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HoPe SpRings eTerNaL In Da HumAn HeArT...

2007 is the year. 2 years after I was accepted into Honours. A year after I graduated with Honours. Again...our favourite phrase...time flies when you're having fun. Even amidst the fun, there is always something that does not satisfy one. I don't know what exactly it is but somehow, we have become more demanding. Is it because we've realised that life is too short to be settling for second-best? I know I can't speak for every soul around me but I know for sure that I am expecting so much more. Weird really coz I thought that we become more tolerant as we grow older, more accepting. Perhaps I have realised that I am capable of achieving greater things. Actually, some people have made me realised that, it's not solely self-realisation. So who shall I blame for becoming this obsessed with success/self-development?

I would like to think that I have taken a natural progression into adulthood. That my mind has grown accustomed to the transitions in life hence, I should not be afraid of being "not revolving with time".

"It was in 1998 when I started to create my first website and 6 years down the road, I'm updating my second one whilst I'm onto other greater and more challenging things in life. It's amazing the amount of experience I've managed to collect and the unlimited number of wonderful people I've met. My stint in Perth has ended but my journey continues..."


"Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved." - Helen Keller


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