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Welcome to Quatres Gundam page


Affiliates (Please visit)
RPG section
Episode guide
Wav Files
Animated Gifs
Character Bios
Endless Waltz Sagas


Welcome to Quatres Gundam Wing page. I have a few things up, but I need ideas, if you have any email me. I'm also starting a gundam wing rpg, not everyone will join,however, mainly because it'll be hard to stick a lot of characters up on it. I'm not going to say I've got the best site out there, but I try. Arent you tired of those sites who go "my site has everything" and when you go there theres only like 2 sections up that say "to be completed".

Last Update

Well this is my final update for this site, I never got to work on it much and i just started it in october, never got to update it much due to angelfire and my crappy computer. I always wanted to work my site up to the top, but now I bid farewell to gundam wing. As do a lot of gundam wing sites. I really wanted to make my site something, but well guess it'll never be....


11/11/00: Added a Endless waltz sagas page.11/10/00: Seems peoples been liken the new banner and backround. People seem to judge a site by what it looks like instead of what it has.....11/8/00: Added new backround and a new banner. I plan on adding some fan fics, if you have any send them to me.11/6/00: I moved some things around and changed the banner, small update.11/5/00: For all you duo fans out there 12 Duo voice clips, sorry for all the wufei fans out there i only found 1 :(.11/4/00: I added a lot more wav files of treize relena and a whole mess of Heero, and I have like 20-30 more just waiting to be added.11/4/00: Well i altered the bios a little, also I added a chat room and a new guest book. My rpg's not nearly done but soon i hope.10/31/00: Happy Halloween all. well anway I added a bio page it sux now but it'll get better. I also did some stuff with the rpg section.10/30/00:I added an rpg section and some animated gifs, join my rpg!!!10/29/00:Been a while, well anyway I put a wav. section up,and soon a animated gifs section.10/22/00:I put more pictures up of Heero,Duo,Trowa,and Wufei. I plan to put some with some more up later. I'll get a forum pretty soon to.10/21/00:Aw crap i just realized i spelled Quatre wrong on the site url :( well i aint changin it to much trouble. 10/21/00:Well I got some pictures up just quatre so far but more to come :).
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