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The Digital Grotto Archive

This page is my archive for August. Go here for the regular page. Go to for the month of July.

Please stop by again--this page will be updated regularly.

  • 30 August 2001
    I'm going to drop Vianne's computer off with her in about 45 minutes, so here are all the photos I want to save.

    It may be a few days before my next update, but the site will look drastically different by then.

  • 30 August 2001
    I just interviewed local rock 'n' roll band the Skinny tonight for an article in See, and I took some photos that may or may not get printed. Hopefully now that festival season is over they'll have more demand for my stuff.

    By the way, the gas mask the girl is wearing on the front cover of See is the one Leith wore at FTAA.

  • 29 August 2001
    Those photos from the Pleasantview Hall show are done.

    I just found a wicked lego game at /usr/bin/girl.

    Hey everyone! Cherie has her own website! It seems to be about her sisters, one of which looks like Thom Yorke. Of course, this is after I helped her fix up her grammar and took out that annoying music she insisted on having. Here's what it looked like before I gave it a quick proofread.
    And what's going on with James' page? It looks like somebody hacked into it.
    Maybe Endeneu knows what happened.

    I'm starting to get jealous looking at all these nicely designed weblogs out there. I'm going to find a way to get a sidebar, and find out how to stop the occasional table frame from being smaller than all the others.

  • 28 August 2001
    I took photos at a Pleasantview Hall show tonight. I got some good ones of les Tabernacles, the Dinks, Moneyshots, and Lord Anus. Unfortunately, I drained all my batteries, so I won't be able to upload them until tomorrow morning.

    In the continuing crusade to remove everything I need from Vianne's computer, I'm going to post some of my favourite links.

  • Mini Golf
  • Jesus Dress-Up
  • Japanese emoticons (for some reason)
  • Red Meat Generator
  • DOS Graveyard (download all Space Quest games)
  • A crazy first-person stick man shooting game
  • 26 August 2001
    I have no new photos, so today you get old, old photos from Leith and Liv's housewarming party.

    I've moved my operation over to Cutie Pageant, where there seems to be a little more traffic, and it's more reliable. After two days, an unnamed ex-girlfriend has been in 126 three-way contests, 14 of which she won. I'm now posting a photo of Jenn from my housewarming party, as suggested by Eli.

  • 25 August 2001
    While walking through the Fringe, I ran into Powerman and Zhauna Alexander, the girl behind Pigs, as well as last year's Cake. Here are the photos I took.

    And don't forget to read Part Two, which tells the grisly tale of today's events. And I have photos of Laura Black pissed off and on a rampage.

  • 24 August 2001
    Here are some blues photos. I covered the Labatt Blues Festival today for CJSR (and yesterday for my dad). Got some pretty decent photos, heard a lot of blues music.

    After, I went to the Fringe, and hung out with Powerman and Zhauna Alexander. I should have photos of that coming up soon. Zhauna invited me to see Pigs tomorrow and take photos; I don't know if that's allowed--by the Fringe and by Angelfire, but if I can bare to spend the ten bucks I might give it a try.

  • 23 August 2001
    I just got back from the Blues Festival; expect photos soon, as well as a couple live tags on CJSR on Saturday. I was supposed to see Hotbox, a bad Fringe play in which my friend Steve is starring. Apparently it's a bad play about drugs, a sort of Reefer Madness of the 21st century, but it's late, I'm tired, and the promise of seeing a bad play isn't enough to get me to ride my bike over to Catalyst Theatre for a play starting in three minutes. I'll go tomorrow.

    Nels had returned from whence he came, and I've uploaded all the photos of his visit. They're divided into five pages.
    Part 1 contains mostly photos from the Evaporators show, as well as a couple from another secret assignment.
    Part 2 are some more family-intensive photos, including Nels' sister Kirsten, my cousins Claire and Elaine, and my gay dog Mickey.
    Part 3 has photos from Remedy with James and Grab-A-Bite on Tuesday.
    Part 4 is breakfast with James, Adam, and Jebus the afternoon after the radio show.
    And remember the slide show, where Nels and I fought crime with a slide projector. And don't forget my updates on Sleeping People as a result of Nels' visit.

  • 23 August 2001
    I went to the Fringe, and all I saw was the World's Fattest Contortionist. Turns out he's also a superhero we all know and love, Malkav Powermann. Wanna see him do the splits? How about the fruit bowl?

    I won't have time to post my Nels photos up tonight, but you can expect them soon.

  • 22 August 2001
    Okay, so I missed a day. It happens. I have several projects I want to put up, but I don't have the time yet. Coming up, I'll post a page of photos of Nels. I've been holding back lately because I want to put them all up at once. Also, I'm sitting on a bunch of Powerman photos from his busking act until I take some daytime ones.

    For now, the page of people sleeping has been expanded.

    I figure Vianne will be coming back for her computer soon, so I'm probably going to move most of my photo collection online.

  • 21 August 2001
    It's actually the 23rd right now, but I have a hankering to post some fanmail. Nardwuar speaks:
    Hello Jon!


    The 'expanded' interview! The photos!! Thank you sooo much fer all the support! I mean it ! That is so so so nice of you!!! Thanks fer bringin yer friends to the gig! I'm so happy that they had a good time! Your photos and writing are outstanding Jon! I'm so blown away! Thanks again! Keep on rawkin in the free world Have a good lunch!


  • 20 August 2001
    Elly, here's that surprise I promised. For the rest of you, once you're done absorbing every subtlety of these photos, check out James' website.

