taste good. Trowa drained about half of the bottle before deciding he needed to keep some of his senses about him, however

badly he wanted to lose them, and sat back to study the rest of the bar.


Aside from the bustling on the stage, the rest of the vast cave drowned itself in apathy. In a nearby booth, a bored woman encased in a tight blue dress sighed responses to the incoherent murmurings of her much-older companion, a man in a vintage suit at least as old as he was. A couple tables over was the sad drinker, who gazed at the rest of the room

with Bassett Hound eyes from over the rim of his rum and Coke. Two men sat in a corner, waving cigarettes in silent conversation.


Then there was Trowa, the bartender, and a balding man passed out on the other end of the bar- Trowa supposed he didn't really count- and that was it. A distant sort of silence settled over the room, broken only by the quiet rustling of the performers and the abrupt, deafening shrilling of a microphone.


"Ladies and gentlemen, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to tonight's performance," a sonorous voice intoned over the hiss of feedback. Trowa looked up to see a large black man regarding them benignly from behind the rise-and-fall of a huge twelve-string electric guitar. "Hey, Jimmy, you

want to check the levels on this mike for me?" the man asked, turning around to address a person hidden in the back, who must have done something because the hiss faded away to nothing. "Anyway, ladies and gentlemen, I hope you're havin' a good time tonight."


The words sparked something in the anaesthetized group; the old man stopped drooling on his date's arm, the sad-looking man brightened a little, the guy passed out at the other end of the bar stirred a little, and even Trowa straightened on his barstool. The endless circling of the

bartender's cloth inside the beer mug paused for a moment before resuming.


A quick riff of the cymbals ran through the air, followed by the saxophone's tentative cry and an answering trill from the piano.


"Well, we got a hot show tonight for you folks- some classics from way back when, " the speaker continued, a large hand gesturing to the neatly-ordered ranks of his fellow musicians behind him. "That sound all right with you all?"


Nods and murmurs of "yeah" and "sure" indicated the collective assent. Trowa found himself nodding.


"So I figured we'd start out kinda slow and kinda work our way up sorta gentle... get to the hard stuff at the end, what do you guys think?"


More half-word replies, and the man laughed a booming laugh that echoed almost forever.


"The good thing about blues, though, is that you get the fast and the slow in the same song," he said, his voice deep and musing. "You sorta go along and then... bam! It gets ya right between the eyes... Maybe we'll try that kind out first. Haven't heard this in a while, but I guess a few of you might know it- and hell, the good thing about blues is that we all know it, whether we know it or not."


With an unnerving sixth sense, Trowa had the feeling that the guitarist was talking about *him*, that the large man's black eyes had zeroed in on him in particular. He fought the urge to squirm under that imagined scrutiny.


The drums picked up a slow, methodical, and heavy backbeat and pulled in the lighter tones of the piano a few measures later. Each delicate, crystal note rippled just underneath the heavy one-two count of the snare, never intruding into its steady marching but skipping around the edges in its swift arpeggios.


Just behind them, the saxophone and trombone came in, adding a vaguely ominous tone before fading away into nothing and allowing a more meditative tone in the piano and drums to come through, accented this time by

a soft plunking from the guitar and the bass.


"I know you been hurt by someone else," the guitarist sang in a strangely faint, plaintive voice, his guitar dying as words replaced its instrumental sadness, "I can see by the way you carry yourself, but if you let me..."


Trowa found himself pulled into the song, the quietly meditative air of it, his foot tapping in time with the drums.


"Oh Lord, I'll be right there beside you," pleaded the guitarist, staring up into the smoky crossbeams of the bar as the sax and trombone wove harmony underneath his voice. Slowly, the guitarist's words melted into the general atmosphere of the music, melding with it to create more

sound than sense- guttural mutterings that could mean something if only Trowa could figure them out.


Fade, fade... Trowa held his breath, waiting for something as the brasses, the bass, and the pianos disappeared, the drums vanishing to the softest 'tap, tap' on a platter cymbal.


Fade, fade...


And with a bang, it came right back. Trowa almost jumped in his seat as the song stampeded into a final flourish and ended with one last triumphant crack of the drummer's sticks across a cymbal.


Reflexively, the crowd applauded, and the guitarist grinned his thanks before voicing them and then starting in on the next song.


"I heard it's three o'clock in the morning, and I can't even close my eyes," the guitarist warbled piteously, plucking out a few plaintive chords on his guitar, which wailed sadly in response. The piano sounded right behind it along with the drums, both combining to underscore the despair of both the guitarist and the guitar.


"LORD! It's three o'clock in the morning, and I can't even close my eyes. Waaah-aahhh-ow! I can't find my baby and I can't be satistified..."


