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Hope everyone is excited about summer. I am all done with my student teaching and I graduated on June 4th after 5 long years of college. A little about me for those who don't know me. I am 23 years old and just finished my 5th year of college. I am attended the Western Washington University's Teacher Education program at Olympic College in Bremerton. I can't wait to be a teacher, hoping to teach somwhere between 3rd and 7th grade. =) I am going on a road trip to Colorado in July, fingers crossed. Congratulations Lisa from graduating from Berkley.

I am all done with my student teaching and now I'm getting those applications in. They take forever to fill out. I am looking for a job in the area and hope to find one before August. If I need to, I can always Sub. my first year, and the practice would be good for me. I am going back to my job full time this summer, but will hopefully be able to quit in August or September.Donny and I got a puppy from mom. He is adorable. 3/4 boxer and 1/4 pitt bull. He is so smart and training him has been so easy. My 4th graders helped us with names and we decided on Zeke.

My mom and sis are doing great. Corey just finished her first year at the high school. Her next play begins in August, "The Wiz", and she is going to play a variety of parts. She is so excited because she gets to sing all of the songs. She is still singing in the Jazz choir and loving every minute of it. She plans to stay in Jazz Choir next year too. She also just got her license, so she is driving everywhere now. Mom is keeping busy in Kiwanis,helping with Corey's youth group, and creating props for the next play. Mom, Corey, Donny, and I are going to the ocean sometime this summer before all the hard work begins again in the Fall. Corey is going on a mission to Montana in July with her youth group. She is very excited. Hopefully in Aug., I will be setting up my very own classroom.

Well, I hope everyone out there has an awesome summer. Donny and I plan to do some camping and some BBQs. Love you all and hope to hear from you soon. Write anytime.

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