
\\General Content
\Gundam Content
\Image Gallery
\\Fan Section
\Fan Fiction
\Fan Poetry
\Fan Art
\MIDI Files
\Message Board

-- Mech Infinity News / Updates --

New Server<<>>7/19/04
I haven't posted up any real updates today, or for a while for that matter. Mech Infinity is being hosted for free on The Sonic World's server. No pop-ups, no more ads, its gonna be great. I'm going to change the links and such today. I might be adding PHP to my layout as well.
Yes. Another week of camp. Today I start my job, so I thought I should update my site. Mech Infinity is the affiliate now of Seed Mode On. Just go to their site, because it is really good stuff.

They have yet to place my banner on their pages, but when they do, I'm guessing that there will be many more visitors here. I guess now it's back to those overdue bios.

More Affiliates<<>>7/6/04
Sorry! I've been gone for a week at camp, but now I'm going to get back to the updates. This site is the lucky winner of.... More affiliates!

Yeah, I posted them up, please go to their sites because they are good. I'm also working behind the scenes to unleash the largest image gallery I've ever laid eyes upon (solely gundam related that is). Well, not really, but it should be big.

Soon I'm getting a job teaching people HTML, so I might not see you guys for a while. In any event, I finally got a good hit counter, so I'll cater to your needs by knowing your search terms, and other such stats.

Gallery Update<<>>6/18/04
Hey. All I did was finish up the Gundam Wing bios and yank down the horrid image gallery. I'm going to also start on more interesting things, possibly work on here again today.
Back Again<<>>6/14/04
Wow. Looks like I'm back. It's been a little under a month without word from me or a single, solitary update. There is a lot of news none the less. I guess I should inform you.

Kenji is making us a new main banner in a few weeks, I'm going to purchase Newtype-Gundam.net (they closed down), update the site in full force now (it's summer for me), and I'm thinking of making a Gundam Avatar section. Nice, huh?

Just keep checking back to the 'Vault' for frequent updates there.

Gundam Content 'Vault'<<>>5/22/04
This weekend, I have about four projects I need to finish. So far I have gotten 3 out of the way, which leaves me time to update. All I did was put in all of the OZ bios except for Lady Une.

I have two ideas. One is to open up a Gundam avatar area under fan art, to make my site 'unique.' The second is a message board merger. I still gotta think about it.

Well, I don't time I'll have sufficient time to keep updating the site until finals are over and done with (6/11), so it may get a little boring around here. Bear with it.

Gundam Content 'Vault'<<>>5/19/04
I'm trying to keep up the constant stream of updates around here. I used to just update every 2 weeks, but I'll try to update at least twice a week. In any event, I put some nice pictures for the Gundam Wing bios, and started on Treize's profile.

Hope you like the stuff that's going on around here. Kenji will be shortly giving Mech Infinity a banner face-lift. Sweet.

Message Board/Vault<<>>5/17/04
I'm sorry for the lack of updates around here, but I try. Anyway, I worked on the message board long and hard, so stop by and at least register, even if you won't be active.

For other news, I put up the Gundam Wing Pilots for a start in the vault. Tell me if anything should be changed. I will put up a picture for each in their bio page. Next: some other bios.

Finally, we have a new affiliate. This took a while, but say hello to... Gundam Net. Great site.

Message Board Merger<<>>5/14/04
I modified another mini banner that Kenji gave to me a while back. I think its way better than the first. I managed also to put up Knowlton's World banner. He's an affiliate now, folks.

I'm looking for a message board to merge with, so if any of you people out there think there might be a suitable board that might consider me, send links to me. As you may or may not know, my message board is extremely small, and I would like it if I could have a few members. The only way I see to make this happen is a board merge. So be it.

I posted up a long awaited fan fiction. Go read it. Now.

Gundam Content 'Vault'<<>>5/3/04
I finally began to transform the 'vault.' You may not know, but I secretly have been working on the pages, but not uploading them to my server. A surprise awaits all you Gundam-hungry fans. It may be a while before it's finished, but take heed! I'm working on it.

I may have said this before, but there is a fan fiction waiting to be posted, but it has taken a back seat to the 'vault.' Fan art has also been building up. This weekend, I hope to knock it out.

Page Clean-up<<>>5/2/04
Whether you noticed it or not, I cleaned up all the section, which means that all the links work and are directed to the correct place, and some other jazz. I planned on posting some newly complete fan art and fics, but again, I am lazy. Forgive me.

On a higher note, I plan on starting the Gundam Content section next time I update, as I have no other reason to keep putting it off. For all those just joining MI, there will only be Alternate Universe on this site.

MIDI Archive<<>>4/25/04
It's finally done! The Gundam SEED area is complete, and can be found by visiting the MIDI Area.

The next project on my list is standardizing the page's layouts, links, and color schemes, and then I will crack away at the Gundam Content Area. Meanwhile, you have some new fan fiction and art coming on the way.


--Head Lines--

> Gundam SEED airs Saturday nights at 10:30PM on Cartoon Network.
> Gundam F91 to air in US theaters in late May.


> Please link to me using this banner. I'd really appreciate it!

> Check out link section for another banner to link to me with.

> Gundam Wing Character Bios are being pieced together. Check back frequently!
> On the lookout for more affiliates. Contact me.


--Gibber Box--

___________________________ Mech - Infinity
Welcome to Mech Infinity!

Mech Infinity is now looking  for the following positions to fill:

> Co-Webmaster
> Inside Contact
> Affiliate Scout
> HTML Designer

See Contact Info for more information!

*General News*
>Mech Infinity is always on the lookout for new links or affiliates. If you see any really good Mecha sites, and would like to contribute it, just email me, Altron!

>To affiliate, see the links section for more details.
>Afiliates, please use the new banner above, in the announcement box.

Welcome the newest staff members! Kenji and Vicky will be helping me!

__________________________ *News from the Front*
>In case you're way too lazy to read the updates area, I (obviously) have been adding to the site....
>Gundam SEED is coming to Toonami this Saturday. Support Gundam and watch it!

*Real World Mechs*
> Mecha Propulsion Systems (MechaPS) is going to make a real, live, working mech! Check out their site for more info...
> PlusTech is making a lumberjack mech, designed to, of course, cut trees. Here's their site: (PlusTech)