    I saw a very interesting performance at the Fringe tonight; I'm going back tomorrow to take photos in the daytime, so you can see them then.

    Nels is still staying over, and his sister and my twin cousins are staying at my parents' place. I'm waiting for them all to leave before I put up a proper page on them.

  • 18 August 2001
    I had a slide show last night in the parking lot. Well, I was in my building, but the slides weren't. I first came up with this idea with Cherie, but she didn't take it to the same extreme that Nels was willing to. Observe our crime-fighting endeavours here.

    Visit the Ass website, which has ripped off several photos from my website.

    Also, Mickey has 3 votes already at, and his average score out of 10 is 3.

    As well, I'm sorry I hung up on you, Elly. Expect a special treat on my site soon.

    Speaking of which, here's James' website, the first ripoff of my site. Yay!

  • 17 August 2001
    I'm going to throw up the first 50 Nardwuar photos, but I've still got 37 to sort through. And they're all fantastic. I'm getting to the point where I'm throwing out above average photos because they're not mind-blowingly astonishing.

    And here's my full 1600-word Nardwuar interview.

    And while you're at it, go to Nardwuar's website to see how the pros do it.

    Soon to come: some stupid deaf photos of Nels.

  • 14 August 2001
    Did you read my Nardwuar interview in See? If not, don't. They told me I had 700 words, but then they cut it down to something like 400. Weren't you wondering why my first question is "Are you a punk?" It makes sense in the original 1600-word version. Listen for a Dig Deep program about Nardwuar, coming soon on CJSR.
  • 14 August 2001
    First the good news: it looks like I'm going to get a regular slot on CJSR again. Listen Mondays 11:00am-1:00pm. I have it for the next two weeks, and apparently it's mine after that.

    Now, on with the photos. Here's what we do on a typical Tuesday night.

  • 13 August 2001
    I realised my site was getting a little ungainly, so I registered a third directory, where I've moved the contents of July. You can visit to see old stuff.
    I added Mickey to, so we'll see how he does.
    Annan has 19 wins and 33 losses at, ranked 1384 out of 1898.
  • 12 August 2001
    I'm working on putting up my photos from the Orange Hall show , but it's 4:36am and I've been working for 5 hours. I'll do it early tomorrow.
  • 11 August 2001

    Here are the pictures of my party.

    For an important message, click here.

  • 10 August 2001
    I thought I'd put up some more photos of Annan. Most of these are, unfortunately, normal. No weird pictures of my sister here.

    Here's a link to my editorial in See.
    And here's my Misdemeanor article.
    Should the "les" in "les Tabernacles" be capitalised or lower-case? I thouht lower-case, but it still looks wrong; it just feels right.

    And I don't know what bug crawled up's ass. Sometimes it works, but it takes a long time to load. Annan's last score was 9 wins to 19 losses.
    Also, be sure to check out, a combination of two Internet trends.

  • 9 August 2001
    No new photos today, just go here.
    Thanks to and Endeneu.
  • 8 August 2001

    Adam and Jebus slept over, so I added to the page of people sleeping.

    As well as the return of Jebus, is back in action, although it takes a while to load...just like Jebus.

  • 5 August 2001
    I just threw my photos of Encompase and Paragon into a page. Fox & Hounds may not be a very crowded place, but I love the lighting there.
  • 4 August 2001

    As promised, here are people sleeping.

    Unfortunately, it looks like has been taken down.

    Later, I'll put up some photos I took tonight of Encompase, as well as a crazy local band called Paragon. They're really weird.

  • 3 August 2001
    Here's the result of a night skateboarding trip Leith took me on.

    By the way, it's sort of easy to miss, but I do have an article about Change Methodical in the current issue of See. Find Tom Murray's article on the Ripcordz, and my article is the second half for some reason. They didn't even put in show information.

  • 2 August 2001

    I thought I'd whip something up about Powerman, and I decided to add in photos of Space Cadet Kati Kovacs.

    Also, I have some random photos of miscellaneous people sleeping to sort out.

  • 1 August 2001
    Annan's taking a quick dive on She started strong with 4 wins and losses, but now she's at 9 Wins and 18 Losses, ranking in 1444 out of 1901.

    Have you ever looked up your name on a search engine? I did.

    I thought I'd post links to all my old articles that are online. So today, we're going to do some reading rather than just looking at photos.

    "How to get over Jet Lag" (Maxim)
    So Maxim's too wholesome for you? Then here's a collection of some of my work for the evil See Magazine.
    Cleats preview
    Wednesday Night Heroes CD review
    Wednesday Night Heroes preview
    Nevertheless preview
    Generation Condemned preview
    Some Won Spit preview
    Quarter-Life Crisis preview
    Orishas (Cuban hip-hop) preview
    I trashed these guys: Supergarage preview

    Gateway stuff
    My comics cross-over with Deathworld
    I wrote this website review, and it ended up causing a lot of trouble for the site owner:
    Site Unseen
    Read about what happened .
    This article I co-wrote with Vianne made it online:
    Cancer cure
    One of my articles somehow made it onto a website to keep tobaco out of Malaysia:
    Tobacco scholarships

  • Please remember that these photos are all copyrighted to me. If you want to use them in any way, there's a 90 per cent chance I'll give you my permission, and be able to give you a copy with a higher DPI.

    E-mail me:
    Or drop my pal Chuck Norris a line: