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June 19th 2004:  Cernuska-Prymak Wedding


Photo Gallery








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I will be taking all of the blame for this site's setup since I am the one too lazy to write the HTML codes without an editor. And I'm using FrontPage instead of Dreamweaver. (gasp!)

Since neither of us got to enjoy the other's wedding- I guess this is as close as we can get, right, Mrs. Sara Sherrill? By the way-Christian's a cutie, your husband is handsome, and is that some serious French Kissing that's happening in your photos? *wink* Love ya!

Photo Gallery  
Wedding Photos have been uploaded. At least, some of them have.


run, girl! run!


(photo by R.Drumheller)

                   sketch by Nikki Cernuska-Prymak

If you know Mindy &'s their website:


Josh once wrote me an email:

"Just wanted to let you know that I love, and will always love you. Even if the teddy bear to human population in the family is 1000 to 1.

Even if:

    You scream like a banshee.

    You drool on my shoulder.

    You go hiding away from me.

    You don't write your papers when you should.

    You make me eat your cooking.

    You make me use a pocket knife to remove a cork.

    You make me watch girly shows.

    You don't eat certain foods I make because the contents run into each other...

etc., etc., etc.

I think what I'm saying, there's no way that I'll never love you. And there's no way I'll ever stop wanting to be with you. Scared yet?"


I guess I got over some of my fears, Josh  :)



noel bear. sketch by Nikki Cernuska-Prymak

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This site was last updated 07/19/04