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kElZ pAgE

My New Year Resolutions...(yeah I need some of those...)

mY LiNkS

Go to my sub profile!

My Pictures...

Kevin Alexander Clark...Now there's a bunch of Kevin Clark fan sites and I'm so mad because everyone knows Jordan, Leah and I were his first and #1 Fans! Pssshhh...

This is one of my favorite pics of Orlando!

This is Elijah Wood when he's little- isn't he cute?

Another pic of Elijah

He looks really good in this picture- look at his shoes! (I have no idea what that is in the backround)

Lucky bitch

Recognize this guy? It's Ian from "What a Girl Wants". Ever since Kaitlyn and I saw it with Alyssa we've been obsessed!

Look! Here he has a faux 'hawk! Oh my God he's so irresistable!

Tom Welling is my lover ;)

Aaahhh...can anyone hear me hyperventalating over here?

What about him? Recognize him? It's Peter from "Peter Pan".

Oh awesome! This was Leah's, Jordan's, and my favorite lost boy.

Yet another lucky bitch.

Can you say GORGEOUS? Yeah, I can. Drew Fuller. He's Chris on "Charmed",