Johnny's Stew: Why the Stew?

Stew TJ JJ Why? About
The title "Johnny's Stew" comes from a joke on Mystery Science Theater 3000 (you know, that show where the puppets make fun of the movies? It seems folks never know the title, but always know the show.) It's from Track of the Moon Beast. Someday we'll figure out how to include a sound bite, but until then, this rough approximation of transcription will have to do:

(the scene: a bunch of painfully 70's college students and a painfully 70's Native American professor named Johnny Longbow sit around at Johnny's house, eating from bowls).

Student #1: This stew is so good Johnny, what's in it?

Johnny: Oh, a lot of things...[Crow: Rattlesnake, Velveeta...] Chicken, beans, corn... (sigh) onions... [Mike: hair]... tomatoes...

The sheer world-weariness with which Johnny lists stew ingredients can't properly be conveyed. Stew has nothing to do with the rest of the plot, yet we spend 5 minutes listening to it. The puppets later make more jokes about the stew:

Paul: Although we've got a lot more air pollution than we used to. [Servo: Since we ate Johnny's stew!]

And then:
(Paul looks feverish and ill) [Crow: Soon I'll be throwing up chicken, corn, potatoes, *sigh* onions...]

There's another one in which Mike threatens to name stew ingredients in Johnny's voice. We'll have to rewatch it to remember exactly.

Anyways, we figured that this site would become a somewhat world-weary mix of ingredients, so the name fit.

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