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K here's the deal. We've heard "some" ppl were talkin shit. You pussies seem to not like our pix and keep callin us it? But funny how u keep comin back to the site and keep spreadin it around. HMMM. But as much as we are SLUTS AND HOES ...none of you would ever get anything from us. And while reading this we're sure that YOU PPL know who you are. Truth is...none of you know us nor have ever talked to any of us, yet u seem to be judging us. Interesting uh? The site is not off complitely, it's been transfered to a new page. Too many fans, u know. Thanx, but we dun need the hype of publicity. But if your lost pathetic souls do find their way to the new page, be real and sign the g-book. We love the fan mail. Oh, yea we forgot...PHUK U.

With love,