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Hello and welcome to the Flaming Penguin Society. A place where all gaming phr33ks, nerds, rejects and hideous beings can live in harmony and do..... um..... stuff. This page has no purpose, except to show to the world that yes, I can do HTML. HA! Take that world! *flips the bird at the ground* Ahem, where was I? Oh yes, stuff. At the moment we have got a sweet poetry page set up, and a page dedicated to l33t for all you nooBs out there. If theres anything at all you want on this site, just give us a line-
Yes! Flame me!
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NOTE ===> Some links may be down. Be patient, it wont take long to fix.

NEW ===> 'n Shit - Midi Player - Polls - Linx Page

COMING SOON ===> Mr Penguins phycho analysis by mail along with many more disrurbing quizes, free scripts (eg- how to eliminate popups!- Im sure you all want that 1) The member page- Become a member and get... stuff...

Warning- This web site may or may not contain any of the following; Swearing, nudity, sexual references, nipple twisting, goat sacraficing, groin biting, chinese burning, liver eating, eyeball poking, consumption of strange fungus, placing of inatimate objects were they shouldnt be, l33tness, kidney punching, spleen stabbing, lymph node poisining, MSG, bodily fluids drinking, bone crushing, spirit killing, head bludgeoning, chainsaw weilding goats, and pants. You have been warned...