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Heero Youy

Name-Heero Youy
Organization-Gundam Pilot
Ethnic Orgin-Japanese
Place of Orgin-L1 colony cluster
Eye Color-Prussian Blue**Hair Color-Dark Brown
Pilots- Wing,Wing Zero,Mercurius,Epyon

Heero is the most serious of the gundam pilots. His real name is unknown ,but for the mission he takes the name of the martyred leader of the space colonies. Raised by Doctor since childhood, he was trained to be a ruthless killing machine, equally proficiant in mobile suit piloting, personal combat, demolitions, and computer hacking. He is rather suicidal with his life. He will do whatever it takes to complete his mission. He eventually meets kind-hearted Relena Peacecraft. Will she change his understanding of life? Heero is the first pilot to overcome the effects of the ZERO system.