Andromerotica Festival: challenge

 Where writers of Andromeda fanfiction rise to the challenge and show off their talents  


Second Wave:
Lyric Wheel Challenge

Participants are given a theme for the story, then exchange Song Lyrics, a line of which must be included in the story.


How the Lyric Wheel Challenge works:

Step 1:               Theme announced
Maryavatar, Meg and Tosca will send out the invitations and Theme for the Lyric Wheel Challenge to various lists and people, including the Andromerotica Festival Mailing List 

Step 2:               Email Mary and sign up  (sign up starts 7th Oct & ends 21 Oct)
Send an email to Mary at to sign up. 
You also need to j
oin the Andromerotica Festival Mailing List if you are not already signed up. 
Click the Join link below for directions. (NB: the mailing list is for announcements only, not posting stories)

Step 2:               Choose Lyrics 
Choose a song whose Lyrics you think will make a good story for that theme. 

Step 3:               Send and Receive Lyrics  (22 Oct)
A random list will be published on the Andromerotica Festival Mailing List of all the participants. You email your song Lyrics directly to the person below you on the list. If you are the last person on the list, you send your Lyrics to the first person, i.e. 

Participants' List:

So, Mary sends to Meg, Meg sends to Tosca, Tosca sends to HarperFan, HarperFan sends to
Mary. You get the idea...
Do not send your Lyrics to the Mailing list or the Festival Organisers.

Step 4:               Write Story including one line from the Lyrics
Write your challenge story, including one line from the Lyrics in the story.   
There are a few format guidelines which apply. They are written in the
Rules section.


Lyric Wheel Challenge Questions:

Do I have to have written fanfiction before?
Lurkers and Newbies are welcome! We (that's Mary, Meg & Tosca, rather than the royal 'We') want to encourage new writers to try their hand. Story challenges are an easy way to slide into the world of fanfiction writing. If you want any help, comments, suggestions, pointers etc, just drop any of us an email. 
If you're already a fanfiction writer, story challenges are a good way to stretch your horizons, perturb your plot bunnies, mix up your Muses and keep some pep in your pepper. Plus they're fun.

HELP! I haven't received any Lyrics!
If after a couple of days after the publication of the Participants' List you still haven't got your Lyrics, send a polite email to your Sender requesting your Lyrics. If you haven't heard back a couple of days after that, email
Mary who will have an Emergency Lyrics Stash ready.

What kind of Lyrics should I send? 
We don't want to say "don't do this" or "don't do that", but think about these things: 
- whether you would be happy getting the type of Lyrics you sent.
- assess the Lyrics on the strength of the words, not the music. 
- you cannot assume any shared taste in music - remember the Receiver may not know the song at all (and neither may the eventual reader).
- something completely off the wall can either be fun or a total FUBAR. If you can't resist temptation, go for it, but don't be surprised or offended if your Receiver writes back and says "Give me something sensible you crazy git!". If they do, please send them something more, er, mainstream. We want to encourage writers, not make them throw their hands up in defeat and disgust. Then again, Receivers, this is a challenge...

What if the Lyrics are totally impossible?
You are allowed one objection. 
If the first set of Lyrics make you say "
What in the name of the Vedran Empress?", or if after days of brain-wracking you really really can't get a story out of them, you can ask for another set of Lyrics from your Sender. 

Do I have to know the song I've received? 
It's sometimes nice to know the tune as it can help set up an atmosphere in your mind, but it's the words that are the main thing.

Can I make that one line something the character hears on the radio/music comm/etc or quotes as song Lyrics?
No, sorry.
The line has to be written into the story. It can be said by one of the characters as part of a conversation, or written in general verbage, but it can't be 'heard' as a song lyric by the characters, i.e. no-nos are: 
"Dylan remembered a line from an old song...Harper chanted along to the song's Lyrics...Beka heard the vocalist in the background singing..."
You get the idea...

Do I have to include as many Lyrics as I can? 
Absolutely not. You only have to include one line from the Lyrics. This isn't a 'see how many Lyrics you can include' competition. 
Sometimes the rest of the words lend themselves to the story, sometimes they just clutter it up. You as the writer get to make that call.

Do I have to write the story completely on the Lyrics I've received? 
The Lyrics are there to give you inspiration and an 'atmosphere' for the mandatory theme of the story. If you only achieve inspiration from a couple of the lines, that's fine. Ignore the rest. You are only obliged to use one line of the Lyrics. 
However, this is a Challenge, and the Lyrics as a whole can be a useful vehicle for your tale.

I've thought of another great story based on these Lyrics, do I have to write this one on the set Theme? 
We'd love to see the other story some time, but for this Challenge you have to write the story around the set Theme.

Whom do I include in the story?
Whomever you like. We recommend you reference at least one crewmember in the story however, especially if you are writing obscure or original characters (and please please please, no Mary Sues!).

Darn, I missed the Sign Up deadline! Can I still join in?
<pulls unhappy face> Talk to
Mary. She may or may not say yes. 
Even if she does, you won't get to chose lyrics and send them to someone else and then wait to see what they make of your choice - which is half the fun.

I have a question you haven't answered here!
Please email
Tosca if you have any further questions. 

The Participants List order is randomly selected out of the bag. 

For time frames, rules and how to post, please see the Rules section.

Third Wave:
There may be a Third Wave! It all depends on how popular the first two are.



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