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February 28th, 2004

Owwie... T_T; I played tennis for 1 and 1/2 hours today... I didn't hurt when I was playing... but now, I can feel the pain ;_; I was already hurting before I started playing... At tennis captains practice (Tuesdays and Thursday for 3 weeks), we have to do over 200 crunches and 50 push-ups each time. Then we do sooo many lunges and all these leg exercises x_x; It hurts afterwards... Oy... If I don't make the team this year, I better next year... 'cause a school sport can count as a gym class, and I'll get credits for it... Then I can replace my gym block with another class. I'll probably fill it with some computer class... Visual Basic maybe? o_O; Who knows... I still have a few more days to decide my courses for next year X_X;

Anywho, a lot of work was put into the wallpaper... It was heavily inspired from a Kanon wallpaper on ^_^ That place is one of my idol site!! XD So here's the wallpaper:

[800x600] [1024x768]

It's my current desktop. I only use my own wallpapers ^,^;; But occasionally, I visit my idol site and use a wallpaper there ^_^ Hope you like this layout and wallpaper set!

Lucy @ 4:25 PM EST

And a few extras:

And the bar of course... and the avatar up top ^^;

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