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Welcome to the Wonderful World of Me!

Well this use to be black and dark and I thought that it really sucked so I gave it a makeover. Hope you like the new site enjoy.

The water is glowing!

PoemsPicturesDaily RantingsPuffs Guest Book

TODAYS INTERESTING FACT! Abreviation is a really long word. why? -----------------------------------------------------------------
March 24-i re-did the whole site so plz tell me what you think about it. I even have a section for daily rantings those may be funny. This page is more me than it used to be so everything on this site is 100% true and is how I really feel.
March 25-New links! I made all the puff links and edited the other two pages. Hope you like it. It is way more Girly than I thought it would be but I like it so whatever. My brother made a shrine to Christina Agulaira (somtin like that) no suprise there.
April 8-I haven't been here for a while have I......I added this really cute (but scary) rabbit thing on to the home page.