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Blue Chicken Factor
By Aleq

Chapter 2
Never leave Duo alone in a room with a chicken, much less a blue one.

  “Okay, I will ask you one more time, why are you seducing Heero?” Duo asked wearily, looking at the chicken. The chicken looked up at Duo from her bindings on the padded rocking chair, her eyes wide and innocent.

     “Bwak!” she declared looking towards the window as her eyes longingly focused on the barnyard. Duo looked at the chicken stubbornly, yanking the curtains closed, cutting off the chickens view of the barnyard.

     “Why did I skip that foreign language class on Chickenese? WHY?!” Duo looked at the chicken, his eyes wide and bloodshot, staring at her, hardly ever blinking. He had lifted his hands up near his face, tensing them completely, looking as if soon he was going to brutally end her life. The chicken stared back at him, her eyes looking innocently at the gundam pilot.

     “Bwak?” was all she could mannage as her gaze strayed to the door, the door to the barnyard, freedom. Something that she thought she would never experience again. The mud under her nails, crusted on her feathers, the incessant yelling of the other hens. Something that she would kill for now. Yes, kill. Maybe she could kill this pilot. That was ridiculous. But yet, maybe not.

     Suddenly Duo looked down at her, his hands falling to his sides, his face beginning to soften. Slowly he moved behind her untying her slowly, trying to fix her feathers, all the while apologizing profusely for his stupidity.

     “I am sorry.” Duo proclaimed.

     The chicken looked down at him slowly, an air of importance about her as she gazed at his bowed head before her. Suddenly she felt like the queen of the barnyard.

     “Bwak!” she declared defiantly.

     “What is it? The barnyard? NO stay with me, my love! I will give you all you ever wanted!” he moaned grabbing her wings trying to reason with her. But it was not to be, as soon as he loosened his grip she pulled her wings out of his grasp, jumping down from the chair, and hopping over to the billowing curtains over the window. She spread her wings flying up and out of the window, leaving Duo on the floor looking after her as a single tear fell down his face.

     “DAMNIT DUO! HOW DARE YOU TRY TO TAKE HER FROM ME!” Heero bellowed from the door to the bathroom. Duo had almost forgotten his existance.

     “She is mine now. She loves me!” he yelled in response, wiping the tear from his face. He still had yet to notice that Heero was standing in the doorway butt naked.

     Under any other circumstances it would have been the subject of conversation, but seeing Heero stand there dripping and naked just didn’t work the same old charm on him anymore.

     “She is not yours, nor will she ever be. She is purely mine… I saw her first.” Heero responded calmly.

     Duo looked at him slowly trying to think of a come back to the situation when, from the barnyard, he heard a screech. A chicken screech.

     “SHEILA” Heero bellowed.

     Duo looked at Heero arching a brow.

     “Her name isn’t Sheila. It’s Winny.” Duo replied calmly.

     “No its not! It’s Sheila…. But never mind we just have to save her!” Heero threw back at him.

     They both ran full speed out the room, down the stair case, and into the barnyard looking for the chicken who had been dubbed Sheila-Winny for the time being.

     They looked a bit harder for the chicken after completely missing her. In unison, their gaze focused on Quatre and Trowa having it out in the mud while a mud covered chicken stood by.

     “SHE IS MINE, I LOVE HER YOU CANT HAVE HER!” yelled Trowa above the grunts and giggles of the other pilots.

     Quatre smiled.

     “That’s what you think!” he let out a seductive giggle and flipped the unsuspecting Trowa onto the ground under him.

“I win,” He muttered as he jumped off the stunned pilot and over to the chicken. “Marry me!” he said to her from his hands and knees.

The chicken just looked at him stunned at the unfortunate turn of events. She sighed a chicken sigh.

“ You all are wrong,” Heero said sweeping down and taking the chicken in his arms. “She’s mine!”

The chicken looked at the four people in front of her and up to the one holding her, she was quite stunned. If you can imagine a chicken with its mouth hanging open, by God that’s what this chicken was doing. She looked warily from Heero, to Duo, to Trowa, to Quatre who were all, as luck would have it, starring at her goo-goo eyed. Wufei, on the other hand, was standing in the middle of the barn yard, as stunned as she was. His mouth was similarly hanging open and he was also starring openly at his four fellow pilots.

Chapter 3

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