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Sydney Opera House

We made it!

Here we are with the Sydney Opera House and Harbour Bridge behind us.

Concert Hall

This is what the inside of the Concert Hall looks like. We performed the Berlioz Requiem here on this very stage.

Sound Check

There we are during sound check.


Woo hoo, here we are during our performance. By the way, the past few shots of the SOH were all illegal shot. We weren't permitted to take any pictures inside, oh well.


and one last look at the Concert Hall...this includes Concordia, a group from Nebraska, which some of us made very good friends with:) We sang a selection with them at on stage as well.

Posing Again

you gotta love us Cantate' girls..we are still in the opera house by the way...

Concrodia Girls

here are some of the girls we met from Concordia

Say Goodbye to the Opera House

Ah..Mike, savouring every moment...

Gemma and I going home from the Opera House after the party. It's also our last shot with the SOH.

Some last pics from Sydney...

Here is Eimee and Bert near our hotel, Travelodge.

our last few days in Sydney...look, there's Allen

go back home:
