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 Kyro(not my real name...)

I started this place in summer of 03 and am finally starting staff... Anywho... We are almost all 6th graders. I thought we should make a site to compete with Neopets even though they could kill us with one tap of a sword. What the heck! I thought. Err... that would be funny if they hit us with a sword... Eh he... I'm weird.  Err... Take your best shot!!!! We aren't from England (I want to live there!), but I like the spellings so if you see misspelled words, don't complain. You need a 18 and over Neopets account to do this cause you need the Neomail. Neomail me at inuyasha_lover19 with your sign up info for this. You will need a username, password, gender, and a bio. The gender and bio is for a user look up. Have fun! There'll be pets soon. In about a year or less, we'll have a game similar to Neoquest. See ya around! Oh... I don't just test the site... like the Neopets Team... I play! I'm only 10! Don't treat me young though.




Dicription under construction, lol!



Dicription under construction, lol!



Dicription under construction, lol!