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On this page, you'll see more Cantate Australia pics. The following pics were taken in Sydney.

Sydney Town Hall

This was where we sang for our adjudication. Actually, this is the top of the building. You'll see what the inside looks like below.

This was what we saw, well without the adjudicators and people of course, from onstage. Isn't it beautiful?

Look, there's Ms. Lutter.

This is what the Town Hall stage looks like, pipe organ and all. Onstage is the Australia Mercedes String Ensemble. We sang there.

And here we are singing onstage for our adjudication under the direction of Ms. Lisa Lutter. It felt so good singing up there. We didn't want to get off, but we were only limited to 20 minutes. It was good while it lasted.

Here's Mike and a silhouette of myself with the ceiling of the entrance to the Town Hall. You can't see her, but Eimee was taking the picture from the floor. Aren't we so creative?

The Best Part...

Gold, Gold, Gold

This was THE one moment that made our Australia Tour worthwhile. It's right underneath the well deserved Ms. Lutter's left arm. Go ahead and pull yourself closer to the screen. It's real, and it's ours!

This was how we spent most of our time in Australia...

Yum...Native Australian Dishes

Here we are at Lilipilli In the Rocks having crocodile, emu, kangaroo, etc. We had it all.

Pat's Favorite

Phillip's Foote

Ah...the Chefs in our choir...

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