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What The Hell is GCP and Who's This Vader? | The Stories | News, kinda.... | Pics For Your Pleasure | Green Cow: Questions and Answers | Pork Links...... | contact me...

Vader here FINALLY! An update, yes it is time. It is upon us. It begins now! The resurgence of GREEN COW PRODUCTIONS. I have big things in store for this "company". Actually, I have things planned for me that this "company" will let me go through with. *cough*E3*cough*. So here I am. Again, at the helm at a once thought lost project.
Fear the cow.

mwhahahaha...ive taken over the GPC...aLf... me and a certain someone :::cough:::wendy:::cough::: thought that this page needed an update....badly... enjoy :-P

periodical quote
"A brutal sun is rising on our sick horizon..."
-Greg Graffin

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