In the Meantime Author: Phox Email: Rating: PG Challenge: Scenario- First Line Spoilers: nada Website: Disclaimer: Not mine... but how I wish... Notes: Once again thanks to my extra special beta!! +++++++++++++++ In the Meantime by Phox "Don't blame me: you're the one that's naked," Dylan said as he leaned against the door to his quarters. Across from him lay the accused, Andromeda's self proclaimed genius of an engineer, naked as the day he was born. Harper rose up on his elbows and gave Dylan a big smile, "She'll get over it. Maybe not today. Maybe not tomorrow. Hell, if I know Beka- which I do- maybe not this month, but eventually she'll get over it." Dylan moved from the doorway to his bed, sitting next to Harper. "And in the meantime?" "And in the meantime, she'll just have to live with it." Harper scooted closer to Dylan, but didn't touch him. This was suppose to be Dylan's fantasy. Coming back to the Andromeda after a death-defying mission, only to find one very nude lover awaiting his return with a real hero's welcome. It was just as Dylan had told him, except for the hero deciding he and his equally heroic first officer needed a long stiff drink in his quarters. Being the optimist, Harper knew it could have been worse. She'd get over it- eventually. "What about us? How are we suppose to handle the situation," the captain asked as he lowered his hand to Harper's face. "What do you mean? I see nothing wrong with this situation." Harper began to unbutton Dylan's uniform's jacket and smiled when he opened the jacket and found Dylan barechested. Reaching in he began to softly rub Dylan's nipples. Dylan's hand moved from his face and mimicked Harper's own movements. "Right," Dylan gasped as Harper moved his hand to Dylan's groin and began stroking, "What were we talking about?" Harper smiled up at him, "Something about, in the meantime." "Right. In the meantime." -END-