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Cantate' Australia 2001

Cairns, Bathurst and Sydney

Cantate at Sydney Town Hall

Here we are standing in front of the Town Hall on the day of our adjudication.

We are on our way to the Cairns Resort where we first step foot in Australia.

Lisa, Tiff and Me- our first night in Cairns

Cantate men rehearsing in Cairns resort for our long awaited ajudication in Sydney

Here we are, once again, posing for yet another pic after rehearsal in Cold, Cold Bathurst (Civic Center.)

okay, just one last pic after Bathurst rehearsal...this one includes Lauron and Mae Mae

coming closer and closer to Sydney

Tiff, Lori, Mae, Me, Lee, and Gem posing in front of the Three Sisters and Blue Mountains. Oh, by the way, we took a detour there and also stopped by the Ausrtralia Wildlife Park on the way to Sydney.

a closer look at some girls, still at Blu Mts. We love the camera.

Our last stop before Sydney at the Wildlife Park

Here's Mike and his new friend Ko. You'll see the rest of our new friends in the next few pics.

gemma and I with roo

see more Cantate Australia pics, click here:
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