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Welcome to my Homepage!!!

(Me an' Squeaky ... She's Gettin' SOOO Big!!)

    WELCOME, WELCOME, WELCOME to my homepage!!!   It took me SO-ooo long to figure out how to make the old one, so I figure it should take me about that long to make this one, too.   I can thank my boyfriend, Steve,  for inspiring me to make one.  I enjoyed exploring his homepage , so I thought I'd create one of my own for him (and others) to take a gander through.  I hope you like it!  Just follow the links at the bottom to take you to different pages.  Let me know what you think of it by e-mailing me!  I LOVE e-mail, people, so don't be shy to send me any!!! My God,'s been FORVER since I last updated (it's always a long time before I update ... maybe I should try writing future-tense)! I guess since people are starting to look at my homepage again I should update it. I'm in University now (my SECOND year!), and I LOVE it here! Nursing is awesome!  I live in an apartment in Ottawa with my two roommates Scott and Tim.  They're awesome!  We have a bar.  (Hah....I'm very proud of our bar.)  Uhhmmm  Steve is still at his job in Cornwall, and we're still going out (it'll be 4 years in May .. oh my GOD! ... I didn't even realize that)!Anyhoo, enough sappiness...EXPLORE!
            Thanks for stoppin' by!!!
                                Luv: ~*~ RAH~*~

                           "Pretty As a Picture"

                           "There's Something About Sarah"

                           "DUDE, where's my Car?"

                           "Addicted to Love"

                           "My Personal Matrix!" (a.k.a: 'links')


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