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Appartment Innuendo
By: Misty

Disclaimer: I don't own Sailor Moon or Gundam Wing. Though I really


wish I did. But oh well, that's way it goes I guess. lol. This is not


normal way I write dialog, but since it's a short comical story, I


it would be easier. So, have fun, and as always, e-mail me at There are many sexual references, but no sex,


just funny that way. ^_^



It was a beautiful day in Tokyo. The sun was shining and there wasn't a

cloud in the sky. Five young boys are seen walking into the arcade


seating themselves in a window booth. They all order drinks and decide


the days events.


Duo: Hey! Who's gonna watch the big game??


Quatre: Eh?


Duo bonks Quatre on the head.


Duo: Hello!?  The game on TV? Duh! You guys doin anything later??


Trowa:  .......


Wufei: ......


Heero: .......


Duo: Oh come on ...Tell me??


Quatre: Duo, you know it's not polite to whine like that, please don't


ppl will start to look.


Duo: *sighs* okay .... I'll just find someone else who will *sniff*


Heero: *rolls eyes*


Duo: And I think I just did.


Just then five young girls walk in talking and laughing. Duo gets up


makes his way over to the girls. He whispers to the blonde with the


hair style. She blushes slightly and nods and they both walk off. The


other boys just roll there eyes and shake there heads. The four other


stare off in amazment, two with hearts for eyes. They talk amongst

themselves and take off and follow they're friend.


Quatre: I didn't know he knew her.


Heero: There in the same classes.


Wufei: How would you know?


Heero: She's been over.


Quatre, Wufei and Trowa: Nani???


Heero: *smirks*


Wufei gets up and starts to walk to the door.


Quatre: Wufei? Where you going?


Wufei: I'm curious as to what is going on with that blonde... he asked

if we

were doing anything later, and we didn't tell him and he didn't get mad


beg us to death though he probably would have if Quatre hadn't shut him


but still and frankly, I didn't think he liked anyone except Heero ...


I didn't think he liked girls.


Quatre: *sweatdrop*


Trowa: *chuckles*


Heero: *hmph*


At the same time, the three others joined Wufei and were out the door.




Duo: C'mon, I wanna hurry up.


Serena: Why, what's the rush?


Duo: I wanna do it before the guys find out.


Serena: Oh .. okay, makes sense.


~Half way across town~


Rei: What was that all about?


Mina: Like I'd know!?


Lita:  Well, he was cute, he kinda looked like my old boyfriend.


Rei: Every guy looks like your old boyfriend Lita.


Lita:  ........


Mina: *laughs*


Amy: Lets just find Serena okay.


Rei: Geez Ames, what's the rush, I didn't think you wanted to know?


Amy: .......


Rei, Lita, Mina & Amy: *laugh*


Mina: Hey! There's those guys that cute guy was with.


Amy: Looks like we're going to the same place.


Lita: Yea, lets see what's up.


Rei: *rolls eyes*


On the way to Duo's apartment the eight young adults meet up. They


their friends and decide to go together. So they all started to Duo's



~At Duo's apartment~


Serena: So .. lets get started.


Duo: Wow .. what enthusiasm.


Serena: *laughs*


Duo: Okay, you stand here, now help me pull this out.



~At the apartment complex~


Quatre: Well, this is it, what's the number again?


Rei: 217


Trowa:  ......


Wufei & Amy: How do you know?


Rei: Serena's a big mouth.


All: *sweatdrop*


Wufei: Well, lets head up.


All: *nod*


So they all rode the elevator up to the second floor and walked to


apartment. They stopped at the door when they heard some comotion

inside. So

not wanted to barge in, they *all* put there ear to the door to hear


was going on.


Duo: C'mon Serena, put yer back into it, we haven't got all day!


Serena: I'm trying, but it's so hard.


Duo: I know, that's why I had you come here


Serena: Well, I didn't expect it to be so BIG!


Duo: Well, with this baby, it's definitely the size that matters.


Everyone outside gets wide eyed and looks at each other in disbeliefe.


then Darien walks up to the young crowd and peeks over Rei's shoulder.


Darien: So what's up?


All the girls turn red and the boys sweartdrop


Amy: Here, listen for yourself.


Darien, along with the rest, listen to the conversation on the other

side of

the door.


Duo: C'mon Serena, push harder!


Serena: I am Duo! I think it's stuck, it is a pretty small hole after



Duo: Oh geez, you tell me that now! It's practically all the way in!


Serena: Not my fault it's so big, it is *yours* after all


Duo: *glares* Suuuure, rub it in. I suppose yours is bigger!?


All mouths drop and await Serena's answer.


Serena: As a matter of fact, mine would be a perfect fit!


Duo: Ha! Whatever, just keep pushing.


After a long silence, Darien spoke up. "I'm goin in, I can't belive


would cheat on me!" Just then Heero gives is trademark look and pulls


gun on Darien. "Let it go earth boy, they'll explain later" They all


and looked to the door when they heard a large thud and some curse



Serena: Damn! My hands stuck!


Duo: How the hell did ya get it stuck all the way down there!?


Serena: *glares* Just gimme a hand


Duo: Har har ... oooh all right, gimme a sec


Serena: OW ow ow ow! I thought you were gonna get my hand out!


Duo: Well I gotta pull this *grunts* out, so I can get your hand out.


Serena: Awe, your so sweet to do that for me


Duo: Like I have a choice, you're the only one I trust to handle this


of load.


By this time Heero had seemed to have had enough, he cocked his gun and

walked to the door. Darien stopped him "Let it  go, they'll explain" He


in a mock Heero tone. Quatre put his hand on Heero's shoulder and


Heero reluctantly put his gun away. All look back to the door, awaiting

another word.


Duo: There!! All free, now lets get this in here before the guys show



All the guys look at each other and shrug, girls turn red, Darien looks



Serena: So why me? Why not one of the guys?


Heero: Yes Duo, why not one of us (other side of door)


Duo: This baby is prescious, you think I'm gonna let *them* handle



Serena: I guess you have a point. Almost done?


Duo: Yep! Just a couple more hard pushes and it'll be all the way in,


we can stop and clean up the mess


On the other side of the door.


Heero: Oh I can't wait, wait till I get my hands on that lil son of a



Quatre: So, what do you think they were doing?


All sweatdrop and anime fall


Lots of grunts and cursing were heard in the apartment, all awaited the

silence, knowing they could then barge in and do some cleanin up of




Serena: Done!!


Duo: Yay! now lets clean up before the rest get here kay?


Serena: Okay!


You hear lots of rustling and giggling.


The group felt it was safe to go in and well, did. They barged they're


into Duo's apartment, Heero, gun cocked and ready stopped in his tracks


he seen Duo hugging Serena.


Heero: Why you dirty lil bi-


Duo: Hee-chan!! Guys! Take a look at me new bigscreen TV!!


All: TV!?


Duo and Serena: *nods*


All: *sweatdrop*


Amy: But all that noise .... hands .... big ... *blushes*


Duo: *facefault*


Serena: Oh Ames! I was helping Duo with his tv, he didn't want the guys


know, he wanted it to be a surprise!


Duo: Yeah! I was gonna invite y'all to watch the big game on it, was


order out and all that.


All: Ahhhhh okay


Duo: *grins* What didja think we were doin .. making out or



All: *sweatdrop and fall to the ground*

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