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~*Princess Katesy's Website*~

Final update... 7/11/03:
I decided to close down this website. Why? Well, for one, I never update it, because I'm too busy. Now that it's summer, I'm busier than ever, going places like the beach, the movies, shopping, etc, and, I mean, like, who'd want to sit at home on their computer all day when there's so much more to do out there? Yes, so, I've been keeping myself busy this summer, and sitting at the computer all day does not fit in with my summer plans. Who knows, maybe I'll open this again later, but for now, I don't really see the point. All the information in my website is old and was accurate like 6 months ago, but so much can change in 6 months, and I don't want to say stuff that's old news or inaccurate or whatever. Yes, it was fun having my very own website, and it was nice of you all to say "hi" in my guestbook, but I have more important things waiting for me out there. I HAVE a life, unlike... some people I know. So, I guess I'll see you all later! Bye!
