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10 Pointers for Starting the Martial Arts

  1. Never train with anyone who claims to be a great master... He probably isn't.

  2. Never train with a 10th Dan instead of a 5th Dan, especially when the 10th Dan signs his letters "10th Dan Dai-soke Shidoshi...."

  3. Never train with someone who runs his own forums for about 20 hours a day.

  4. Never train with people who are presidents of associations or organisations, or who have won championships that NO ONE has ever heard of

  5. Never train with anyone who has a "secret reserve of techniques" that he says he'll only show you after about 1 year and $5000.

  6. Never train with a master who won't train with his students. They'd probably whup his ass.

  7. Never train with ANYONE who's uniform is more patch than plain surface.

  8. Never train with a master who claims to have trained in a Japanese system, claims a Chinese rank and doesn't know the difference between the two nations, let alone languages.

  9. Never train with someone whose most senior 8th degree black belt student has been studying with him for "a whole 2 years"

  10. Never train with anyone who claims that Bitch-slapping-do is a valid martial art...

List created by Aegis, Kope and MoB

Note that this list was created for humour's sake. It is not intended to be a reliable guide to choosing a martial art. It is not aimed at anyone in particular, and those who take offence at the list probably have something on their mind...