Touch AUTHOR: Sienna Edwards RATING: R ARCHIVE: Only AU and OliviaV's DROM fiction site SCENARIO: Pleasure Planet NOTES: Kind of experimental. Only words. Thanks to Luz for the beta "Hey, Rom Doll, don't you have your own room? What's—" "For the last time, no, I don't want to be rubbed down with lavender oil by scantily dressed men while the pounding ocean lulls me to sleep! Now go away!" "—happening?" "They want to rub me down with lavender oil by scantily dressed men while the pounding ocean lulls me to sleep." "So I heard." "I don't like this place." "It's a pleasure planet. All there is is fun." "Not for me." "Why not?" "I don't understand why Dylan booked our shore leave here. There's all these... scantily dressed people wandering around." "That's kind of the point of shore leave. You take off your clothes and run around naked. Um, if that's your idea of fun. Erm, otherwise, just enjoy a facial or a massage or something. Come on, Rom Doll. It's fun." "Fun?" "Yeah, fun. You remember fun, don't you?" "Don't even start with me." "Have you even had a massage before?" "No." "You're cute when you pout, you know this, right?" "Harper..." "Right. Okay. Look, the guy giving me my massage left all his stuff in here because he had an emergency." "What happened?" "He broke a nail. Yeah, I know. Look, I worked in a spa way back when and I give pretty good massages. If you don't want some strange person touching you..." "You're offering?" "Yeah. Hey, I'm not trying to make a move on you, Rommie." "If I were... even remotely interested in accepting your offer, what would it entail exactly?" "Well, first you smell each of these oils and see which one you like. This one is rose oil." "Eew. It smells like Trance's garden compost." "Sandalwood?" "That is horrible! It smells like someone spilled shoe polish in my corridors." "Hey, it was only that one time. Moving on... how about this one?" "That's... not bad." "A 'not bad' from milady. I think that's as good as I'm going to get. Almond oil it is. Now take off your clothes and lie down. Um... what I mean by that is, I leave the room, you take off as much clothing as you feel comfortable doing and lie down. Then I'll come back and we'll begin." "Thank you, I will." "You will?" "I will if you get out of here." "Right. Consider me gone." ... "Harper? You can come back in now." "Oh good, it was getting cold out there what with the draft and the strangely small towels in this resort—I... I um... you dyed your hair. All—all of it." "I wasn't sure about the red but Trance likes it." "Trance!?" "She helped me pick the color and engineer the nanobots." "You could have asked me." "You would have liked it a little too much." "Hey, I love my work. So, did Trance help check for even covera—OW!! That's it, young lady, I'm frisking you for other wet towels." "Where exactly do you think I might be hiding them?" "Uhh." "You know, your skin tone almost matches my dye job." "..." "Didn't you offer me a massage?" "Um, yes. Yes I did. Okay, lie down on your stomach and relax." "That's it. 'Relax'." "That's it. See, first I warm the oil to body temperature." "You don't have to. It's not like it'll make a difference to me." "Sure it will. Trust in the Harper. See? Doesn't that feel nice?" "I'm... not sure." "Some people are extra sensitive to having their muscles manipulated. Don't worry, I'll be gentle." "Okay." "Does this hurt?" "No." "Good. How about this?" "Mm." "Was that a yes or a no?" "Mmmmm." "Rommie?" "It's a 'keep going already'." "Your wish is my command. By the way, has anyone told you that you have exquisite toes?" "Mmm. Five times. All by you, incidentally." "Uh, right. Well, it's true." "Thanks. Ohhhhh..." "What? Did I hurt you?" "No... do that again. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh. Has anyone told you that you have great hands?" "Yes. Fourteen times. None by you, incidentally." "You have *great* hands." "Why thank you." "No, I'm serious." "Like I said." "Like *I* said." "Rom Doll, massages work better when you lie down. And when you're on the table. And when you're not backing me up against a wall... um... what are you doing exactly? What the—hey!" "The towel will just get in the way, Seamus." "In the way of what?" "This." "..." "And this." "................" "And this." "Eep!!" "Where are you going?" "Just over here in the nice corner far away from hands that grope... bits. Rommie, what are you doing?" "Nothing I don't want to." "See, that's what's confusing me. You don't want to. You've never wanted to. Ever." "I changed my mind." "Why? Because I gave you a massage?" "Because I like you." "...I like you too." "I thought as much. Now come here." "What are you doing now?" "What you told me to. I'm warming the oil to body temperature." "Why? Ohhhhhhh." "Now come here." "Make me." "I think I will." "Ack!" ... "Harder." ... "Harder!" ... "Ohhhhh, right there... yessssssssssssss..." ... ... .................................. "I'm glad we came here, Harper." "So am I. You know, there's still four more days of shore leave." "I'm counting on it. There's just one more thing we need." "More oil?" "More oil." *** "Hi, this is Mrs. Unali in Room 402. I'd like to book a massage? Yes. What the woman in Room 403 is getting. Thank you very much." The End