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© Something Girly. All rights reserved.
All designs on this page created by SML, except for images on banner & photos

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nothing here yet
about us
sign our guestbook :D

Welcome to Something Girly, this page was made for our own convenience, we are doing a little experiment to see what the public, which means you *pointing at you* thinks about our product that we're gonna provide. So in order to achieve this, we made surveys!! (We know everyone loves surveys!! :D) so we would like all of you to take part in our surveys, but first of all. Please do this survey first (*note* only do the following question if you are planning to do the other ones)


All we want to know for the question above is that who does our surveys. Anyway, you can also give us feedback on what you think about this page. You can either do that in our forums or guestbook or email us at Your comments are appreciated!! ^_^ PS. We would like to thank everyone that took part in our survey :D here's some >(//////)< for you!! (*note* if you just licked the screen, I can't believe that you did that!! :P)

well.. i'm tired of this design. i'm deciding to redesign this page, i'm gonna do it in frames, so it would load faster, maybe, depending on what my new design looks like. heehee!! and i'm gonna make it open in a new frame, so it would get rid of that ad, that angelfire comes with. well, thanks for those people that voted!! much appreciated!! :D!! hopefully we will try to make our business sucessful, but for now, just keep voting!! and watch for our grand opening that might happen in feburary!

FINALLY!!! this page is done!! well.. it is for now.. no more to add. i'm finally free!! free from doing this.. all this hard work.... a whole month... of design. and now i'm done! :D enjoy the page!!! okay.. i just realized i didn't get the "about us" done yet... well.. i'm close to done. anyways.. one of my partners is going to write that. heh. heh.

woohoo!! i finally put up my page. but some of the links don't work yet and i haven't got the survey up yet! i'll be done by the end of this week!! come back again! tee hee!!

currently working on the links, hopefully this will all be done soon

woohoo!! i'm done with my design. it's all completed, now all i have to do is put it up

i didn't like the first design of this layout, so i'm gonna create a whole new different one!!

first desgn of the page is up. creation of this page in progress. PS. THE LINKS DON'T WORK!!

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