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The Art of Betrayal
Chapter 1
By Misty

GDA: You know the drill and I own all the names for my OC's. AN: This is my first serious (hopefully) fanfic with original characters. My OC is named Tanjia Star, trust me, you'll know the rest of em ^^. This takes place after EW. All the gang will be with the Preventers, Relena rules the Earth Sphere with the help of Milliardo and Noin. Lady Une is also with the Preventers. Dorothy hangs around, but is mostly annoying lol. I'm trying to include everyone. I am not going to name chapters, I can't think of names lol. If you want to suggest some, do so when you review (hint hint lol) And maybe I will use them. Maybe I will not, I'm funny that way. And I am going by the author name MoonAngel today. I felt like being different lol. Warnings: 1x2, 3x4, 5x?,  NxM. OC's might do some slight bashing and cussing, specially from Tanjia, whom is 20, as are the g-boys and Relena. The rest are 24. I just upped their ages by 4 years. On with the ficcy. Please R&R!!!

"Do you think she is ready sir?"

"Yes, we have to act now, especially if we want revive the organization."

"Hai sir, I will get her ready ... shall I put her in ther new suit?"

"Yes, it is operational, and has been set to her DNA and life signs."

"Will she know what to do once inside?"

"Yes, it has all been delt with"

"Aye sir, Shall I bring her here for de-breifing, or take her directly to the suit?"

"Take her directly, I will send the intructions via transmission"

"Hai sir. I will report back shortly."

The young man rubbed his hands lightly. He sat in his chair and pressed a few buttons. In the corner of the room, a large screen emerged from the floor. The top of his desk split in half, emerging from the space came a large control panel. He
leaned forward and clicked a switch that turned on the screen and the controls. With the click of a few more switches, the hangar came into view. He could see the two figures entering the suit. He smiled. "This will be a glorious day for The New Oz Order"

>Inside the suit<


The two young women climb into the suit. One sat down in the cockpit and looked everything over. The other woman tried to adjust the straps of the belt.

"I can do it myself" The young woman said as she smacked the hands away.

"Alright ... I just thought I'd help you is all" Leiya said.

The young girl strapped herself in with ease. Her fingers danced across the control panel. Soon everything turned on and the engines started up.

"What, no music?" Said the girl.

"No, a radio was not installed" Leiya said as she backed out of the cockpit.

"Aint that a bitch"

"If you are ready to proceed, I will return to HQ" Leiya said as she gripped the suspension wire.

"Fine, lets go, I'm anxious to get this party started" She said as she gripped the gears.

With that Leiya left the suit and returned to headquaters. She enterned the dark room and stood next to the man in the chair, and watched as the young girl piloted the suit.

"Beautiful isn't she ... she pilots the suit with such ease ... as if she was born for it" he said.

"Yea, she's just adorable, such a feisty attitude" She said with sarcasm.

"Oh come now, you can't say she doesn't have some sort of majesty when she pilots that beatiful machine" He said, watching the suit manuever against other suits.

Leiya rolled her eyes "Sir, are you certain it's smart to put a child of her stature in the seat of a Gundam? I mean, that thing was built with the new version of the "Zero System." Do you remember what happened to the last three men we tried that on, their still in the mental ward!"

"This is no ordinary girl Leiya, she was trained by me." He said as he sat back.

"But Mr. Cross, I am against putting a mere child -"

"Tanjia, how are you coming along" Cross said to the girl in the Gundam.

"Everythings great, this thing handles real nice" She said

"Good, good, because it is yours now Tanjia, do you have a name for it?"

"Yea, I'm gonna name it .... Phoenix ... Phoenix Star" She said softly.

"A beautiful name Tanjia. Now why don't you come back to the hangar so we can talk some more" Cross said as he turned on the lights.

"Sure, what ever you say, and Leiya, I'm not a kid" She said as she turned off the com.

Leiya stood there, stunned that the com was on the whole time. Ashamed she turned to walk away ... quickly, before Cross decided to punish her.

"Leiya ... don't leave just yet"

"Uh, yes sir" She said as she hesitantly sat down.

"Leiya .. -"

"Sir, I am sorry, I was completely out of line, I had no right no make such assumptions, I-"

"Leiya, it's alright. I understand, being a mother of 2 and all. I'm sure you were thinking of it as sending your own child" He said softly.

"Yes sir ... I was" She lied.

"It's alright. Have I ever steered you in the wrong direction before?" He said as he leaned in behind her.

"No sir, you haven't ... I'm just being cautious I guess" She said, slightly flush.

"Well, don't be, everything is just fine. And don't worry about Tanjia, she was made for that Gundam. She is perfect for it .... yes ... she will be the New Oz Order's perfect soldier" Cross said with a sadistic smile.


"Hee-chan, c'mon, we're gonna be late!" Duo yelled as he adjusted his coat "Man, I can't believe I'm wearing this thing"

"I think you look nice" Heero said as he put his arms around him.

"Really? I guess I could wear it, this once, I mean, it's for Quatre" Duo said as he opened the door.

"Besides, if you said, he'd find a way" Heero said.

"Yea, he'd blackmail me into it"


"Well, lets be off"

Duo and Heero got into the car and drove off towards the Winner mansion. They lived in one of the gate houses provided by the Winner family. All the pilots got one, and all were greatfull. Once they got there, and parked their car, got out and
adjusted their coats. Causually Duo grabbed Heero's hand and they both walked in the door. They were greeted by the servents and then led into the great hall where the dinner is being held.

Quatre greeted them both a hug and led them to the table, where they exchanged hugs with the rest of the pilots. Duo and Heero seated themselves at the table, side by side.

"So Wufei, what have you been up to lately?" Duo asked casually

"I work with the Preventers, I have since the Mariemaia incident" Wufei said as he sipped his drink.

"Ah, okies, was just curious, haven't seen you in awhile" Duo said as he looked around.

"So where is Sally?" Heero asked.

"Work, said she had some paperwork. At least she's not here, she's annoying" Wufei said.

"So where's Trowa? I haven't seen him lately" Duo asked.

"He's in the kitchen, he's been helping me with dinner" Quatre said as he carried out a plate of appitizers.

Duo reached for the plate, he was stopped short by Heero handing him two of the appitizers. "Two, wait for dinner" Duo pouted. Heero sighed and gave him two more "That's it, now you wait till dinner" He said, as if talking to a child.

Wufei smirked at their behavior. Heero had lightened up quite a bit since he had seen him last. Not much, but at least he was slightly more talkative.

Quatre and Trowa had returned with dinner. By that time more guests had shown up. A seemingly simple dinner among friends had been turned into a full blown reunion. Milliardo and Noin showed up hand in hand, along with Relena in tow. Sally and Lady Une showed up sometime after. They had all finished dinner when Quatre got everyone's attention.

"I am greatly sorry that we couldn't gather among greater terms, but I have some bad news. It will effect all of us, but us ex-pilots most of all" He said as he glanced at all the pilots.

Duo stiffined. He knew this wasn't going to be good. Heero grabbed his hand under the table and gave it a small squeeze. He relaxed, but not much. Sally and Une looked at each other knowingly.

"I got news from the eader of the L1 Colony ... there have been sightings of a new mobile suit .... they also told me .. that Oz ... has reformed" Quatre said as he hung his head.

Chapter 2

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