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Trish Stratus is one of the most well-known divas and plans to prove it as she has now signed a contract with WcW. Will she come out on top of the other divas, or will she come up short?

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× Scene 1 - A Talk with Paul Heyman ×

Trish is walking around the backstage of the arena. The fans go crazy when they see the queen of stratusfaction here in WCW. Trish walks towards the stairs to go to her locker room and sees Paul Heyman. She rolls her eyes and starts walking up the steps but Paul stops her. Trish stands infront of Paul with her arms crossed.

/www. perverted . paul heyman . com
Trish Trish Trish!

/www. canadian goddess . trish stratus . com
Paul Paul Paul. +rolls eyes+ What do you want?

/www. perverted . paul heyman . com
I just wanted to say that you look absolutely perfect tonight.

/www. canadian goddess . trish stratus . com
Well that's nice coming from a pervert!

/www. perverted . paul heyman . com
What did you call me?

/www. canadian goddess . trish stratus . com
You heard me Paul. You don't have Brock behind you anymore so I'm not scared to tell you what's on my mind. Infact.. +looks behind him+ You don't have anyone behind you do you?

Trish rolls her eyes and walks past Paul up the stairs. She walks to her locker room and is stopped by Josh Matthews.

/www. cutie pie . josh matthews . com
Trish! Do you mind if I have a few words with you?

/www. canadian goddess . trish stratus . com
Sure hun.

/www. cutie pie . josh matthews . com
Okay well everyone is curious to know as to why you joined the WcW.

/www. canadian goddess . trish stratus . com
I just didn't feel WWE was working for me anymore Josh. I mean they were focusing on the men more than the divas and I thought we would have a better chance in WCW.

/www. cutie pie . josh matthews . com
Well so far there are only three other divas. Stephanie McMahon, Torrie Wilson, and Savvy. What do you think about these women?

/www. canadian goddess . trish stratus . com
Okay I have a question for you. Why the hell does Stephanie McMahon join a fed to wrestle when she knows she can't. I mean it makes me sick sometimes because she thinks she is all that and a bag of chips just because Vince McMahon is her father. If it was up to me I would've beat the bitch down long ago but Vince threatened to fire me. I know he is here in WCW too but so is Eric Bischoff so forewarning Stephanie watch your fucking back because Daddy can't protect you like he used to do. But moving on to Torrie Wilson. Okay I think Torrie should stick to what she is good at. Posing nude. You know kinda like what she did in Playboy. I think her and the playboy bunnies get along real well. I mean they are all fake plastic barbies, just like her and I'm getting sick and tired of her running her mouth sayign she can beat any divas she wants to when she cant. But moving on to Savvy. Who the hell is Savvy? I mean I've never heard of her so obviously she can't wrestle too much or she would have made a name for herself in the business.

/www. cutie pie . josh matthews . com
Well Trish that's all I have thanks.

/www. canadian goddess . trish stratus . com
Anytime cutie.

Trish winks at Josh and he blushes. She smiles and walks in her locker room as the scene fades.