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Cute Anime Couples

This page is devoted to the couples of anime. I don’t have many here because I only put up the ones which fit properly. In my opinions these are they tehe! There is a little info about each, so get stuck in. if you think you’ve found a perfect anime couple don’t hesitate to e-mail and tell me, I’d love to hear!,…only one thing…no boyxboy or girlxgirl for that matter, there’s enough of that out there already

Awww the original Gundam couple can anyone argue with this? Well maybe you can but you’ll have to deal with me first tehe

The second Gundam Couple, there isn’t so much romance indicated but it floats in the air ^_~

Man!!! If this isn’t cute I dunno what is!! Darien and Serena awwww!

The long enduring Dragonball/Dragonball Z couple! But who would have guessed she’d throw it all away for a fling with a monkey, oh well, her loss!

"The Almost" Couple, this is soo sad. What's wrong with the guy???

Tehe I just love this pairing we know who wears the trousers in THIS relationship!

That’s all for now folks but keep sending them in, please!! If you don’t send them, (with a description of characters and relationships) how can I put them up?
