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A Cool, Wet Place

I'm On Break

I'm starting to think I've wrung all the juice I'm going to from this blog and that maybe it's time to move on to some other form of ongoing relationship with der inturnuts. Maybe ditch wordage and just take up a Flickr stream or something? Much as TJ has noted about her own blog, mine has mostly devolved into a discussion of what I like or don't like, did or didn't do, or similar.

Yes, I think I am resolved to it: In the very near future, I will be taking, at the very least, a very long-term hiatus from this blog. But I shall remain interactively involved with the online world via a Flickr stream. This new stream will feature:

1.) My natural environment
2.) My home environment
3.) Food I prepare and eat
4.) People and animals in my life
5.) My pottery
6.) Other things I may happen to make, fix, customize, etc.
7.) Books I'm reading
8.) My travels

あなたの精神を大事にしなさい (Ki o tsukero na; "take care of your soul").