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Pandora's Playground


My Life

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About Me

Name: Pandora

Sign: Aquarian

Fav. Clothing: Hippie/Middle Eastern

Fav. Bands: LUXX, Hole, Led Zeppelin, Doors, Mercy Creek, Antigone Rising

Fav. Vocalists: Katrina Chester, Janis Joplin, Bessy Smith, Billie Holiday, Eric Clapton

Fav. Book: The Power of Now, We Don't Die, Sweet Paradise

What I do: Play guitar, Play keyboard, Design Websites, Support my Favorite Band in every way I can.

My Dreams: World Peace (well, dont most people want that???), Play in a blues band, Become a Famous Actress (or not so famous...I just want to act!!)

My Fav. Place: NYC..the one and only!!

My Temple: My bedroom...tapestries, lots of incence and hundreds of candles...It creates a great atmosphere for writing and working on my music.

My Best Friend: My KINDRED!!!!