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HEAVY ragoness

MaTT BeLLaMY..i LOvE yOu BaBY!! OOOhh SExaY... OH uR hERe alReADy?? ahem....anyway lets start from the beginning.... HeYLo PeePS!! YeP, NoT CoNTeNT WiTH BaFFLiNG ooMaN BeaNS iN ouR aRea, We HaVe NoW CoNQueReD Da WWW (WiBBLY WoBBLY WeB). We, BY Da WaY, aRe aLeX aND BeTHaNY (BoTH GaLS) WHo HaVe CoMe FRoM a FaR aWaY PLaNeT cALleD AkANThuS. HeRe eVeRYTHiNG iS PuRPLe aND PiNK oR ReD aND BLaCK (oR a MiX) aND We aRe CLoSe FReNDZ WiTH Da SuuP DRaGoN............. HeHeHe BYYYYeeeeeeee tra la la plop......boink.....ribbit... DiD You KNoW ThAT CoWS TaSTe VeRY GooD WiTH TaNGeRiNeS???!!..... oK iM aLeX...NoT aS RaNDoM aS THa uVa oNe BuT STiLL MaNaGiNG To FRiGHTeN SoMe PooR PePS iN THe STReeTS oF AkANThuS LaND....eSP oN HaLLoWeeeN......BuT THiS iS NoT THe PoiNT!!! i DoNT aCTuaLLY KNoW WoT THe PoiNT iS BuT NeVeR MiND.... i MiGHT aSK BeTH BuT MaYBe THaT WOuLD Be JuST a LiTTLe BiT DaNGeRouS eSP FoR You You PooR uNeXPeRieNCeD SoulS..... See NoW We aRe V. DaNGeRouS...WHeN We GeT 2 GeTeR We aRE Da SCaRieST aND FuNNieST Duo iN THe oooNIVeRSe!!! THaTs WHY You LuuRVe uS!!!!
BuT DoNT WoRRY SooN We WiLL LeaVe You To YouR SHeeeP aND CaRRY oN To THe LaLa a GoGo LaND aND SCaRe SoMe PeePS THeRe WiTH ouR NuNGa NuNGaS...... okay time to tlk some sense. I'm Beth. I have long wavy brown hair and green eyes. My fave colour is, black...well all of them really. not mixed together tho, u understand. that would just be silly. Ahem. fave band of all time: Band called RX that u won't of heard of, but u will soon cause they are bloody brilliant, kinda like taproot/deftones/korn. i'll let Alex talk now tho, blonde bitch that she is........lots of Muller love Bethany THE WoRD iS LLamAS!! SPreaD iT aROuND LiKe A dISEaSE!!!-and that would be Alex. Wheres her damn pills...... oi!!! i soo did not say that!! well i did but with a different context...anyway i spose im suposed to describe myself now...oh well here we go.. i'm blonde as you probably already guessed, but more on the pink or purple pink colour!!and red too...i dont have a particularly favourite band but i have a few i like loooads...dont you think brandon boyd is just so god damn gorgeous?!...apart from that im hot and sexy ang gorgeous(like the other one, just a little bit more sexy..hehehe) hey beth i really think we should put up some pics of us u know.when we get them that is. hey guys! now you can give alex your quotes, jokes and so on, just click on the ' alex's words of wisdom thingy'!!!
jeez im so bored, honestly, there is nothing to do in london (no, really). well there may be for garage muffin ppl but for me there is not enough. i mean Barfly is great it really is with late license and live bands all week. but sometimes it just gets boring. we need something new. so there it goes out to you(i know what i mean). if you know any cool places dont be afraid to tell us. LUrVe Ya All SeXY LLaMa LuVVas!!! ok because of my computer braking down i was not able to do this thing for months!!!! but now we are back .....well alex is i dunno were beth is(probably in the depths of her bed with....her teddy) we are big girls now!! we go to college and we are proud!! richmond college even. kay guys i gtg now or ill be late for graphics and i dont wanna do that. you know i still love you tho, as always and forever.... arrrgh!!!!!!!!!!!!! sooooooooo bored!!! in my key skills IT class now made do stuff wiv computers but cheating very badly...hehehe oh well...i dont care as long as i pass and will be able to leave it for ever!!!! that will be a beautifull day.... but anyway eeeeeeeh soo amazingly bored. simon if u r reading this which u probably are(as u r the only person that comes on to this site apart from me and lee) txt me or sumting....PPPPLLLLLEEEEEEEEAAAASSSSEEEE ok so on a lighter note...a dog in a wedding dress!!! uhm... anyway... yeah so simon used to rent a room in my house but now the bastard have buggared off!!!! also i have found out that charlieeee is not shallow and actually quite a nice guy if you get to know him. and so is roy. but then there is james who can be really sweet but he just chooses to behave like an asshole most of the time...i went to the pub last nite cause it was haloween, got drunk, flashed my know the usual.... yeah i drunk pimms and lemonade last nite!! its well tasty and smirnoff black ice! and i didnt even pay for most of my drinks but thats the advantages of having tits! and peter king(whom i used to fancy long tome ago) walked me home, and lets just leave it at that..... yeah your mum! in a pie! at pimms o'clock!! and tom ludloooow!!! do you have the time to listen to me whine? yeah so im at college bored.. again...and sittin next to adam who is very nice and gives me love and twix!!! and going to have his tongue pierced again ;> there is this great band that u all have to check out. its called laws of shotgun. check out their website. but watch out for the basist. i know him u see....he's satan!! he sent a text from my fone to my graphics teacher saying i love you!! yeah so he smells....but is quite good at massages...carry on mark... i love charlie tho... charlie girly charlie... cause shes a babe and shes the best and she just rocks and i love her. yeah so its cumin up to xmas and i have no money...oh well thats the way it is im usual. so i dont know if i should get my tongue, lip or nipple pierced. any favourites? go check out LOS, laws of shotgun. they are good. yeah so i am currently in a re-la-tion-ship. RELATIONSHIP ENDED. JJ IS OFFICIALY BRANDED A GAY CUNT. heheheh im not bitter at all im glad i finaly dumped him. err i dont want a man now. piss off

get this gear!