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Welcome to .+:.Miranda's Place.+:.

.:+.MiRaNdA's PlAcE.+:.

Hey, So how's life treating you these days? Well, mine's going good. Not as great as I'd like, for I don't have a boyfriend(I like this dude named Ian), but other than that, It rox!

Also, today a very rude girl messaged me and said my website was "really stupid." Isn't that just rude! Yes! You know who you are if you ever come back here! So, I've added all this junk. I'm just blabbin. Hope you're having fun reading my blabs!

Well, I'm very excited to be making this website! I hope you like this....and think it's cute and interesting!

Well, my birthday is March 28, 1985. I live in the United States with my mom. My parents are divorced. But I'm ok with it. I have a chihuahua, and a few more animals. I'm an only child. Yea, it's gets super boring sometimes. Anyways, I don't have much else to say about myself. I'm a Christian..I like normal teenage girl stuff...and well that's about it! Have a GrEaT day! Bye! ~*Miranda*~

Something strange happened today! We had an earthquake! Yep, surely did! Hehe...3.9. And the strange thing is, I live in Alabama! We aren't supposed to have earthquakes! Dum dum dum!!!! Haha, don't ask!

Christmas is just a few more weeks away! I can't wait, for I love Christmas! It's the best!

Well, that's all I care to say for now! Bye! Miranda

Things I like and enjoy: *God-Church *Friends & Family *TV *Movies *Shopping(Oh YeAh!) *Clothes *Make up *Guys *Playing on the Computer *Many more things!


HeY! WeLcOmE tO mY wOnDeRfUl PaGe!


Hey! Happy Holidays! I love December! It is my favorite month of the year! I love Christmas! Don't you! I asked for lots of cute, cool clothes! And a peacoat! Aren't they cute?! Yep, they surely are! Well, like I said, I love Christmas!

Well, as you can see this is my page, and I am Miranda! I am 16 years old, and a junior @t my highschool!

Hey! More About Me! My favorites songs at the moment are Last Night by The Strokes and Hey Baby by No Doubt!!! My favorite movies are Never Been Kissed, 16 Candles, Legally Blonde and many, many more! I don't have a fave book. I eat a lot of chicken. My fave drinks are Coke and Mt. Dew! Bye! ~*Miranda*~

HeY! WeLcOmE to .+:.Miranda's Place.+:. .+:.Miranda's Place.+:.

HeY GirLies! Here's something CooL to do When YOu get Bored! I gotta MakE SomE *MySeLf*

BaNgLeS~ Wh@t You Need: *toothbrushes *tongs *pliers

(Works best with translucent toothbrushes!) Put brushes in pot of boiling water. After a min. or 2, use tongs to remove them. Take out the bristles with the pliers. Put the brushes back in the H2O for a min. to soften them back again. Pull them out with the tongs. Using an oven mitt and bend them into a bracelet shape. Keep the once bristled side on the inside. EnJoy YoUr AwEsOmE NeW BaNgLeS!!!!

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