Trowa grinned a little at the histrionics, but his grin vanished as he saw a pale hand flash swiftly on the keys of the upper registers of the piano.


He *knew* that hand.


"You say

'Look around me people-

My baby she can't be found..."


<<Quatre>> Trowa thought dimly. <<That's Quatre on the piano.>>


"Look all around me people,

My baby she can't be found

Don't you know my number..."


The crashing of the drums and the blaring brasses faded out as Trowa slipped off his chair, almost knocking his drink over in his haste to get to the stage. He brushed past the blue-dress woman who glared daggers at his back as he stepped on an immaculate blue high heel and almost fell over his own feet getting up to the side of the stage next to Quatre and the piano.


"Trowa!" Surprise flashed across Quatre's face and his hands faltered momentarily before regaining their pace. Grim determination replaced shock as the blond boy returned his eyes to the keyboard and he hissed, "What are you doing here?"


"I've been trying to find you Quatre... I was worried that you'd gotten hurt when your cell phone got turned off," Trowa answered, crouching uncomfortably next to his lover and becoming acutely aware that his words were falling on deaf ears as the impenetrable screen of blond hair blocked him off from catching Quatre's eyes. "So I went looking for you, just to make sure you were okay, that you weren't lying dead in a gutter somewhere."


"Har. I'm sure," Quatre snorted, not missing a beat. Rather, the slender and pale hands continued to pound the keys with rhythmic and brutal force as the song swung into an energetic bridge punctuated by the shrieking of the trombone and the sax.


"Damn, kid!" the guitarist chortled over the crest of the music, fingers flying across the guitar's fretboard. "That a lover or a keyboard you're killin'?" he asked as he looked over his shoulder, looked Trowa in the eye, and grimaced in empathetic pain.


Quatre shot a dark glare over at Trowa. "It's going to be the lover in a minute, if he doesn't quit making a scene," he said between gritted teeth before turning back to his music.


"I am not making a scene," Trowa stage-whispered hotly, and winced as the guitar's amplifier screeched furiously right in his ear.


Quatre smirked at seeing his lover's distress, and Trowa sighed at seeing the light of malicious pleasure in Quatre's aqua eyes- it was going to take a lot to make this up. He fought to keep his face neutral of any pain as the bridge of the song led the guitar into further heights of

ectsasy so that it screamed fit to snap his eardrums in two.


"Sure you aren't," Quatre said sarcastically.


Trowa fumed in silence for a moment.


"You should have brought earplugs!" Quatre hollered, a pleased smile on his face.


"I wasn't counting on standing up on stage pleading my case!" Trowa shouted back. Acute embarrassment crawled agonizingly up his back as the volume dropped off halfway through the sentence.


"Then sit down, for the love of God," Quatre muttered, still glaring fixedly at the piano as his hands tripped over the keys. "You're breaking my concentration."


Fortunately for Trowa, the guitarist took that moment to intervene, turning back to the microphone in order to exhort the audience, which had long since ceased paying attention to the music and had instead redirected their interest to the two young men in the corner of the stage. The blue-dress woman and her older companion appeared to be making a bet, and the Bassett-eyed man beamed sadly from over the rim of his glass.


"Goodbye everybodyI do believe that she'll be in

LORD! Goodbye everybody I do believe I'm turnin' in...



"Quatre," Trowa began hesitantly, steeling himself against any further manifestations of the blond's fury, "I'm so sorry for teasing you like that. I, um, I honestly hadn't expected you to get so upset when I asked you if you wanted a hemp necklace or violin tablature for 'Red House' or 'All Along the Watchtower..."


"Well I did," Quatre mumbled, still not looking at Trowa. "And you kept teasing me."


"And I'm sorry, Quatre! C'mon... it's three in the morning, I'm tired, you're tired, I just want to go home... I want to go home with you." Trowa tacked on this last part in as persuasive and piteous a tone as he could manage, mixing in a little naughtiness to see if Quatre would catch the innuendo.


Quatre did, and sniffed disdainfully. "Nice try, Romeo."


"What can I do to make it up to you?" Trowa pressed as the music wound down to a pause again. He could almost feel the audience staring down his shirt in anticipation, waiting to see what would happen.


The voice of the guitarist broke into the silence.


"I want you to tell my babyTo forgive me..."


The guitarist and the rest of the band were staring at them, too.


"Quatre, please, look... I'm sorry. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry."


"Forgive me..." added in the saxophonist.


"Forgive me..." supplied the drummer.


"Quatre?" whispered Trowa as the guitar wound down to nothing and the drums crashed one emphatic period-end-of-sentence.


The music stopped completely. Quatre's hands froze on the piano.


"Okay," Quatre said finally into the silence.


"Forgive me

Forgive me...

of my siiiiinnnns....."




Insert great bluesy finish here ::grins:: LORD!

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